Agenda item

Schools Capital Programme 2016-17


Members considered the Children’s Services 2016-17 capital bids.


Cabinet was addressed by Dianne Cranmer. Ms Cranmer stated that Wraysbury Primary School had expanded in 2011 to be a double form entry with staff numbers increasing from 32 to 60, yet the adult facilities had remained the same despite an agreement with the borough to increase them. The school also had the potential to provide nursery provision but this would add another 8 staff members. The current staff room was inadequate in terms of the square footage compared to the number of staff. Ms Cranmer believed that the current facilities contravened health and safety regulations 24, 25.3b, 25.4 and 25.5. The lack of accommodation caused daily disruption to the school. A full staff meeting was not possible unless the school hall was closed off to pupils, which impacted on the classroom timetable. Staff attempted to take breaks in four separate sessions because of the lack of space but this was not always possible. The Health and Safety Executive described this type of overcrowding as hazardous to employees with an increased risk of accidents.


Ms Cranmer explained that there would be additional benefits to the community of extending the current facilities. Councillors would be aware that the school was used as a Bronze command unit during the flooding events of 2014. The cost to the borough for closure and repair had been significant. Regardless of the flood response requirements, the governing body felt that the situation contravened health and safety regulations and the council urgently needed to address this issue.


The Lead Member thanked the speaker and explained that the Cabinet had listened to the problems associated with lack of space at the school. He advised that line 20 relating to the school in the appendix was in the incorrect place; the recommendation would be amended to reflect this. He explained that:


Item 1 was the devolved formula part of the grant from the DfE which totalled £250,000 and was divided up per maintained school by total pupil number. For example, Charters would get a large amount as it had 2000 pupils.


Items 2 to 11 inclusive used the further £1.34 million of condition grant from the DfE. Items 2, 3 and 4 were monies for all maintained schools (not Academies as they applied for their grant direct from the DfE).


Items 5 to 11 were school specific and had been put in by officers as the priority schemes needed next year. The Children’s Services Overview and Scrutiny Panel had seen the report and had opportunity to ask the officers any questions about prioritisation. Items 20 and 21 (Wraysbury school staff room extension and the schools participatory budget) had both been agreed with corporate funding. The participatory budget for schools was new and would allow schools next year to put bids in for up to £6000. Schools would be looking to their supporters to vote online to win the money.


Items 12 to 19 were first reserve items; if more than the expected amount of £1.59m was received then those items would be viewed as priority in the schools capital programme for 2016/17.


The recommendation included approval to bring forward £60,000 of the 2016/17 budget for feasibility studies, to enable building works to take place over the summer holidays. Getting in early with contractors rather than waiting until exact funding was known would achieve better prices.


The Lead Member for Highways and Transport commented that the facilities for Wraysbury would benefit the whole community, and would likely be needed for future flooding events.


The Principal Member for Culture and Communities commented that Participatory Budgeting had been a great success in other areas and she was pleased to see it being extended to schools.


Councillor Ed Wilson arrived at 8.00pm


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Cabinet approves:


i.      The Children’s Services 2016-17 capital bids appended to this report and includes them in the 2016-17 capital programme subject to any changes as detailed in paragraph 3.6., and subject to lines 20 and 21 beign moved above the line.

ii.    That any approved schemes listed go out to tender.

iii.   A budget of £60k for feasibility assessments preparation work on condition schemes, to be brought forward into 2015-16 from the approved 2016-17 budget, see para 3.8

iv.   Variations to schemes that are dependant on government grant allocations will be reported to Cabinet after the DfE grant allocations have been confirmed.


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