Agenda item

Broadway Car Park

To comment on the above Cabinet report.


Barbara Richardson, Managing Director, RBWM Property Company Ltd, explained to Members the Broadway Car Par, also known as the Nicholsons Car Park, had some desperate maintenance issues which needed some attention. The budget of £8m had been approved to expand the car park and planning permission was obtained but, the scheme never progressed. Several reviews were undertaken in light of the large regeneration of Maidenhead taking place, on how to improve parking in the Town.


It was decided a new car park would be built following the demolition of the current car park. 1,335 would be built, and although the demolition would cause disruption, Members moved to not allow a decrease in parking spaces in the Town; therefore, temporary and additional parking had been approved. Vicus Way would provide 500 new spaces and incentivisation schemes were being looked at to encourage permit holders of Broadway Car Park and Hindes Meadow Car Park to use Vicus Way instead.


Vicus Way Car Park was to be completed in December 2019 and then the demolition and building works would begin at Broadway Car Park with a completion date of January 2020. The idea was that the Borough would have the new car park which was fit for purpose and that would remove the repair and maintenance costs that were required if the current car park was kept. The new car park would provide electric car charging parking spaces, disability parking spaces and Shopmobility.


The Managing Director, RBWM Property Company Ltd stated the design and construction of the new car park would not be simplistic and engagement with partners and stakeholders had taken place, as well as with the public. Cabinet approval was required for the scheme and Full Council approval was required for the budget. The rate of return should attract a private investment if the Council chose to sell the new car park as an asset.


The report contained procurement routes the Council could use and there was time to test the market and go through a full procurement exercise. Councillor E. Wilson stated it was interesting the Council was managing its data and performance and also its own transformation. He was pleased the Council was getting on with it and this was a welcomed step towards regeneration. There were risks but, with potential benefits and he added it was interesting that parking at Braywick Park would be available for train commuters. The Managing Director, RBWM Property Company Ltd explained the risks were listed in the paper and were categorised. There were no significant or extreme risks, there were some moderate risk. The key risks were around land ownership, although the Council had freehold of the car park but, it was adjoining the shopping centre.


The Managing Director, RBWM Property Company Ltd informed Members that substantial surveys had been carried out and asbestos was present in the car park so it would be demolished floor by floor. The key risk was how the Borough was going to transport lorry loads of rubble while substantial regeneration was taking place. The Managing Director, RBWM Property Company Ltd was developing construction management places which would consist of a type of park and ride for construction lorries to be loaded up and driven off site with the rubble.


The risks to the existing tenants which were situated below the car park had been in negotiations regarding compensation so they had now agreed to leave the car park. An additional cost had been identified for fire protection and the car park would be installed to best practice standards but, that increased costs by £3m. the lifting of electric substations also needed to be carried out and that would incur associated costs.


The Managing Director, RBWM Property Company Ltd stated a steel frame for the shell of the car park had been chosen which would speed up construction and retailers had said they did not want the car park closed for more than one Christmas season. Handover of the car park would take place in December 2020.


The Chairman stated the budget started at £8m but was now over £35m. he queried how confident the Borough was about delivering the project on time and in budget. The Managing Director, RBWM Property Company Ltd responded the original budget of £8.1m was just to add an extension to the existing car park. The new budget of £35m was to demolish the existing car park and build a whole new car park. She added it would take 16 years to repay the debt. Paragraph 2.14 detailed the different types and numbers of car spaces including electric charge points, disabled spaces and parent and child.


Councillor Shelim said there were 734 existing spaces currently, he queried if the Council spent just the original budget of £8.1m, how many more spaces would that have provided. The Managing Director, RBWM Property Company Ltd confirmed it would have provided 120 extra per floor with two decks being added. However, the current structure would not have coped with the additional load.


Councillor Hunt said she was concerned that due to the regeneration that would already be underway, the demolition of the car park would create a lot of dust. The Managing Director, RBWM Property Company Ltd explained the Landing Scheme was attempting to start on site, subject to planning permission, in March or April 2019 for phase one. But, there was not a start date for phase two yet as negotiations with unit owners was still underway. The demolition works for the car park were likely to take place once phase one was being built in January 2020 for five months. Councillor Hunt stated it was going to cause monumental chaos.


Councillor Hunt stated parking at Braywick Park for commuters was quite a distance from the station. The Managing Director, RBWM Property Company Ltd agreed that it would not be suitable for everyone. Councillor Hunt asked where the parents and children park when the Broadway Car Park was demolished. The Managing Director, RBWM Property Company Ltd confirmed Shopmobility was relocating to West Street Car Park and temporary parking could be made available at phase two of the Landings site subject to negotiations.


Councillor E. Wilson said it was a monumental undertaking. There would be 600 new spaces in the middle of Town and that would be transformational. It was a big investment of money and time and it required patience from residents and retailers. He added he got told on a regular basis the Council needed to get on with regenerating the Town Centre. The Managing Director, RBWM Property Company Ltd stated a presentation had been given to stakeholders which showed where parking was being removed and where it was being put back. The presentation showed the Town Centre was maintaining the same level of parking throughout the whole programme.


Councillor Quick stated the extra spaces being provided were a huge benefit to residents and visitors. She did feel residents might look at the £35m figure and think it was excessive therefore, she would like to have seen in the paper a comparison of other car parks such as the new one in Bracknell as she thought it would reassure people. The Managing Director, RBWM Property Company Ltd confirmed she would clarify that in the paper. She added that a costs consultation with other car parks had been carried out. However, one difference was the demolition costs which made the scheme more expensive as the car park was attached to two buildings, which was a cost not experienced by other car parks.


The Chairman queried on page 31 of the report listed existing tenancies with details of compensation to tenants at £95k or, £65k for court and legal costs plus compensation if the Council lost at court. The Managing Director, RBWM Property Company Ltd confirmed that tenants were releasing their tenancies but would remain in the building until December 2019. They had surrendered their current leases and their current tenancy meant they could stay until they needed to vacate and continued to pay rent until the tenants left the premises. The Managing Director, RBWM Property Company Ltd confirmed to Members there were only a couple of existing businesses sitting under the car park; one was William Hill and the other was the Brett Foundation which was a charity. All the other units were already empty. She added there was a team helping the Brett Foundation to relocate and find another unit.


RESOLVED: That The Highways, Transport and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Panel endorsed the recommendations to Cabinet. (Councillor Da Costa abstained from the vote).

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