Agenda item

Work Programme

To consider the Forum’s work programme.


The Chairman asked Oran Norris-Browne, Democratic Services Officer, what was currently on the work programme for the forum. Oran Norris-Browne informed the forum members that he had included an extra column under the items not yet programmed section that was titled ‘Comments from Officers’. This informed members, what officers had said about each suggestion when it was presented to them. It was clear that some items were not deemed suitable for the forum to consider, and perhaps required a more borough-wide focus.


Oran Norris-Browne said that the two items that were currently listed as potential topics for the next meeting were an update on the Windsor Homeless Project and an update on the Solar Together Project.


The Chairman suggested that the standing items that currently existed, which included the town manager update and the police update, were made into alternative items at every other meeting instead. She asked the forum members their thoughts on this proposal.


Councillor Tisi agreed with this proposal. She also endorsed the idea to have an update on the Windsor Homeless Project and encouraged attendance from a member of the project rather than have an update from a Council officer. The Chairman agreed to this.


ACTION: Windsor Homeless Project to be added to the next agenda.


Councillor Price asked what was happening with the air pollution item that had been placed on the work programme. Oran Norris-Browne said that officer comments suggested that this item would be more suitable for an Overview & Scrutiny panel, where a borough-wide focus could be pursued.


Councillor Price then asked about the presentation that had been given to Maidenhead Town Forum on 11 July 2022 about tennis courts and how they would operate going forward. She asked if this would apply to Windsor also. Oran Norris-Browne confirmed that he would speak to Councillor Price offline regarding this.


ACTION: Oran Norris-Browne to contact Councillor Price offline about the tennis courts.


Ed Wilson suggested an update on Victoria Street car park and also the bridge by the railway station. The Chairman said that there was no update to currently give on Victoria Street car park, and therefore it would not be added to the work programme.


In relation to the bridge, the Chairman said that there was £200,000 left in the capital budget and after surveying the bridge, no immediate issues were identified. A time to commence the works was still being looked at, and it would not be over the summer months due to the tourism trade.


Claire Milne asked for a review of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funds and how they would be spent. She also asked for a focus on affordable housing.


Councillor Hilton said that the Council needed to work out how to separate different sums of money that related to specific areas. This was a work in progress, and it was a massive piece of work for the Council to undertake.


The Chairman said that affordable housing would be better suited to an Overview & Scrutiny panel, as it was borough-wide focus.


Councillor Bowden said that works on Victoria Street car park were subject to agreements with contractors. The forum may have an update on bridge works by the time the forum meets in September 2022, depending on if works had commenced by that time.


Councillor Baldwin thanked Claire Milne for her attendance at a meeting in Maidenhead and the presentation that she gave. He said that the Place Overview & Scrutiny panel would be taking the issue of CIL forward and that this was currently in progress.


Councillor Price asked if forum members could view the constitution and see what areas the forum could look at going forward, that has not been looked at before. She also discussed the idea of the forum making decisions and spending money as delegated by the cabinet. The Chairman acknowledged Councillor Price’s request.


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