Agenda item

Case Study - Adult Social Care


The subcommittee received a presentation on the Adult Social Care Transformation Programme 2019-2024 as a case study of transformation within the Royal Borough.


The Director of Adults, Health and Commissioning gave an overview of the work undertaken and what was learnt via the process.  When appointed she looked at what work was undertaken and what the authority wanted to deliver through adult social care, with the main driver was being able to allow residents to live independently with fulfilled lives.  Promoting independence was core to the Care Act.


The national position was explained with savings being made and a reliance on grants.  Locally  services had been transferred to Optalis with improved service delivery and better joint working with Health and other partners.  There had been real opportunities to deliver differently and focus on reablement and independence.


The Transformation Strategy was developed with underlying principals such as working with residents, staff and partners to deliver vision.  The main focus was on outcomes and delivery.  The 6 main objectives to the strategy were shown.  Looked at what people could do rather then what they cannot do and there was more technology enabled care. 


The impact of Covid-19 in March 202 resulted in the need for transformation now.  We focused on community support volunteering and shielding.  Work was done with 53 community groups, staff were enabled to work from home and a case management system and application was developed for the future.  Examples of where we are now were given.


The final part of the picture was looking at what we have learnt so far.  Such as having quick wins to help have a positive engagement, continued communication about the plan, staff engagement and being willing to try new things and being able to say it may not be working and move on. 


The Chairman mentioned that the things they had been pushing in Adult Social Care was prevention, enablement and increased independence with compassion.  Through the transformation they have had better delivery and innovation.  Our strategic and operational partnership with the NHS was also important.


The Lead Member for Finance and Ascot said that he agreed that we do not celebrate success as much as we should especially for staff.  He was also amazed at how many charitable organizations were there and willing to work with the community; it’s important to help facilitate bringing them together.


The Leader of the Council and Chairman of Cabinet, Business, Economic Development and Property thanked the director and staff for their work on this especially front line staff and volunteers during the pandemic.  He saw this work as a genuine empowerment of organisations and volunteers to have a greater role in shaping the services and benefits going forward. 


The Lead Member for  Climate Change, Sustainability, Parks and Countryside mentioned that when you volunteered it also made yourself feel better and your state of wellbeing improved.  For her area of responsibility she would need community support to make climate changes. 


Cllr Davey asked if the Lion 2.0 application was owned by RBWM, he was informed that the council did own the intellectual rights as we developed it ourselves.


Cllr Price said that as an exciting and challenging vision it important to take our residents with us. She asked if Cabinet had read the equalities impact assessment, which they confirmed they had.  She also raised a concern about older residents who may not be as able to use modern technology and asked how we can make sure they are not left behind. She was informed that technology was to complement services and not replace them for example with dementia technology can be used to try and slow down dementia and help living from home longer.  This would not replace personal care.  Digital solutions would also free up resources to support the most vulnerable.


With regards to the process Cllr Price asked if Council and individual councillors would be involved in approving different projects.   She was informed that the appropriate decision making route would be used for each project.


With regards to the third sector as they currently faced difficulties what would be the backstop if they were not able to support initiatives, for example the CAB were concerned about funding.  It was agreed that we needed to support the 3rd sector by maximising funding streams that we have. 


The presentation was noted.