Issue - meetings

Mill Lane Conservation Area Appraisal

Meeting: 13/12/2023 - Cabinet (Item 11)

11 Mill Lane Conservation Area Appraisal pdf icon PDF 231 KB

Cabinet Member for Planning, Legal & Asset Management


To note the report and:

i)               Agree the draft appraisal document.

ii)              Delegate authority to the Assistant Director of Planning in Consultation with the Cabinet Member for Planning, Legal and Asset Management to a) approve and publish any minor changes to the Mill Lane Conservation Area Appraisal document, prior to its publication for consultation, and

b) commence a period of public consultation on the document, including a drop-in session at a local venue.

iii)      Agree that the appraisal document would come back to Cabinet after consultation, following a review of the responses received, for a decision on whether it can be adopted as a material planning consideration.

Additional documents:


AGREED: That Cabinet noted the report and:

i)               Agreed the draft appraisal document.

ii)              Delegated authority to the Assistant Director of Planning in Consultation with the Cabinet Member for Planning, Legal and Asset Management to a) approve and publish any minor changes to the Mill Lane Conservation Area Appraisal document, prior to its publication for consultation, and b) commence a period of public consultation on the document, including a drop-in session at a local venue.

iii)             Agreed that the appraisal document would come back to Cabinet after consultation, following a review of the responses received, for a decision on whether it can be adopted as a material planning consideration.


AGREED: That the order of the agenda be altered so that agenda item 11 be heard next.


Councillor Bermange introduced the report to Cabinet. He wished to thank officers and residents alike for their work and contribution towards this, including that of Susie Shearer who was in the public gallery. The area covered the ward of Clewer East, where both Ward Councillors were present at the meeting, as members of the Cabinet. The document when adopted would assist in the approval of developments in the future, when it came to looking at applications in the conservation area. He was recommending that it went out to public consultation, with an in-person event being held.


Councillor Davies said that Clewer village was a special place in Windsor, which also housed the oldest building in Windsor. She thanked numerous persons for their work and also their undertaking of reading the draft report that had been presented. This was in addition also to Councillor Bermange and the planning team for facilitating it. She wished to second the proposal.


Councillor Jones said that conservation areas had been put aside for many years and upon asking for them, it had been cast aside. She then wished to mention the conservation area in Old Windsor, which had been waiting 12 years for a report like this too.


AGREED: That Cabinet noted the report and:

i)               Agreed the draft appraisal document.

ii)             Delegated authority to the Assistant Director of Planning in Consultation with the Cabinet Member for Planning, Legal and Asset Management to a) approve and publish any minor changes to the Mill Lane Conservation Area Appraisal document, prior to its publication for consultation, and b) commence a period of public consultation on the document, including a drop-in session at a local venue.

iii)            Agreed that the appraisal document would come back to Cabinet after consultation, following a review of the responses received, for a decision on whether it can be adopted as a material planning consideration.