Issue - meetings

In-year Monthly Budget Update

Meeting: 27/03/2024 - Cabinet (Item 6)

6 2023/24 Month 10 Budget Monitoring Report pdf icon PDF 230 KB

Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Finance


To note the report and:

i)               note the forecast revenue outturn for the year was an overspend on services of £9.647m which reduced to an overspend of £6.069m when including unallocated contingency budgets and changes to funding budgets (para 4);

ii)              note the forecast capital outturn was expenditure of £41.125m against a budget of £89.541m (para 9); and

iii)             approve the revenue budget virements set out in Appendix C.

Additional documents:


AGREED: That Cabinet noted the report and:

i)               Noted the forecast revenue outturn for the year is an overspend on services of £9.647m which reduces to an overspend of £6.069m when including unallocated contingency budgets and changes to funding budgets (para 4)

ii)               noted the forecast capital outturn is expenditure of £41.125m against a budget of £89.541m (para 9); and

iii)              approved the revenue budget virements set out in Appendix C.


Councillor Jones, Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Finance, introduced the report to Cabinet. She focussed on the changes that had been seen compared to the previous month’s report. These included a change in adult/children’s social care placements of £242,000, which was due to the need of additional residential placements because of complexed needs and to extend support packages. She added that these were demand led statutory services that had to be provided and that it was the Council’s duty to support the needs of the borough’s young persons.


Councillor Jones said that the second change was a revised forecast of staffing costs in Children’s Services, caused by the use of agency staff leading to an added cost of £366,000. These agency staff cost approximately £30,000 more a year compared to that of permanent staff. The third change was a shortfall of income in adult social care regarding the sub-letting of block commission beds. Appendix B was shown to outline some risks moving forward and had been included for openness and transparency.


AGREED: That Cabinet noted the report and:

i)               Noted the forecast revenue outturn for the year is an overspend on services of £9.647m which reduces to an overspend of £6.069m when including unallocated contingency budgets and changes to funding budgets (para 4)

ii)              noted the forecast capital outturn is expenditure of £41.125m against a budget of £89.541m (para 9); and

iii)             approved the revenue budget virements set out in Appendix C.