Issue - meetings

JCEB Minerals & Waste Plan - Additional Regulation 18 Consultation

Meeting: 30/01/2020 - Cabinet (Item 6)

6 JCEB Minerals & Waste Plan - Additional Regulation 18 Consultation pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Additional documents:


(Cllr Rayner left the room and did not take part in the discussion or vote on this matter)


The Lead Member for Planning and Maidenhead introduced the report that sought approval to hold a further Regulation 18 consultation.


Cabinet were informed that the Council was working with other authorities to produce a Joint Minerals and Waste Plan. Since the original consultation, there had been two ‘call for sites’ exercises and a further Regulation 18 consultation on whether Bray Quarry Extension should be allocated in the Plan for sand and gravel extraction.  There was currently uncertainty over whether the site was suitable for allocation.  The search for new sites would be broadened across four authorities. 


The Lead Member also informed that a new development management policy (DM15) was proposed allowing the planning authority to take past operator performance into account in decision-making on minerals or waste applications submitted by the same applicant or operator.


The Chairman informed that Bray Parish Council had sent comments to Cabinet that had been noted.


Resolved unanimously:  that Cabinet notes the report and:


i)     Approves a consultation, under Regulation 18 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012, on several issues related to the emerging Joint Central and Eastern Berkshire (JCEB) Minerals & Waste Plan, including the proposed area of search approach and two new allocations;

ii)    Approves the publication of consultation documents related to the above Regulation 18 consultation for the JCEB Minerals and Waste Plan; and 

iii)   Authorises the Head of Planning, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder, to make any minor amendments necessary to the consultation documents prior to community involvement.