Agenda item

Highways and Transport Investment Programme 2020-21


Cabinet considered the report that recommends the implementation of the highways capital works programme.


The Lead Member for Transport and Infrastructure informed Cabinet that the budget for 2020 / 2021 was £5.5 million, £400k for one off schemes and £1.3 million for bridge works.  £3.22 million was set aside for the annual works programme contained within the report.  The local transport plan set out our objectives and this was supported by the works programme that had been development by taking into account comments from residents, local businesses and parish councils.  £2.697 million had been secured from the Department of Transport and £1.076 million from corporate commitments.  It was anticipated that there would be £1.5 million being awarded for pot hole repairs. 


The Deputy Chairman of Cabinet, Adult Social Care, Children’s Services, Health and Mental Health welcomed the excellent resurfacing work that had been undertaken within his ward.


The Deputy Leader of the Council, Resident and Leisure Services, HR, IT, Legal, Performance Management and Windsor reported that she disappointed that there were no works scheduled for her ward in Windsor, especially given the importance of tourism.  She also asked what would be done regarding cycling and walking.  In response the Lead Member reported that here were works planned for Old Windsor and technical assessments help determine what areas were on the list. He acknowledged the importance of cycling and walking and was awaiting details from government on additional support in this area.  Funds would be used to support the cycling action plan.


The Lead Member for Housing, Communications and Youth Engagement informed of the need to resurface Cox Green lane.


Cllr Knowles raised the poor legacy of some road treatments in the past and that there had been mention of a trial of a new surface in Bray but he had not heard anything about this progressing. He was also concerned about the practice of continuing to add new road surfaces upon one another rather than dealing with the underlying problem with the road.  This also impacted on the safety for cyclists. The Lead Member informed that we did tell our contractors not to do quick fixes and that the level of work matched requirements.  Temporary resurfacing can be put in place pending more comprehensive works.


Cllr Hill requested that that Fane Way and Larchfield Road be looked at as they were on a main bus route and residents had reported damage to their cars. The Lead Member requested that Cllr Hill send him the locations so he can get them inspected.


Cllr Jones reported that she was pleased to see that the report’s recommendations had been based on robust technical information and supported adopted policy.


Resolved unanimously: that Cabinet notes the report and:


i.          Endorses the implementation of the programme of work set out in Appendix A and Appendix B


ii.         Delegates authority to the Director of Adults, Health and Commissioning, (in consultation with the Lead Member for Transport and Infrastructure) to agree amendments to the approved schemes.(within approved budgets) and to implement reserve or alternative schemes should this become necessary. 

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