Meeting documents

Windsor Forum
Monday 30 July 2012 7.00 pm


30 JULY 2012

PRESENT: Councillors Natasha Airey (Chairman), George Bathurst, Phillip Bicknell, Tom Bursnall and John Fido.

Also Present: Councillor Cynthia Endacott, Councillor John Penfold, Dr Murray-Bruce (Windsor & Eton Society), Mr J Endacott (resident), Mr J Holdstock (resident), Mr D Malia (WARRA), Mrs M Malia (WARRA), Mr D Prime (resident), Ms S Shearer (Clewer Group Residents Association), Mr M Sullivan (WWRA), Mr D Todd (WWRA), Mrs J Todd (WWRA) and Mr G Williams (resident).

Officers: Sarah Ball, Stephen Brown, Anne Dackombe, Simon Lavin, Tanya Leftwich and Neil Walter.



Apologies were received from Councillor James Evans.

Apologies were also received from Councillor George Fussey.


Councillor Airey declared an interest in item 8 ‘Neighbourhood Plans – Update’ as she was the Chairman of the Windsor and Eton Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group.


The Minutes of the meeting of the Forum held on 6 February 2012 were approved as a correct record subject to a sentence supplied from Ms Shearer (for agreement by the Forum) regarding the ‘Neighbourhood Plans – Update of Emerging Process’ item (7th bullet point).

The Chairman informed everyone present that the Forum gave residents the opportunity to raise suggestions to the Council which Members of the Forum progressed on their behalf and also enabled Members and officers to share proposals with residents and hear their feedback.


The Chairman welcomed the Parking Manager, Neil Walter, to the Forum and invited him to address everyone present. It was noted that Mr G Williams, a local resident, had requested that this item be included in the agenda.

Mr Williams was invited to address the Forum, Members noted that he was a member of the Local Royal British Legion and as such attended a number of the commemorations. Members were informed that a number of the Local Royal British Legion members were of similar age to Mr Williams or older and as such found it difficult to attend events in Windsor and surrounding areas due to the lack of disabled parking in Windsor. Mr Williams went onto explain that blue badges could not be used in residential parking areas and could not be used on Sheet Street on event days which prevented members of the Local Royal British Legion from accessing the events. Members noted that parking bays on the High Street were closed daily at midday to allow for the possibility of a guard change but that it would be convenient if blue badge holders could use those parking bays when there was not a security issue.

Mr Williams went onto explain that two events this year had caused particular concern to the members of the Local Royal British Legion which were Armistice Day and Armed Forces Day.

In the ensuing discussions the following was noted:
    · The Parking Manager explained that the Thames Valley Police (TVP) on behalf of the Military requested security be put in place and that if the Council did grant blue badge holders use of the parking bays at midday they would be overruled by the TVP.
    · The Parking Manager went onto explain that two blue badge parking bays were available for use at the weekends when the car park was not being used by Council officers.
    · Members noted that Victoria Street, Park Street and Sheet Street all had blue bays available for use outside of event times.
    · The Parking Manager informed Members that his team could look at alternative signage to be used as it was in need of updating.
    · The Parking Manager pointed out that Armistice Day fell on a Sunday this year so should not cause a problem but he agreed to look into alternative parking for both events, not necessarily at York House, for future years.
Mr Williams was advised that the Local Royal British Legion should make contact with the Parking Team, or via Ward Councillors, so that parking spaces could be allocated as and when necessary.

The Chairman thanked the Parking Manager for attending the meeting and addressing the Forum.


The Chairman welcomed the Communications and Marketing Manager, Anne Dackombe, to the Forum and invited her to address everyone present. It was noted that Mr J Holdstock, West Windsor Residents’ Association, had requested that this item be included in the agenda.

Mr Holdstock was invited to address the Forum; Members noted that Mr Holdstock’s item consisted of the following questions:
    Ø What is the Royal Borough’s policy on consultation?
    Ø What circumstances is consultation mandatory?
    Ø How is consultation done and how is it assessed?
The Communications and Marketing Manager confirmed that the Council did have a policy / framework for effective consultation which had been agreed by Cabinet and was available on the Council’s website. Members were informed that the Council had an action plan which could be supplied on request and explained that there was not much in the way of mandatory requirements regarding corporate consultations.

The Communications and Marketing Manager informed Members that guidance for officers was provided along with an evaluation framework to help ensure lessons were learned from consultations and then incorporated into future ways of consulting. Recently the Council had been looking at how it could use social media more effectively.

The Communications and Marketing explained that the Council used a number of ways to consult, including the Youth Forum / Youth Council, leaflets, online information, etc. With regard to how consultation was assessed Members were informed that it all depended on the methods used but it was confirmed that the Communications Team employed an independent research company to assess residents’ survey results, which were published on the Council’s website.

In the ensuing discussions the following was noted:
    · It was noted that officers had specific framework for consultation and guidelines that they should follow with regard to consultation.
    · Any issues should be addressed to the Communications Team via the Communications and Marketing Manager.
    · Mr Sullivan expressed his concern that the Council’s commitment to consultation was erratic as he believed it had deteriorated following the introduction of the Big Society.
    · Councillor Tom Bursnall informed the Forum that Ward Councillors did take part in some consultations on behalf of their residents. Councillor Eileen Quick supported Councillor Tom Burnsnall's view that Ward Councillors should be the first port of call for residents who had problems or issues but if out of area Lead Members could be contacted.
    · Councillor Cynthia Endacott expressed her disappointment that the Dedworth Ward Councillors had not been consulted or notified about letters being sent to their residents and that they had had to find out via the Royal Borough Observer.
    · Mr Holdstock requested that the Windsor Town Forum’s Terms of Reference be included with the minutes.
    · The Communications and Marketing Manager said that the Consultation Framework was available on the Council’s website
    · The Communications and Marketing Manager informed the Forum that the contents of Around the Royal Borough (ATRB) were decided in consultation with the elected Members. Members were informed that if the Council consulted in ATRB there were no extra costs involved which was the same as consultations done online.
    · Councillor John Fido expressed the view that questions used in consultations should be agreed by all parties involved and should not be ‘loaded questions’.
    · Councillor Eileen Quick gave the Forum an example of a Children’s Services consultation she had been involved with and stated that she believed the Royal Borough consulted very thoroughly.

The Chairman thanked the Communications and Marketing for attending the meeting and addressing the Forum.


The Chairman welcomed the Head of Highways, Engineering and Transport, Stephen Brown, to the Forum and invited him to address everyone present. It was noted that Mr J Holdstock, West Windsor Residents Association, and Mr G Williams, a local resident, had requested that this item be included in the agenda.

Mr Holdstock was invited to address the Forum; Members noted that Mr Holdstock was concerned about the pedestrian use of Peascod Street and how it was managed. Mr Holdstock informed Members that the regulations clearly stated that public safety should be preserved at all times.

Members noted that Mr Holdstock’s item consisted of the following questions:
    Ø How is the RBWM looking to address and control the café culture its encouraging?
    Ø How are residents consulted?
    Ø How are the applications made known to the public and Thames Valley Police?
    Ø What steps are taken to enforce conditions?

In the ensuing discussions the following was noted:
    v Mr Williams informed the Forum that he believed the cobblestones by the Henry VIII gate and at the back of the Guildhall were a concern as they were difficult to walk on in addition to the low passageways to the shops which meant taller people could be ‘scalped’.
    v Mr Williams also raised his concern that licensed premises were not displaying their RBWM licences as they should be.
    v The Head of Highways, Engineering and Transport informed Members that he had a briefing note which addressed ‘Street Cafes on the Highway and Advertising Boards in the Royal Borough’ which he would ask the clerk to distribute. Members were assured that a very good record were kept about what was and was not Royal Borough Highway and that statutory records were available to refer and rely on if necessary.
    v The Head of Highways, Engineering and Transport explained that if an area was not considered on the Highway it was not covered by section 115e of the Highways Act 1980.
    v The Head of Highways, Engineering and Transport informed Members that his team did enforce licence conditions and were able to remove equipment that was not properly licensed when they physically checked areas several times per annum.
    v The Head of Highways, Engineering and Transport explained that the Council was trying to balance the use of the Highway and protect it for everyone’s right of use. Members were informed that the Head of Highways, Engineering and Transport was the Highways custodian on behalf of the Royal Borough. The Head of Highways, Engineering and Transport informed the Forum that his team aimed to balance safety and access issues along with the attractiveness of the town for visitors and residents of the Royal Borough and vitality/support for businesses.
    v Mr Prime expressed his concern that Windsor was turning into the Southend sea front with all its tables and chairs on the streets.
    v Mr Endacott informed Members that he had contacted the Highways, Engineering and Transport team four weeks ago with regard to street cafes and to date had not received a response. The Head of Highways, Engineering and Transport apologised on behalf of his team and assured Mr Endacott that he would receive a personal written response within a week.
    v Mr Endacott expressed concern about the Castle Hotel who he informed the Forum had started to put tables and chairs outside their premises which did not look to comply with the required two metre clearance. The Head of Highways, Engineering and Transport agreed to follow this up and investigate further.
    v Mr Malia informed Members that he lived 120 yards from Peascod Street and did not suffer from a lack of information with regard to street café licences and explained that the tables and chairs outside premises on Peascod Street did not obstruct him.
    v Councillor Cynthia Endacott informed Members that one of her residents who was partially sighted had fallen over the tables and chairs outside a licensed premises. Members noted that Councillor Cynthia Endacott also believed the advertising boards in Peascod Street were an eye sore.

The Chairman thanked the Head of Highways, Engineering and Transport for attending the meeting and addressing the Forum.


The Chairman welcomed the Flood Risk Manager, Simon Lavin, to the Forum and invited him to address everyone present. It was noted that Ms S Shearer, a local resident, had requested that this item be included in the agenda.

Ms Shearer was invited to address the Forum; Members noted that the item had been raised to find out what was being done by the Council to improve resistance to surface flooding over the next twelve months.

In the ensuing discussions the following was noted:
    · The Flood Risk Manager assured the Forum that activities to ensure development did not have an adverse effect on areas in the Royal Borough were taking place.
    · It was noted that both the Parish Club Forum and the Berkshire Strategic Flood Risk Forum fed into the Royal Borough Flood Forum.
    · The Flood Risk Manager informed Members that the Royal Borough worked closely with Thames Water.
    · Members were informed that every gulley in the Royal Borough was cleaned once per annum and that scheduled roads were cleaned more frequently.
    · The Flood Risk Manager informed the Forum that the Council took action with regard to riparian owned ditches where necessary.
    · The Flood Risk Manager explained that whilst the Council undertook the cleaning, inspections were the responsibility of the Environmental Agency.

The Chairman thanked the Flood Risk Manager for attending the meeting and addressing the Forum.


The Chairman welcomed the Team Manager – Strategy and Plans, Sarah Ball, to the Forum and invited her to address everyone present. It was noted that Ms S Shearer, a local resident, had requested that an update item be included in the agenda.

The Team Manager for Strategy and Plans informed Members that there were now nine Neighbourhood Plans across the Royal Borough hoping to be progressed, all of which were at different stages. Members were informed that Windsor and Eton had gained a designated officer in April, Henry Smith (extension 6172). It was noted that since Henry’s arrival a project plan and Steering Group were now in place which included different subject areas that needed to be progressed. The Team Manager for Strategy and Plans informed Members that funding was starting to be investigated.

The Chairman added that she believed good progress was being made and that the Windsor Steering Group had started later than some. Members were informed that the Steering Group was next due to meet on Wednesday and that at that meeting the five hour launch event in October would be discussed. It was noted that four topic groups would be set up that residents could attend. The Chairman explained that Councillor Bicknell was looking into creating a website for the steering group.

