Agenda item

Milestones Statement 2022/23

To consider the report.


Anthony Hurst set out the report and explained that the Panel was being asked to approve the Milestones Statement, which set out the priorities, standards and targets for the coming year. RBWM had consulted with the Local Access Forum and a number of parish councils. Comments from parish councils would be followed up in due course. Suggestions that had been made and were reasonable had been incorporated into the Milestones Statements. Considering the targets achieved from the current year, a presentation was shown to the Panel which showed various photos of the work which had been undertaken.


The Chairman thanked the volunteers, who had done a great job. She asked if comments from the volunteers on the work they had done was in the ‘Around the Royal Borough’ publication and in media outlets such as resident newsletters.


Anthony Hurst said that an article had been included in the most recent issue. He agreed with the Chairman’s comments and said that they provided invaluable support, it was important to continue to promote the work that volunteers did for the borough.


The Chairman asked if links could be added for potential volunteers to join the volunteer groups.


Naomi Markham, Environmental Services Manager, confirmed that this could be done and it could also be added to the website.


ACTION – Officers to add links to the various volunteer groups in both articles and the website.


Councillor Brar said that the path from Odney Lane to Cookham Lock had a significant pothole, she asked if this was the responsibility of RBWM to fix.


Anthony Hurst said that he would discuss this case with Councillor Brar after the meeting.


Councillor Werner said that he echoed the sentiments from the Chairman and officers on the volunteers. He suggested a letter from the Chairman of the Panel, thanking volunteers for their work.


The Chairman said that this had already been done, they had done an excellent job and their work deserved to be recognised.


Councillor Werner commented on number 20 on the Milestones Statement and asked if there was any progress. The last time Councillor Werner had visited Odney Common, the gates on the lock were locked and walkers were unable to get across to the island. He asked if this had been reopened.


Anthony Hurst said that on number 20, which was around filling in a missing link, the landowners had not been willing to agree to the proposal. Unfortunately, this meant that there was little that RBWM could do but the case would remain in the statement in case the situation was to change. On the lock, Anthony Hurst explained that the path was under the control of the Environment Agency and was a permitted footpath, there had been an incident in this area of drowning and the Environment Agency were therefore putting in extra fences to make the path safer and more secure.


Councillor Werner commented that it was the only way to get to the island, he asked how confident officers were at the Environment Agency would reopen the footpath. On number 20, Councillor Werner said that John Lewis owned the Odney Club and were going through a tough time financially, it might therefore be worth approaching them.


Anthony Hurst responded by saying that the Environment Agency had said they would reopen the footpath. He was not able to speculate on the comments Councillor Werner had made on number 20, but if the opportunity arose then officers would look to provide the link to this footpath.


Councillor Baskerville said that volunteers worked with the landowners and it was important that this partnership was maintained. The National Trust also had an important role. Litter picking was needed and those that volunteered their time did a good job.


Councillor Rayner said that a lot of businesses took part in volunteering days for staff as part of their corporate strategy. She asked if something could go in the residents newsletter to widen the publicity of volunteer groups.


Councillor Clark proposed the motion in the report, that the Milestones Statement was approved. This was seconded by Councillor Shelim.


A named vote was taken.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Rights of Way and Highway Licensing Panel approved the ‘Milestones Statement and Public Rights of Way Improvement Plan Annual Review 2022/23’.

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