Agenda item

Windsor and Maidenhead Cycling Action Group

To receive an update from the group, particularly on cycling routes across Maidenhead with active travel measures being removed.


Resident, Derek Wilson, chair of Windsor and Maidenhead Cycling Action Group, which also included Ascot and the Sunning’s.


Derek Wilson informed the Forum what the Windsor and Maidenhead Cycling Action Group was and what their Mission Statement was and what work they were doing towards it. The Group’s Objectives were stated. The Group had met regularly over the last nine months over Zoom and had been working on the RBWM local cycle and cycling and walking infrastructure plan. There had been a number of presentations across the borough to get local feedback on what was required in planning cycle routes and to see if the best possible service was being provided to the residents. The plan was being developed by Tim Golabek and the Project Centre staff.


Another item discussed had been the concern about the PSPO’s that had been implemented in the pedestrian areas of Windsor and Maidenhead town centres and requested a potential meeting with Councillor Clark and Tim Golabek to go though a number of areas of concern to see if any of the concerns could be reinvested.


The Group would like to be more informed and have better two-way communication.


The Windsor Cycle Hub had been launched in the last nine months. A Maidenhead Cycle Hub had also recently been launched.


There was still an issue of bicycles been stolen from around the town centre. Derek Wilson informed the Forum that a informative presentation had been given by Jefferey Pick, the Police Community Engagement and Resilience Officer for Thames Valley Police, who had advised on bike marking sessions.


Derek Wilson asked for more information on which active travel measures had been removed.


Councillor Clark commented that the engagement had been great between the Action Group and the borough. Tim Golabek and Chris Joyce had been in constant communication with all matters to cycling and it had been rising up the agenda. The borough had been very supportive in the Action Group and Active Travel. Councillor Clark would be very happy to have a meeting very soon.


Councillor Clark informed the Forum that the tranche one measures where monies were supplied to facilitate social distancing and transport for workers and to try and keep the covid infections risk down. This work was still ongoing.


Councillor Taylor asked about the proposed map of cycle paths around the borough to try and encourage residents off the roads and give residents greater knowledge of where the cycle paths were located, and which paths were suitable for families with young children. Councillor Taylor asked if there had been any progress on this. Derek Wilson informed the Forum that there used to be a cycle path plan provided by the borough but currently there was one within the cycling action plan. This could be looked into further.


Councillor Singh asked to be invited to the meeting with Councillor Clark and Tim Golabek. Residents had been concerned about the PSPO’s and the fines they were giving out. Also cycle theft was also a big problem. The issues raised could also be discussed at the meeting.


Robyn Bunyan, Maidenhead Town Manager, had provided a report for the Forum. Councillor McWilliams asked about the new lounge that was opening in the town centre and asked what the opening plans were. Robyn Bunyan informed the Forum that it would be opening the following week and once she had further details on the opening, she would inform all.


There was slow positive progress in the footfall in Maidenhead.