Agenda item

Petition - Chobham Road, Sunningdale - Petition to Reduce Weight Limit

To consider the following petition:


‘We, the undersigned, wish the RBWM to consider reducing the recently implemented 18 tonne weight limit on the Chobham Road railway bridge to a maximum of 7.5 tonnes. We are concerned that the large lorries pose a safety risk due to the narrow road over the bridge. Large vehicles are forced to cross the central double-white line on a bend where visibility is limited and oncoming traffic may not see them in time’


Members considered a petition that had been submitted to Council on 22 September 2015 which sought to reduce the weight limit on Chobham Road railway bridge, Sunningdale from 18 tonnes to 7.5 tonnes.


Cabinet was addressed by Councillor Dr. Lilly Evans, in her capacity as a Sunningdale Parish Councillor. Councillor Dr Evans explained that there had been a substantial response to the petition. A large majority of residents were aged over-65 and could not move across the road very quickly. Parking bays that had been installed had not been enough to slow the traffic. The petition had been raised to make the area more friendly and safer, and reduce the potential for accidents. There was a particular danger as the bridge was on a blind bend and large lorries crossed into the middle of the road. There had already been three or four accidents this year.


The Lead Member for Environmental Services presented the report. He explained that an 18 tonne restriction had been put in place in June 2015, however despite this the volume of large vehicles had increased and there had been a number of damage-only accidents and near misses. Data on accidents resulting in injuries was being sought. The consultation was proposed to ensure the council’s position was legally robust and all parties could be consulted, including residents, Surrey County Council and the police. Results would be presented to Cabinet in February 2016.


The Chief Whip thanked Sunningdale Parish Council for their work on the petition. Despite the 18 tonne restriction the petition had achieved 1300 signatures in just two and a half weeks. The current limit was not enough as lorries crossed the middle of the road on an S-bend.


The Lead Member for Environmental Services confirmed that the current limit could be reinforced through schemes such as Lorry Watch; ANPR technology was also being investigated. The council was also in correspondence with the police regarding enforcement. The Lead Member for Education commented that Surrey County Council and Surrey police had not been keen on the 18 tonne restriction. The Lead Member for Environmental Services commented that he was not aware of any enforcement having been undertaken on the Surrey side.


Councillor Beer commented that this was a high profile issue with Windsor Rural Development Control Panel as a large development in Surrey had resulted in increased traffic that they did not want on their roads. Similar bridges across the Grand Union canal in London dealt with the issue with steel bollards restricting the width of vehicles that could use the bridge. The Chief Whip commented that the road was very narrow either side of the bridge and lorries may get onto the bridge before realising they would get stuck. Surrey had to-date not put up any signs to enforce the 18 tonne limit so vehicles from the Surrey side were unaware and there was very little space to turn around. Councillor Dr Evans commented that there was a piece of land on the corner of Chobham Common that may be suitable to create an area for lorries to turn, as a last resort. The Chairman stated that the suggestion could be taken into account in the consultation. The Principal Member for Policy suggested the legal officer be asked to look into the statutory obligation of Surrey County Council to erect appropriate signage.


(i)           Consultation be undertaken (including residents in the Royal Borough and Surrey; Parish Councils; Surrey County Council; Thames Valley and Surrey Police) in response to the request to reduce the weight limit of Chobham Road railway bridge, Sunningdale.


(ii)          The results of the consultation be reported to Cabinet for further consideration in February 2016.



Supporting documents: