Agenda item

Referrals from other bodies

To consider referrals from other bodies (e.g. Cabinet)




Members considered a referral from Cabinet to approve a number of capital budget additions.


Councillor Hilton stated he was pleased to present the report which increased spending on five borough schools. In February, Council had approved the capital budget for improvements to the school estate. The final allocation figure of £1.268m was announced after the February budget meeting which meant Council was now asked to increase the capital budget by £498,000.


Following the preparation of a bid by the Sustainability Team, Property Services and Achieving for Children, the council had been successful in a £1.567m bid for capital funding from the public sector decarbonisation fund. The grant would replace oil fired boilers with lower carbon alternatives and other sustainability improvements on site at five schools in the borough. Councillor Hilton referred Members to table 1 on page 95 which detailed the funding available.  Officers would consider appropriate use of the released funds for projects at other schools.  Cabinet had already delegated authority to amend the list of agreed school condition allocation schemes to the Director of Children’s Services and the relevant Cabinet Member.


Councillor Werner commented that the proposals for investment in schools were obviously to be welcomed. In his 30 years on the council he had seen how well negotiated agreements with developers could add funding to under-resourced schools. S106 agreements must consistently focus on additional provision for school expansion, modernisation to increase fuel efficiency, additional cycle storage and more recreational and educational opportunities in the school playground. CIL receipts could also be used to decarbonise schools. The council should be taking advantage of both, and he requested more effort on the planning front to generate income from S106 and CIL.


Councillor L. Jones asked if up to date surveys had been undertaken to ensure that funding was directed to the places it was most needed. If that was happening, any such funding was a very good idea.


Councillor Knowles commented that the school condition allowance for maintained schools was ringfenced. It always came out late each year and councils had to guess, based on the previous year’s formula, but it was a simple adjustment. School condition reports provided evidence in the audit process.


Councillor Singh commented that the government was bringing in legislation to bring ratings up to category C in private rented accommodation. He believed that quite a few of the schools in the borough would be below category C and he therefore asked if the same requirement would be added for schools.


Councillor Stimson commented that she was not sure if schools used the same EPC rating. The council had won some funding to undertake surveys in all schools to enable the identification of those with greatest need. Some would have heat pumps, and some would have air source; all would have improved insulation and solar panels. After the work was done, the schoolchildren would be engaged to discuss decarbonisation and encourage behaviour change.  The estimated carbon saving was approximately 185 tonnes per year. The work would therefore contribute to nearly 5% of the council’s reduction targets. Councillor Stimson congratulated the sustainability team on the excellent work.


Councillor Hilton thanked Councillor Stimson for the detailed explanation and commented that he was pleased that the works would also be used as a teaching aid.


It was proposed by Councillor Hilton, seconded by Councillor Stimson, and:


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Council approves:


i)           A capital budget addition of £498,456 to the 2022/23 capital programme for school estates improvement works fully funded by School Condition Allocation grant.

ii)          A capital budget addition of £1,567,000 to the 2022/23 capital programme fully grant funded by the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme.