Issue - meetings

Borough Wide Heritage Strategy and Action Plan

Meeting: 25/04/2019 - Cabinet (Item 6)

6 Borough Wide Heritage Strategy and Action Plan pdf icon PDF 129 KB


The Lead Member for Planning and Health introduced the report that sought agreement for a brief for the drafting of a Borough Wide Heritage Strategy and to go to tender for a consultant.


The Lead Member informed Cabinet that with the Borough Local Plan there were a number of supplementary planning documents that were important for protecting the character of the Royal Borough, such as the Borough Wide Design Guide.  The Lead Member read out a letter published in the Maidenhead Advertiser praising the design guide and its importance.   


The Borough Local Plan also includes a requirement for the development of a Heritage Strategy for the borough as a means of delivering conservation policies across the Borough.


The strategy would be designed to provide a shared future vision for the Borough’s heritage, be a strategy with viable objectives and a long term program for achieving this through an action plan. It would support and work in partnership with stakeholders to address heritage issues to achieve social, cultural and educational gains.


The Lead Member for Culture and Communities welcomed the paper and its importance for the Royal Borough given our heritage with Windsor Castle, Eton, Cookham and Maidenhead to name a few.


Resolved unanimously:  that Cabinet notes the report and:


      I.        Agrees the brief for a Borough Wide Heritage Strategy and Action Plan and;

    II.        Authorises the Head of Planning to undertake the requisite procurement procedure to engage a consultant to undertake the project in accordance with the agreed brief.