Agenda item


Forum to discuss how the strategy impacts People with Disabilities.


Chris Joyce, Head of Infrastructure, Sustainability and Transport, gave a presentation to the Forum. Chris Joyce encouraged all to complete the consultation.


Lisa Hughes informed the Forum that she was also a member of the climate emergency stakeholder group. Lisa Hughes had circulated the four key points of the strategy to the group as follows:


Circular economy     This referred to more sustainable resource use. Attention would be focused on reducing waste, encouraging material re-use, increasing recycling and supporting less resource intensive lifestyles.


Energy            66% of the borough’s emissions were as a result of energy consumption in buildings. Reducing our energy consumption and decarbonising our supply of energy was therefore absolutely key to realising the borough’s net zero emission ambitions.


Natural Environment            Quality of life and the role of the natural environment in creating great places was a critical part of the success of the borough economy, and to our residents’ health and wellbeing. We would take action to deliver biodiversity net gain and in doing so this would help protect the ecosystem service benefits we received (e.g. clean air and water). Conserving and sustainably managing biodiversity was also critical to addressing climate change.


Transport       As a local authority, we would reduce the need for carbon intensive travel by encouraging walking and cycling as well as investing in digital infrastructure. We would create conditions for sustainable travel through the provision of infrastructure such as cycle routes and electric vehicle charging points and minimise the impacts of road traffic by encouraging cleaner vehicles.


Lisa Hughes asked the Forum to give thought to what ought to be included to ensure that People with Disabilities (PwD) contributed to and benefitted from the strategy and did not get left behind or accrue further disadvantage.


Lisa Hughes offered to collate all responses from Forum Members and put a Forum response to the Consultation. Chris Joyce thanked Lisa Hughes and informed the Forum that they were happy to have a Forum response but individual responses too.


Councillor Carole Da Costa highlighted that there were no disabled parking places with an electric charging point in the borough. Also it was very difficult to buy a new car suitable for a disabled person and electric. It was time to encourage car manufacturers to have these vehicles available. Councillor Da Costa also encouraged Forum members to commit to change energy providers to renewable suppliers.


Peter Hayley commented that he had been in the transport industry for a long time. People to Places had a number of minibuses that ran on diesel. It would be a massive undertaking for a small organisation to change their fleet to electric vehicles, however, it was fundamental. Peter Hayley continued that the strategy aim was to reach zero % by 2050 and asked if this target would be revised. Chris Joyce commented that the strategy was by 2050 but would try to bring forward as the technology increased and we identified barriers and ways to tackle them.


The Chairman asked about the disposal of car batteries and if there was a better way. Chris Joyce commented that it needed to bring some expertise to learn more from about batteries. This was a central government role in supporting those sectors to build the economy going forward. It was our role to lobby government on focussing on the right areas.


Councillor Wisdom Da Costa asked how the strategy would be achieved before 2050. He asked if it was a political issue and needed councillors to push and be more robust. Councillor Da Costa asked when climate resilience would be added and suggested that it be sooner so all could start working towards resolving it. The world was seeing more and more extreme weather and the vulnerable people would be affected the most. Chris Joyce explained that the council would be looking to implement an infrastructure delivery plan and build climate emergency in the plan.


The Chairman asked if there was any joint working with other local authorities. Chris Joyce informed the Forum that there was a few different levels of cross working, this included working on a Berkshire level, local enterprise level, officers working alongside officers at different councils and Members working with members from other councils. There was lots of joint working.


Lisa Hughes asked all Forum Members for any comments by Monday 21 October 2020. Lisa Hughes would collate all the responses and submit a Forum response before the closing date.


Lisa Hughes also informed Forum Members of two other consultations that were taking place, a Library Services Consultation, of which the closing date was 30 November 2020 and another on the A308 between Bisham and the M25 at Staines, the closing date for this was 27 September 2020. Lisa encouraged the Forum to look at these and respond. Chris Joyce informed the Forum that the consultation on the A308 was not a formal consultation, it was mainly for councillors at present and key stakeholders but they would welcome the views of the Forum.