Agenda item

Night Time Economy Enforcement Services

To comment on the report to be considered by Cabinet on the 28 February 2016.


By Craig Miller (Head of Community Protection & Enforcement, RBWM).


The Head of Community Protection & Enforcement, Craig Miller, informed Members that the purpose of the report was to consider the results of the six month Night Time Economy Enforcement pilot that concluded on 31 December 2015 and determine whether the service was continued as a permanent arrangement.

It was noted that the performance data and reports had been analysed to inform a recommendation to continue the service as a permanent arrangement using the same configuration as the pilot (Friday & Saturday 19.00 to 03.00). 

Members were informed that the report also suggested that a service review was undertaken after a further 12 months (February 2017) to ensure the service configuration continued to offer value for money and was in line with residents’ needs and concerns.

The Head of Community Protection & Enforcement explained that the service had been continued on an interim basis since 31 December 2015 and could therefore be made permanent with immediate effect should Members be minded to approve the recommended option.  It was noted that the annual cost of operating the service was £7,000 (revenue) and £2,000(capital).

In the ensuing discussion the following points were noted:

Ø  That this could be seen to be a proactive step towards a reactive solution giving greater scope for residents to access services. 

Ø  That further work would be done with the Thames Valley Police and night time economy premises.

Ø  That the community wardens would take on more of an enforcement role going forward.

Ø  It was questioned whether some of the environmental protection investigations throughout the trial could have been done throughout the day (i.e. taxi licensing checks and licensed premises checks).  The Head of Community Protection & Enforcement explained that licensed premises checks could not be done during daytime hours.

Ø  That the Council received approximately 4500 complaints per annum, the majority of which were noise nuisance related. 

Ø  That one of the Councils Manifesto commitments was to increase the number of Community Wardens from 18 to 36 with no increase to resources (e.g. approximately three per year).

Ø  That it could be explored whether night time economy premises (particularly in Windsor) could help manage egress of revellers by utilising their SIA doorstaff . 

Ø  That the use of both taxi ranks in Winsor could help reduce issues related to the night time economy.

The Crime & Disorder Overview & Scrutiny Panel unanimously agreed to recommend to Cabinet the following:


i.     Approves Option 1 as detailed in point 2.9 below;

ii.    Delegates authority to the Strategic Director of Operations in conjunction with the Lead Member for Environmental Services to undertake a service review in 12 months and submit a report to Cabinet should any significant changes to the service configuration be considered necessary;

iii.   Approves the exploration of options for managing the night time economy with relevant night time economy stakeholders and Thames Valley Police to assist with successful egress from night time economy locations;

iv. Delegates authority to the Strategic Director of Operations in conjunction with the Lead Member for Environmental Services to prepare a media statement to communicate and promote the continuation of the Night Time Economy service as a permanent arrangement.


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