In the ensuing discussions the following was noted:
    v Mr Holdstock stated that whilst the WWRA was fully behind the Windsor Neighbourhood Plan he was concerned about the legitimacy of the Windsor Town Forum as it needed to be ensured that the outcomes of the Forum were not floored / challenged. Mr Holdstock informed Members that he believed a specific process was required. The Team Manager for Strategy and Plans stated that she did not believe there was any reason the Windsor and Eton Neighbourhood Steering Group was not legitimate or would be challenged when submitting the Neighbourhood Plan.
    v Mr Holdstock informed the Forum that he believed a satisfactory representation at the Steering Group by Windsor World / Windsor Living was very important.
    v Ms Shearer supported the Chairman when she stated that it was very important to keep the drive of the Steering Group going.
    v Councillor Bicknell informed the Forum that the Steering Group was making every effort to get local businesses involved.
    v The Team Manager for Strategy and Plans informed Members that Henry Smith had been asked to progress and formalise all nine Neighbourhood Steering Groups.
    v Members were informed that the Council hoped to consult on the web by the end of September.
    v The Chairman informed the Forum that Eton Town Council had agreed to formally submit the Neighbourhood Plan as they were already constituted.
    v The Chairman asked Councillor Tom Bursnall to send his private sector business contact details for the Steering Group to use.
    v Councillor Cynthia Endacott suggested that some of the Steering Group meetings should be held during the day so to accommodate attendance from all businesses.
    v The Team Manager for Strategy and Plans informed the Forum that a timetable for the process would be added to the Royal Borough website once available.
    v Councillor Penfold suggested that a business breakfast be arranged to get local businesses involved which the Chairman agreed to mention at the Steering Group meeting on Wednesday. Councillor Fido informed Members that the Windsor Racecourse hosted a business breakfast meeting once a month which the Chairman and / or the Team Manager for Strategy and Plans could attend.

The Chairman thanked the Team Manager – Strategy and Plans for attending the meeting and addressing the Forum.


The Chairman welcomed the Head of Highways, Engineering and Transport, Stephen Brown, to the Forum and invited him to address everyone present. It was noted that Mr J Holdstock, West Windsor Residents Association, and Ms S Shearer, a local resident, had requested that this update item be included in the agenda.

The Head of Highways, Engineering and Transport informed the Forum that the trial was approximately half way through and was due to end at the end of 2012. Members were informed that at the end of the trial period monitoring work and a further debate would take place. The Head of Highways, Engineering and Transport went onto explain that customer surveys had been completed in addition to counting the number of people using the buses and CCTV surveys to see how the service was used. Members were informed that of the feedback received to date the vast majority of it had been positive.

In the ensuing discussions the following was noted:
    · The Head of Highways, Engineering and Transport explained that his team had been looking at the possibility of relocating the bus stop to Victoria Street and whilst this might not be ideal it could be considered a better location. Members were informed that if Victoria Street was used a bus shelter would probably be put in place.
    · Councillor Fido expressed his concern about the number of people who had decided not to visit Windsor due to its inaccessibility (via bus routes).
    · The Head of Highways, Engineering and Transport informed Members that the Council needed to decide whether the Windsor 1 minibus service should be extended. Councillor Cynthia Endacott suggested that the route of the Windsor 1 minibus be revised slightly to avoid numerous trips to Tesco’s.
    · The Head of Highways, Engineering and Transport informed the Forum that he would look into whether a like for like measurement of pollution was available in Peascod Street.
    · Mr Malia raised his concern that the trial bus stop turned into a taxi rank between the hours of midnight and 04:30.
    · Mr Prime informed Members that he believed the bus shuttle service to Dorney had been a success.

The Chairman thanked the Head of Highways, Engineering and Transport for attending the meeting and addressing the Forum.

    It was noted that the dates of the next meetings were as follows (7pm in the Guildhall, Windsor):
      Ø 1st October 2012
      Ø 14th February 2013

    Any items suggestions for the next meeting were requested to be emailed to the Chairman ( and / or the Clerk (

      The meeting, which began at 7.00pm, ended at 9.30pm.