Agenda item

Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment

To consider the report.


Becky Campbell explained that the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) was a statutory responsibility of the Health and Wellbeing Board. It considered the pharmaceutical needs of the population on a 3 yearly basis, with the last one being carried out in 2018. Due to a delay with Covid, the next PNA had been pushed back but it was now planned to be refreshed by October 2022. In 2018, the PNA was done across Berkshire with each Health and Wellbeing Board having added into this collective piece of work. An external provider called Healthy Dialogues had been brought in to carry out the PNA and it would provide each local authority with their own statement of needs. The assessment would link in with work being done by the East Berkshire Public Health Hub which would be the check and balance to ensure that the process was carried out correctly.


A steering group had been created and had met twice already, the group consisted of a number of people and was scheduled to meet every six weeks. The first task for the group was to gather feedback, a survey had been created and the questions to be asked had been agreed. The survey would go out to pharmacies, while the public would also be asked the questions. It was planned that the survey would be launched at the end of the month. Healthy Dialogues were also undertaking some work on targeted groups, for example older generations, those whose first language was not English, those in care, sheltered housing and younger generations were all examples. It was proposed that the first draft of the PNA would be ready for April 2022, after this there would be a 60-day consultation. The PNA could then be signed off by the Board in September 2022, ready for publication in October 2022.


The Chairman asked how the steering group planned to publicise and communicate with residents about the consultation period.


Becky Campbell said that Healthy Dialogues had put together a plan, working in partnership with the public health hub and the local authority communications leads. Each local authority would advertise the consultation using their own channels and Healthwatch were also going to help. A wide range of communication methods were planned to push the consultation out once it was ready.


Kevin McDaniel, Executive Director of Children’s Services, asked how young people could get involved with the consultation.


Becky Campbell explained that Healthy Dialogues were keen to use current channels to engage with this age group, for example by using youth ambassadors.


Kevin McDaniel said that he was happy to be involved and investigate ways to help ensure that young people were aware and participated in the consultation.


ACTION – Becky Campbell to contact Kevin McDaniel to discuss how young people could be more involved in the consultation on the PNA.


Councillor Werner joined the meeting.


Anna Richards, Consultant in Public Health, suggested that the Board could be used to help reach the targeted groups that had been mentioned, she asked if there was an email contact for Healthy Dialogues.


Becky Campbell said that she was happy to pass on the contact details after the meeting.


ACTION – Becky Campbell to provide Anna Richards with contact details for Healthy Dialogues.


Anna Richards added that there would be two further updates from the PNA required to be considered by the Board, the draft assessment and approval from the Board once the PNA had been completed. She asked how this would fit in with the Board’s schedule of meetings.


Becky Campbell said the PNA would need to be signed off by the Board in August or September 2022, so that it could be submitted by the start of October 2022. Officers could investigate closer to the time to see when it would be appropriate for the PNA to be considered by the Board.

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