Meeting documents

Windsor Forum
Monday 4 February 2013 7.00 pm



PRESENT: Councillors Natasha Airey (Chairman), Eileen Quick (Vice Chair), George Bathurst, James Evans, Sue Evans and John Fido.

Also Present: Councillor John Lenton, Councillor John Penfold, Justin Burns (Windsor Express), John Holdstock (West Windsor Residents Association), David Malia (Ward Royal Residents Association), Marcia Malia (Ward Royal Residents Association), Trevor Robinson (Resident), Anne Taylor (Windsor and Eton Society), Garry Williams (Resident), Dan Whiteway (Windsor Observer).

Officers: Tanya Leftwich, Lynne Penn and Mark Taylor.



Apologies were received from Councillor Tom Bursnall.


Councillor Airey declared an interest in item 6 ‘Update on the Windsor and Eton Neighbourhood Plan’ as she was the Chairman of the Windsor and Eton Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group.


The Minutes of the meeting of the Forum held on 1 October 2012 were approved as a correct record.


The Chairman explained that Mr G Williams, a local resident, had requested that this item be included in the agenda.

The Chairman welcomed the Access Officer, Lynne Penn, to the Forum and invited her to address the Forum.

The Access Officer informed Members that she worked with Ben Smith in the Highways and Engineering team. The Access Officer informed the Forum that during the recent snow, the Council had gritted over fifteen times clearing the Primary and Secondary routes using over 300T of salt. It was noted that the Borough had used all its available resources (ranging from the highway and street cleansing teams, parks team, car park attendants) to clear snow from footways starting in the most vulnerable areas – approaches to schools, hospitals, etc.

The Access Officer went onto explain that as well as keeping the Boroughs primary network moving the Council had tried to promote ‘self-help’. It was noted that additional funding had been allocated over the last few years which meant that parish councils, care homes, schools and residents associations had more salt bins and snow shovels for use in community areas and footways which were particularly hazardous during the severe weather. Members noted that the Council had hoped this would encourage self-help so that people could salt and clear footways and minor roads - which in turn would allow the gritters and larger snow ploughs to keep the major routes open.

Members were informed that to date the borough had sited over 159 bins throughout the borough and provided 31 bins to schools.

It was noted that the Council had also asked for help from farmers in times of snow, to clear the snow from rural roads that the larger gritting vehicles were unable to access. Members were informed that this was purely on a voluntary basis and that to date one farmer had offered to help.

The Access Officer explained that the Council winter service webpage was continuously updated, it gave the latest information on the forecast, gritting routes, and any particular areas where road users should stay away from along with all contact details for winter services, allowing residents to log requests for salt bin refills. Members noted that residents could also follow the latest gritting decisions on twitter.

In the ensuing discussions, the following was noted:
    · Councillor Fido informed the Forum that last year the Crown Estate had wanted to help the Council clear the snow but had not been allowed to do so as their equipment had not been permitted on the highway.
    · Members believed that services during the bad weather period this year had been handled well as only a very low number of complaints had been received by the Council.
    · The Access Officer explained that it was not as simple as gritting one area and moving on to the next because the treatment had to be repeated in order to be effective. Members were informed that clearing primary routes was the Councils main priority in bad weather.
    · The Access Officer informed Members that the majority of grit boxes had been refilled on a next day basis and that in doing so the Council had received some very positive feedback.
    · It was noted that the Council did as far as possible respond to every request that was practical but that they did have to give priority to the emergency services and approaches to school, hospitals and retirement homes.
    · The Access Officer informed the Forum that the Council needed to continue to promote ‘self-help’ where possible.
    · It was noted that maps showing where the self-help gritting bins were located in the borough were available from the Council. John Holdstock requested that these maps be shared with Ward Councillors so that they could be distributed amongst residents in order for them to be prepared for the next spell of bad weather.
    · Councillor Sue Evans requested the Access Officer double-checked whether Mrs Malia’s area (Alma Road) had been included in the paths that had been gritted and whether it had a self-help grit bin.
    · Garry Williams requested that in future signs be used to warn drivers that pedestrians could be found using the road into the Town Centre, a request which the Access Officer agreed to take back to her team.
The Chairman thanked the Access Officer for attending the meeting and addressing the Forum.


The Chairman explained that Mr G Williams, a local resident, had requested that this item be included in the agenda as he had been concerned with regard to the winter weather conditions and how they affected access into the town for less mobile people and people with buggies.

The Chairman invited the Access Officer to address the Forum.

Members were informed that the Access Officer had spoken to Mr Williams at great length about his concerns, which were the need to ensure good, safe pedestrian routes into the town. The Access Officer went onto explain that by good she meant having dropped kerbs in place, uneven surfaces rectified, signposts in place where appropriate and improvements made to key areas.

Members were shown a large map of the Windsor Town Centre, which identified the primary walking routes. The Access Officer informed Members that a programme of work had been put together which would take place over a number of years and gave many opportunities to improve areas within the Royal Borough.

The Access Officer informed Members that highway schemes were already underway to help improve routes into Windsor which included putting an island in Dedworth Road to help with crossing the road and improvements to the area around Barry Avenue to help the pedestrian / cycle flow.

In the ensuing discussions, the following was noted:
    · The Access Officer informed Members that some of the pavements in Windsor were considered very narrow which was something that was very difficult to overcome.
    · John Holdstock informed Members that he wanted to encourage people to cycle the Windsor Girls School to Trevelyan Schools route which he suggested could be done as part of a scheme.
    · Councillor James Evans explained that Ward Royal was a major pedestrian access area that could be facilitated by another crossing point on Alma Road (on the South path).
    · The Access Officer informed Members that traffic accidents were reported to the Council by the Thames Valley Police.
    · Members were encouraged to identify and highlight pedestrian routes that needed improving or where pavements were needed, along with improvements needed to cycle routes as cycling to school was something the Council was trying to encourage. Councillor James Evans, the Chair of the Cycle Forum, welcomed any information of cycle routes that needed improving which the Cycle Forum could consider allocating to schemes.
    · Councillor James Evans informed the Forum that the Principal Transport Policy Officer, Gordon Oliver, did consult regularly with secondary schools on behalf of the Cycle Forum and had been informed about the increased level of cycling to and from Windsor Boys School.
    · Garry Williams informed Members that in certain areas, such as the north side of Sheet Street and on Albany Road, vehicles were allowed to park with two wheels on the kerb which he had noticed was causing damage to the pavements. The Access Officer explained that in an ideal world pavements could be kept vehicle free and that a balance was needed to assist able-bodied and disabled residents.
    · The Access Officer provided the Clerk with detailed designs for the Clarence Road Subway Cycle Route and the Clarence Road, Hatch Lane and Vansittart Road Cycle improvements, which would be distributed with the minutes.
    · The Clerk was also given a summary of the Windsor pedestrian and cycle count by the Access Officer, undertaken in September 2012, which would also be distributed with the minutes. It was noted that the peak-time for travel in the Royal Borough had been found to be during the lunchtime period.
The Chairman thanked the Access Officer for attending the meeting and addressing the Forum and requested that she reported on any progress made to the next meeting.


The Chairman informed Members that the Pre-Listing of buildings part of the item would be deferred to the next meeting due to a lack of officer availability.

The Chairman went onto update Members with regard to the Windsor and Eton Neighbourhood Plan and explained that a successful launch of the four topic groups had taken place and that residents were engaged in the forward plan. It was noted that the Steering Group should now be co-ordinated to produce a coherent document.

In the ensuing discussions, the following was noted:
    · Garry Williams informed the Forum that he hoped that the Windsor Conservation Area would not be neglected by the Neighbourhood Plans. The Chairman suggested that Mr Williams attend the historic environment topic group, which Susie Shearer already attended, in order to put forward his views. Members were informed that Susie Shearer had compiled a list of ideas for safeguarding certain buildings in the Royal Borough, the Chairman agreed to provide Garry Williams with Susie’s contact details after the meeting. Anne Taylor informed Members that she remembered seeing a document which had listed a number of buildings in the Royal Borough for safeguarding which could be useful to the topic groups and volunteered to try to find a copy of the document.
    · John Holstock urged residents to attend and take part in the topic groups.
    · The Chairman informed John Holdstock that that she was unsure when the draft version of the framework would be available.
    · It was noted that the overlap of Clewer North and Clewer South with Bray meant that legally both Clewer areas did not have a vote in the Windsor & Eton Neighbourhood Plan because they fell under Bray Parish Councils remit. The Chairman explained that this was potentially the only anomaly in the Country, not just the Borough, where a slice of land overlapped. It was noted that following a lot of research undertaken by Planning Officers it had been found that whilst Parish Councils took precedence, the piece of overlapping land would, because of its geographical location, be able to contribute towards both consultations.
    · David Malia informed the Chairman that since attending the meeting at Windsor Boys School he had heard nothing since. The Chairman agreed to take a note of Mr Malia’s email address after the meeting and update him with the scheduled meeting dates for the individual topic groups. John Holdstock requested that a copy of the forthcoming meeting dates be emailed to topic group members too.

