Agenda item

Thames Valley Police Update

To receive the above item.


PCSO Liz Davidson introduced the update from Thames Valley Police (TVP) by saying that the crime statistics were to be shared, were from a month ago and that they specifically covered Windsor Town Centre. There were 8 reports of Anti-Social behaviour and sadly 28 thefts from motor vehicles. No reported bikes were stolen. The Chair asked if at future meetings, a report could be sent through to the forum members in advance of the meetings. This was taken on board by PC Jon Brooks who said that they had been asked to attend the meeting at short notice, due to Sergeant Stef Day having to attend some last-minute training.


PC Jon Brooks said that the neighbourhood team had started the ‘have your say’ campaign, which was conducted through various stalls around the borough. The surveys were also to be sent out and shared via the Thames Valley Alert and also accessible through the TVP website. The purpose of the survey was to set out the goals for the forthcoming year. The Chair asked if the results of the surveys could be brought back to a potential future meeting. PC Jon Brooks said that he would certainly feed this back.


Councillor Wisdom Da Costa said that it would be useful for a scope of possibilities be provided to residents in the surveys, to show what could be provided from TVP to residents. He also agreed with the Chair’s comments on receiving reports prior to the meeting. PC Jon Brooks said that Inspector Bennett would be attending future meetings in place of Jeff Pick.


Councillor Hilton said that the believed someone was to take over Jeff Pick’s role and asked if this could be followed up outside of the meeting. Councillor Cannon said that a role was to be developed and was in place to be more visible in the near future.

Councillor Hilton asked what the nature was of the incidents of anti-social behaviour. The details were not known, however a more recent one was the throwing of eggs, so it could have been along similar lines. Councillor Hilton said that trends were of interest to residents and that he would like to see this within future reports.


Councillor Price asked about an incident on the riverside and what had happened with this. Councillor Davey had been chasing this offline and said that he had reassurances that it was a priority of TVP and that extensive conversations had occurred offline about it.


Councillor Price then provided some feedback on the ‘have your say’ stand and said that it was quite plain and needed a large sign for example, in order to attract more people towards it. She also commented on the lack of information that was available to residents about scams nowadays but said that this was present however at the stand earlier in the day.


John Holland, resident from Sheet Street echoed the comments of the Chair that a written report in advance of the meeting would be very beneficial. He said that car pollution was a big issue in Windsor, especially during the guard change. Cars were idle for 15 minutes or so at a time, with their engines switched on. He had mentioned it many times to the police and had even asked them to have a word with these offenders, and he was told no. PC Jon Brooks responded by saying it was difficult as the officers were instructed to stay on their posts during guard changes for security reasons, however as he was not a part of these proceedings, he said that he would feed this back to the correct officers.


Ed Wilson, resident, asked about car thefts and any information about this that could be provided. PCSO Liz Davidson said that there was currently a task team that was tackling thefts from motor vehicles. The main car parks that were being targeted were the two main tourist ones. These were River Street, and the Castle car parks. TVP were very hot on this currently.


PC Jon brooks asked if Inspector Bennett could be sent the invite for forums moving forward. Oran Norris-Browne confirmed that this would be fine.


ACTION: Oran to add Inspector Dan Bennett to any invites moving forward if TVP were on the agenda.


The Chair thanked the officers for their attendance and all of their hard work and then summarised some of the action points that had arisen from their update, for the officers to feed back to fellow officers. These were:

·       A report sent through by TVP prior to the publication of the agenda of the forum.

·       More information on the nature of incidents and not just plain statistics.

·       Follow up on the idling cars situation during the guard change.

·       More information circulated on scams.