Agenda item

Budget 2016/17

To comment on the report being considered by Cabinet and Council.


Alan Abrahamson gave a presentation on the proposed 2016/17 budget that included an overview of the national and local context. This included issues such as an increased demand for adult social care and a decreased grant settlement.  The Panel were informed that appendix J detailed the Medium Term Financial Plan that set

out areas such as out income and expenditure assumptions over next three years, 1000 new houses per year and Adult Social Care precept of 2% pa. The Panel were shown the recommendations and main points which were contained within

the budget report including the proposed freeze in council tax at band D rate of £906.95.


With regards to Adult Social Care issues these where shown to be:


·         Growth of £3.6m to meet demographic pressures.


·         Efficiency savings of  £1.2m.


·         Homecare charge frozen at £16/hour.


·         Challenges for 2016-17:


o   Recruiting and retaining social workers and managers.

o   Development of the “Outcome-based” Homecare service.

o   Working with the CCG to reduce non-elective admissions to hospital.

o   Planning for integration with Health Services.

o   Managing the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguarding process.

o   Managing the residential and nursing home market.


The Panel were informed that there would be the following areas of growth:


·         £900k for Homecare and Direct Payments.


·         £600k for Residential & Nursing Care


·         £400k for services to people with Mental Heath needs.


·         £700k for Learning Disability Services.


·         £400k to meet impact of DOLS.


·         £600k other growth.


The Pane were also provided with a list of saving proposals which totalled £1.2m.


With regards to the Capital programme Members were asked to comment on or give their support to any of the following projects:


·         Boyne Grove Personal Care Area

·         Remodelling and De-registration of Winston Court and Homeside Close

·         Supported Independent Living for LD and Challenging Behaviour

·         Learning Disability Service Accommodation for young adults in transition.


The Panel supported all projects support with specific support being given to Boyne Grove Personal Care Area and Learning Disability Service Accommodation for young adults in transition. 

Cllr M Airey asked why mental health service was showing as having increased funding but also showing proposed savings, the Panel were informed that the savings related to agency staff in key posts that were hard to recruit to.  Proposals were being put forward to make the positions more attractive to permanent employment rather then relying on agency staff. 


Cllr Jones mentioned that the report contained many references to the Council Tax being ‘frozen’ when in fact it was increasing by 2%; she was in support of the increased spend but it needed to be clear Council Tax was increasing.


Councillor Jones also mentioned that there had been historic issues over the recruitment and retention of social workers and if we could expect an improvement.  The Panel were informed that a business case was being produced at improving social workers pay and conditions and this should help increase retention. 


Resolved Unanimously: that the Panel note the report and Cllr Jones raised that although there was a 0% increase in Council Tax because of the 2% precept for Adult Services Council Tax would be increased.


The Panel supported the following Capital Bids:


·         Boyne Grove Personal Care Area

·         Remodelling and De-registration of Winston Court and Homeside Close

·         Supported Independent Living for LD and Challenging Behaviour

·         Learning Disability Service Accommodation for young adults in transition.



Supporting documents: