Agenda item


CIL - Approval of Rates and Submission for Examination


CIL – Approval of Rates and Submission for Examination


Members considered approval of the CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy) Draft Charging Schedule (DCS) rates and submission of the DCS for public examination. The Lead Member explained that the borough was in a unique position as it was trying to implement CIL without an up to date Local Plan. In the meantime work had been undertaken on an Infrastructure Development Plan which would be used as evidence in presenting CIL for examination.


The first round of consultation on the DCS ran from 19 June 2015 – 20 July 2015; 30 responses had been received as detailed in the appendix. Minor changes were made as a result as detailed in paragraph 2.31. The second round of consultation had taken place between 23 October 2015 – 25 November 2015. A further 34 responses had been received relating to building costs, sale values, evidence to establish CIL and benchmarking of land values. In the main these were issues already raised in the first round. The council’s consultants were analysing the responses.


A number of tweaks had been made to the maps, particularly in relation to the Maidenhead Area Action Plan (AAP) zone. The District Valuation Service had advised a zero rating to ensure viability. Once the Local Plan was adopted, the rates could be revisited.


The Lead Member proposed an additional recommendation:


‘Subject to analysis of responses being fully considered, delegated authority be given to the Lead Member for Planning, Lead Member for Finance, Head of Finance and Director of Development and Regeneration in conjunction with the Leader to make any necessary amendments to facilitate a submission in December 2015.’


The Chairman highlighted the need to check submissions were not repetitions of aspects already consulted upon, to ensure the council did not give endless opportunities for others to delay the introduction of CIL that would otherwise mean council taxpayers would have to pick up the bill. The Lead Member confirmed that the consultants would be sifting out any repetition in the recently received responses.


Councillor Beer commented that he had been supportive of the issue through Overview & Scrutiny, however he had overlooked the fact that the whole of Maidenhead was being treated as one urban area. He did not feel this was fair in comparison to other urban areas in the borough, which may have to subsidise Maidenhead. He suggested areas such as The Fisheries were very different to the town centre where building costs were expensive. The Chairman responded that a lot of work had been undertaken on viability. The Lead Member explained that the zero rate only applied to the Maidenhead AAP area. Councillor Dr Evans commented that the issue was complicated because the council was currently discussing which areas should be considered as rural in relation to business rates.




a)    The Draft Charging Schedule rates are approved.

b)    The Draft Charging Schedule and accompanying evidence be submitted for public examination

c)    Subject to analysis of responses being fully considered, delegated authority be given to the Lead Member for Planning, Lead Member for Finance, Head of Finance and Director of Development and Regeneration in conjunction with the Leader to make any necessary amendments to facilitate a submission in December 2015



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