Agenda item

Planning Applications (decision)

To consider the Director of Development & Regeneration / Development Control Manager’s report on planning applications received.


Full details on all planning applications (including application forms, site plans, objections received, correspondence etc.) can be found by accessing the Planning Applications Public Access Module by selecting the following link.

or from Democratic Services on 01628 796251 or



Application        Applicant and Proposed Development


15/02450*      Mr Barter – Millgate: Redevelopment to provide 17 apartments with basement car park and associated works following demolition of existing buildings and removal of hardstanding areas as approved under planned permission 13/03515 without complying with condition 18 (demolition of outbuildings) to include the retention of The White House and The Wee Flat at Former Englemere House, Englemere Estate, Kings Ride, Ascot –  THE PANEL VOTED to REFUSE planning permission for the reason as listed below:


·         The consented scheme sought to consolidate built form on the site, the proposed development runs contrary to this objective, it spreads development within the site and, with the proposed increase in floor space and volume of development on the site by the retention of these buildings, cumulatively would have a greater impact on the openness of the Green Belt than the existing consented development. The proposal, by virtue of causing harm to openness, is inappropriate development for which no very special circumstances have been advanced. As such it fails to comply with paragraph 89 of the NPPF and Policies GB1 and GB2 of the Local Plan.


(The Panel was addressed by Patrick Griffin (SPAE) and Diana Tombs (NPDG) in objection and Paul Dickenson the agent in support of the application).


    (Three Councillors voted in favour of the motion (Cllrs Bateson, Bathurst and Hilton) and three Councillors voted against the motion (Cllrs Beer, Lenton and Rayner). Councillor Bateson used her casting vote.



15/02473*     Mr Barter – Millgate: Conversion of The White House and The Wee Flat from offices into residential at The White House and Wee Flat, Englemere Estate, Kings Ride, Ascot – THE PANEL VOTED That: the application be REFUSED planning permission for the reason as listed below:


·         As planning permission has been refused under 15/02450 for the retention of the buildings it is considered that the proposed development would result in a reduction in the consolidation of built form on this site and the proposed increase and volume of development on the site by the retention of these buildings would have a greater impact that would be harmful to the openness of the Green Belt than the existing development. The proposal therefore, fails to comply with Policies GB1 and GB2 of the LP and paragraph 89 of the NPPF.


    (The Panel was addressed by Patrick Griffin (SPAE) and Diana Tombs (NPDG) in objection and Paul Dickenson the agent in support of the application).


    (Three Councillors voted in favour of the motion (Cllrs Bateson, Bathurst and Hilton) and three Councillors voted against the motion (Cllrs Beer, Lenton and Rayner). Councillor Bateson used her casting vote.


15/03090*   Kebbell Homes Ltd: Redevelopment of site to provide 6 x 3 bedroom apartments at The Little House, Charters Road, Sunningdale, Ascot SL5 9QF   THE PANEL VOTED That: the application be REFUSED planning permission for the reason as listed below:


·         By reason of the combined effect of having garages on the frontage of the site and an apartment building at the rear of the site the proposed development is considered to be a bulky building. This, with the associated reduced opportunity for landscaping which therefore provides less screening in the streetscene, would result in an overdevelopment of the site which would have a harmful impact upon the character of the area and the streetscene which is located in a ‘Leafy Residential Suburb’. The proposal is contrary to policies DG1, H10 and H11 of the Local Plan and Policies NP/DG1 and NP/DG2.1 of the NP.


    (The Panel was addressed by Julia Chester (SPAE), Diana Tombs (NPDG) and Parish Councillor Michael Burn in objection and Duncan Gibson the agent in support of the application).


    (Four Councillors voted in favour of the motion (Cllrs Bateson, Bathurst Hilton and Lenton) and two Councillors voted against the motion (Cllrs Beer and Rayner).


Supporting documents: