Meeting documents

Access Advisory Forum
Monday 7 September 2015 11.00 am

Access Advisory Forum – 07.09.2015

    7 SEPTEMBER 2015
          PRESENT: Angela Clark (Chairman), Sharon Carrigan, Peter Haley, Robin Pemberton.
          Officers: Alan Abrahamson (Finance Partner), Daniel Gigg (Principal Planning Officer), Angela Morris (Head of Adult Care), Lynne Penn (Transport and Access Team Leader), Gordon Oliver (Principal Transport Policy Officer), Jayne Rigg (Short Term Support and Rehabilitation Team Leader) and Shilpa Manek (Clerk).

      PART I


      Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Charles Hollingsworth, Jim Sloan and Mary Smith.


      The Chairman of the Forum, Angela Clark, welcomed the Forum to the meeting and proceeded to Chair the meeting.

      The Chairman advised the Forum that the meeting was to be audio recorded as this was the policy of RBWM for all public meetings.

      3. MINUTES
        RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the minutes of the meeting of the Panel held on 8 June 2015 be approved


      This item was deferred to the next meeting as no officer was present to update the Forum.


      Daniel Gigg, Principal Planning Officer, updated the Forum on the two recent planning applications. Daniel Gigg informed the Forum that both applications had resolutions with still a few issues to settle before decisions were issued.

      Daniel Gigg informed the Forum that an extra condition had been added after comments received from Peter Hayley at the Maidenhead Development Control Panel regarding the proposed Nicholsons Car Park development and access for shopmobility.

      Daniel Gigg continued that two new applications had been submitted. One was for Berkshire House and the change of offices to apartments and the second one was moving the Bowls Club on York Road to Green Lane. The Chairman asked what was going to replace the Bowls Club but no applications had been made for that space.

      Peter Hayley asked about the Nicholsons Car Park application and what the way forward was. Daniel Gigg advised that an amended application would be resubmitted and then would be dealt with by officers. Daniel Gigg advised that the current parking would stay including the walkway.

      The Chairman suggested that Peter Hayley liaise directly with the council contacts (Kiran Hunjan and Geoff Radford) for any further communication regarding the shopmobility area within the new proposals.

      Robin Pemberton asked about the York Road opportunity and what the current situation was. Daniel Gigg advised that the council were looking at the feasibility options.


      Gordon Oliver, Principal Transport Policy Officer, provided the Forum with an update on the developments at Maidenhead Train Station. It was noted that consultants have been appointed to develop proposals for the station. They have been busy setting up meetings with adjacent landowners to explore options for joint ventures. The consultants are drawing up options for the interchange scheme, which will be circulated for internal consultation in the next few weeks. Gordon Oliver advised the Forum that parking was also being considered. The Council is looking at options for providing more parking in Stafferton Way and will take a report to October Cabinet to agree the preferred scheme. An application had also been submitted to the Department of Transport for decking the Shoppenhangers Road car park and a response is expected in October.

      Other points raised included:
        Works are expected to be completed by 2019 in time for Crossrail.
        New stair access and lifts would be included at all platforms as part of the Crossrail works.
        It was asked whether disabled toilets would be provided on new platforms.
        Assurance was sought that there would be good disabled access and parking.

      It was asked whether Network Rail / First Great Western could be invited to a future meeting to present proposals, GO to confirm.

      4.4 CARE ACT
        Alan Abrahamson, Finance Partner – Adults and Communities, gave an update on the Care Act consultation.

        Points highlighted by Alan Abrahamson included:
          Care Act started in April 2015.
          There were a number of discretions for charging.
          Consultations took place between January and March 2015.
          Went to Cabinet in March to agree a way forward.
          Six questions were asked in the consultation. They covered:
              o Charging for residential care.
              o Deferred payment scheme.
              o Charging people for brokerage and support.
              o Direct payment scheme.
              o Charging for preventative services provided for more than 6 weeks.
              o Disability related expenditure.
          Consultation was made widely available including all people receiving home care,

        Robin Pemberton highlighted that the consultation was much focussed on old people and was concerned that not everyone received it. Robin Pemberton highlighted that he had not received a consultation.

        Alan Abrahamson continued to explain the following points:
          The consultation was on the website.
          The consultation was made available to all people receiving care in the community .
          All policies were on the RBWM website.
          60 responses received to consultation, online and posted.
          Gary Williams, speaking from the public gallery was concerned about the figures discussed by Alan Abrahamson. Gary Williams highlighted that it was incredibly difficult to get responses from some service users, responses could be by the carer. However, carers should also be contacted for their views.

          Alan Abrahamson informed the Forum that members were given all information that came in from the consultation and their decisions were based on that.

            Angela Clark, Chairman, informed the Forum that she was still awaiting a response from the Crown Estate. This would be reported again at the next meeting.


            The Forum received an update from Lynne Penn, Transport and Access Team Leader.

            It was noted that Jim Sloan had contacted Councillors Hollingsworth and Councillor Rayner and an update would be presented at the next Forum.

            5. ITEMS:

            5.1 CONSULTATIONS

            Lynne Penn, Transport and Access Team Leader, advised the Forum that Department of Transport had produced a consultation on some interim changes to the guidance on the use of tactile paving services. The consultation runs for a 12 week period from 21 August to 13 November 2015.

            The paper will be circulated by the clerk along with the minutes for any comments and then a response would be prepared on behalf of the Access Advisory Forum.

            interim-changes-tactile-paving-guidance.pdf Interim-Changes-tactile-paving-Guidance


            Jayne Rigg, Team Leader, Short Term Support and Rehabilitation Service, gave a presentation to the Forum.

            Points covered in the presentation included:
              Team based in Adult Care Services.
              Offer a wide range of services for adults over 18 years to help people recover or cope after a decline in health, an injury or illness.
              Jointly funded with Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).
              74 members in the team with a wide range of skills and experience including occupational health and physiotherapy.
              The borough and the CCG geographic areas covered.
              Many referral sources from GPs to care agencies to housing associations to family and self referrals.
              Offer an enhanced intermediate care service, offering a two hour response time for GP referrals, more timely access to preventative reablement programmes, direct access to service 24/7 was maintained and facilitate earlier hospital discharges.

            Jayne Rigg gave some examples of cases that had been dealt with by the team. Jayne Rigg continued to explain that the services were free for up to six weeks per illness/treatment then were financially assessed if there were ongoing needs to be met. Almost 60% of patients left the service independent.of on going care or support.

            The chair asked if the borough was unique in the services offered and was advised that there were other similar teams in the UK. However, we had already offered this wide range of services prior to being required to.

            The Chairman said it was unfortunate that so few members were present at the meeting to hear about the good work of the team. However, a full copy of the presentation is attached to these minutes.

            STSR Presentation September 2015.ppt Stsr Presentation September 2015


            The Forum noted the following dates for the next meetings of the Access Advisory Forum:
              7 December 2015
              7 March 2016


            The meeting which began at 11.00am ended at 12.01pm.