Councillor John Lenton explained that he would be giving Members a general overview of the forthcoming plans for the Magna Carta anniversary whilst his wife would concentrate more specifically on the plans for Wraysbury, all of which could be found on pages 1-5 of the agenda. It was noted that the anniversary itself was due to take place on the 15 June 2015 but that there were opportunities for activities during that week and the periods before and after the 15 June 2015.

Councillor Lenton informed the Forum that although the Magna Carta had been sealed in the Parish of Wraysbury (then including Runnymede) no one knew exactly where. It was noted that the Royal Borough and Wraysbury were co-operating with Runnymede in its national celebrations whilst Wraysbury was also organising its own village based events.

Councillor Lenton informed Members that the Magna Carta Celebration fell into five categories which were:
    1. International.
    2. The National 800th Anniversary Committee.
    3. Runnymede Borough Council Stakeholders Committee.
    4. RBWM.
    5. Wraysbury Parish Council.

It was noted that the Wraysbury events included an embroidery to be made to illustrate the scene when King John sealed the Charter plus the armorial bearings of the barons to be hung in St Andrew’s Church; and a pamphlet to be written about the village in the time of Magna Carta. Members were also informed that a number of events had and would be held in the lead up to the anniversary.

Councillor Lenton explained that the Government planned to revise the National Curriculum Guidelines to include Magna Carta and its importance at Primary and Secondary Level.

With regard to tourism Councillor Lenton explained that the anniversary gave an opportunity for Windsor to further develop its tourist trade.

Mrs Lenton explained that schools within the Royal Borough (and those in Surrey including the Magna Carta School in Staines on Thames) wanted to have a nominated ‘schools day’ possibly on Wednesday 10 June 2015. It was noted that schools, particularly primary schools, were desperate for boxes of relevant materials that they could draw upon at both levels.

Mrs Lenton informed the Forum that on the 7th March 2013 Judge Zoe Smith from Reading Crown Court was to give a speech on the Magna Carta and the Law and that in October 2013 Adam Afriyie MP would give a speech on the Magna Carta at Churchmead School. Members noted that in March 2014 it was hoped that a historian would give a talk on the Magna Carta followed by an activity to help raise awareness in October 2014.

In the ensuing discussions, the following was noted:
    · Councillor Eileen Quick stated that Windsor needed to join in with the celebrations and compliment the work being done by Wraysbury and suggested that the Council engaged with the National Trust. It was suggested that our local MP’s be lobbied to see if the funds, withdrawn by Surrey CC, could be addressed at a national level.
    · It was noted that the Post Office planned to issue a Magna Carta stamp.
    · It was noted that French Brothers were already on board with the anniversary celebrations.
    · Councillor Lenton informed Members that he planned to find out whether it would be possible to divert the open top bus through Old Windsor.
    · Mrs Lenton explained that the Parish were looking into applying for a Big Society grant and making a lottery bid.
    · Councillor John Penfold suggested that Simon Schama or David Canadine be approached and invited to lecture at an annual Windsor Lecture to be founded as part of the commemoration of the event.
    · Councillor James Evans suggested that Michael Wood and / or Lord Jonathan Sumption be approached and invited to speak.
    · It was noted that there would be a schools competition, on a national level, to write their own Magna Carta.
    · Garry Williams suggested that the most photogenic part of the river be incorporated in marking the event and the Mayors of Charter towns be invited to attend and participate. John Holdstock suggested that the Guildhall Chamber be used for a photography competition of the river and that American sponsorship be sought for the exhibition and other events. The Chairman agreed that sponsorship could be looked into as there were also a number of large businesses in Windsor who might be willing to provide materials for schools and sponsor other events.
    · David Malia suggested that the Battle of Agincourt (1415) and the Battle of Waterloo (1815) anniversary dates be avoided when planning events to celebrate the Magna Carta. The Chairman also pointed out that the Rugby World Cup would also be taking place too.
    · The Head of Libraries, Information, Heritage & Arts Services, Mark Taylor, informed the Forum that the Leisure, Culture and Libraries Overview & Scrutiny Panel had agreed to set up a small Task & Finish Group to help assist Councillor Lenton and his wife with marking the anniversary of the Magna Carta. The lead officer, Margaret Kirby (Service Manager: Heritage & Arts) asked for her apologies to be passed to the Forum as she was attending the museum stakeholders representative group that evening, otherwise she would have been present. It was noted that officers were working on a joint bid with Surrey County Library Service to Arts Council England for the creation of an art work designed to mark the anniversary & tour around venues in the Royal Borough and Runnymede Borough/Surrey. It was requested that if Members of the Forum had any links with businesses within the Royal Borough that may be interested in supporting commemorative events to please let him know.

The Chairman stated that it would be exciting to see how the events to celebrate the anniversary would unfold.

Councillor John Lenton informed the Forum that the mobile phone application ‘Widenoise’ had been to Cabinet on the 24 January 2013 but was still in its very early stages. Members noted that the application enabled people to monitor and record background noise made by aircraft flying nearby in decibells. It was explained that the application was easy to download and use and turned your phone into a sound level meter. Members noted that the information, whilst it was believed may not be 100% accurate, would be automatically transmitted to the University of London for analysis.

Councillor John Lenton explained that he had received complaints from residents who had been woken by aircraft noise and although aircraft noise was on the decrease he understood that his residents were suffering, especially due to night flights.

The Forum was informed that Operation Freedom had been set up to see if more flights could take place in daytime hours which had resulted in some flight paths being changed.

In the ensuing discussions, the following was noted:
    · John Holdstock informed Members that Michael Sullivan had informed him that Heathrow was willing to give talks on matters involving Heathrow and whilst he was prepared to organise a public meeting he felt the Neighbourhood Plan topic group (public transport group) might cover Heathrow and widen awareness of the project.
    · The Chairman agreed that the public meeting should be arranged by the Head of Public Protection, Terry Gould, via the Aviation Forum. Councillor John Lenton informed the Forum that the meeting about Heathrow looked like it might take place in March, although a date had yet to be confirmed.
    · It was suggested that modified applications might be created in the future to measure noise in the Town Centre, information which could be sent through to the Thames Valley Police.


1. New Library in Dedworth
John Holdstock thanked the Council for opening the new library in Dedworth.

2. Bricklayers Pub in Hatch Lane
John Holdstock urged the Planning Team to put a ‘stop notice’ on the Bricklayers Pub in Hatch Lane to stop further developments on the site. Councillor Eileen Quick informed the Forum that this application was due to the next Windsor Urban Development Control Panel but that enforcement officers could also pay a visit to the site.

3. Fire Station in St Marks - Update
Trevor Robinson informed the Forum that he had seen in the Observer on Saturday that the Leader had been in discussions with the Fire and Rescue Service regarding the Fire Station in St Marks. Councillor Eileen Quick explained that in 2005, or even before that, the Berkshire Fire Authority had decided to close its night-time cover and then it was closed completely. Members noted that the Fire Authority measured the ‘need’ by the number of residents in the area but had not taken into account the number of people who visited the Royal Borough. Councillor Eileen Quick explained that so far the Royal Borough had retained some twenty-four hour cover with a smaller vehicle but that the Fire Authority was now saying it wanted to sell off St Marks site and were currently in negotiations. The Forum was informed that the Council was looking into whether they could pay the Fire Authority £500k to have the site relocated to Tinkers Lane and to own it. Councillor Eileen Quick explained that the last two fire related deaths had been in the Dedworth area so the re-location to Tinkers Lane could mean it was in a more critical location. Garry Williams suggested that if possible the current arrangements with the Castle be extended which Councillor Lenton agreed to bear in mind when he was at the next Fire Service Authority meeting.

    It was noted that the date of the next meeting was as follows (7pm in the Guildhall, Windsor):
    • Date in June to be confirmed.

    Any items suggestions for the next meeting were requested to be emailed to the Chairman ( and / or the Clerk (

      The meeting, which began at 7.00pm, ended at 8.55pm.