Agenda item


To consider the report.


David Scott presented the Q1 Performance Management report.


David Scott clarified a couple of contextual points and remind the panel of or explain for the that as a council, we had adopted an interim strategy last year as we settled into the impact of the pandemic and the reports in the quarterly update were still being reported against the priorities that were identified in that interim strategy and the council was in the process of developing its new corporate plan which would succeed the interim strategy and the reporting of the performance for the quarter one and two would be against the interim plan. The other point of note was that what had previously been reported under the headings of commissioning and infrastructure and communities was now being reported under the neighbourhood services.


For quarter one, four of the seven measures were meeting or exceeding the targets, three out of the seven were short and set within the tolerances and there was a bit more detail. In summary in terms of the reflections on quarter one, there were a number of points in relation to covid and covid related activity and everyone would appreciate that had been an ever-changing activity and indeed some of the narrative that had been included and articulated in the quarter

one report now felt very old.


The contact tracing service continued and in early June, which was the end of the quarter, some new elements were introduced. This included texting and part of the focus that had been done since then was moved to an even greater local emphasis on local contact tracing to try and ensure that we had been able to be responsive to those people who had been identified through positive testing to then have a follow-up call and indeed we entered something called local xero which you'll hear more about in future performance periods but there was a reference to it in the report in terms of the lateral flow device tests.


Of the decision to start local testing through lateral flow devices using the two main leisure centres as a very significant part of our response at Braywick and at Windsor and we had continued to support that testing for supervised testing’s and it had also been complemented through the introduction of various mobile response type arrangements which have been adjusted and flexed to reflect where there had been higher cases identified through the testing programmes

and that had continued to evolve and adapt over the quarter two period from the details in the leading on the quarter one in addition to the supervised testing through the pop-up sites or the static operations. We had also been supporting the home-based arrangements either through the distribution of community collect kits from the static sites or through the pop-up arrangements.


During the last quarter that had evolved further in that home testing through online requests had grown significantly and had now taken over as the greatest supply element in terms of home self-testing and the ongoing work in relation to the visits to centre had declined and the number of hours that had been used this was being kept under review.


Mr Ed Wilson, resident, asked about parks and open spaces. Alysse Strachan commented that things had moved on. Alysse Strachan was in discussions with Tivoli. The Clerk informed all that there was a scoping document for all to comment on as part of the work programme item and there would be a meeting solely for the ground’s maintenance contract with Tivoli.


Councillor Davey made comments about the statistics in the report on flytipping and also commented on the libraries and how well they were doing and but also worth noting that half the audience had been lost which could be because of covid. Alysse Strachan commented said she would look into the figures with the performance team.


Councillor Del Campo commented that the leisure centre attendance figures were good and getting better, but Councillor Del Campo asked if the people with disabilities and the Disability Forum were shown the report to comment on. David Scott commented that the report was not presented at the Disability and Inclusion Forum. However, Leisure Focus, at the leisure centres, were working with many of the groups that had attended SportsAble and working with them and the feedback had been very positive as a number of succession arrangements had been put into place. The team always work hard to raise the numbers. For people with disabilities, who were more vulnerable and where there had been a greater hesitancy to return to activity, this was being addressed over the next year as part of the response the ongoing response to trying to get more people more often across the borough.


Councillor Del Campo continued that she had received queries from residents swimming at Braywick Leisure Centre and the information on the website. David Scott had discussed this with the manager and Kevin Mist about this and had requested that this was made clearer. Residents could still pay and play, but government guidelines were being followed especially with respect to numbers.


Councillor Del Campo commented that on page 15, it referred to the closure of Stafferton Way refuse site had impacted. Councillor Del campo asked if the refuse was not taken to the tip and was not collected, where did it go? Alysse Strachan responded that some would have ended up as fly tipping and some in domestic waste.


Finally, Councillor Del Campo asked about libraries and whether the targets needed to be revisited. David Scott commented that he was certain that Angela Huisman and Louise Freeth would be looking at the targets as part of ongoing performance and the Performance Team were scrutinising the targets set before the start of the year in light of progress after quarter one and there would probably be further progress after quarter two.


Councillor Greg Jones asked how many fixed penalty notices had been issued for fly tipping in quarter one and had any hidden cameras been introduced in fly tipping hot spots? Alysse Strachan would check and get back to Councillor Jones.


ACTION: Alysse Strachan to respond to Councillor Jones question


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