Issue - meetings

Conservation Area Appraisals Review Programme

Meeting: 28/06/2018 - Cabinet (Item 7)

7 Conservation Area Appraisals Review Programme pdf icon PDF 71 KB


The Lead Member for Planning introduced the report that recommended that the council commenced a rolling programme of conservation area appraisal reviews, with the aim of providing up to date appraisals for the 27 borough's conservation areas.


Cabinet were informed that the royal borough had 27 conservation areas, a small number of which did not have appraisals.  Some of the appraisals that existed were out of date, in that they did not accord with current policies, plans and guidance.


The Lead Member for Finance explained the importance of such appraisals and that how in his ward work being undertaken on such an appraisal ad been used as material consideration in defence of a planning application.


The Lead Member for Children’s Services recommended that  schools and sixth forms could be engaged when undertaking such reviews.


Resolved unanimously: That Cabinet notes the report and:

i)         Authorises the Head of Planning to commence a prioritised programme of review, see point 2.5.


ii)      Agrees the criteria for the designation of new areas/deletions to existing conservation areas and a checklist for identifying local buildings of interest, see appendix 1 and 2.