Agenda item

Achieving for Children (AfC) Reserved Ownership Decisions


Cabinet considered the report regards AFC reserve matters.


The Chairman informed Cabinet that the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead owned 20% of Achieving for Children Community Interest Company (AfC) and was responsible for making reserved matter ownership decisions in relation to the strategic direction of the company jointly with the two other council owners.  


This report sought approval for the adoption of the updated Business Plan, the Company's budget for 2022/23 and the Treasury Plan for 2022/23.


In developing these proposals AfC had engaged with relevant council officers and members of the AfC Ownership Board.  The budget for Windsor and Maidenhead based AfC services mirrors the budget proposed as part of the Local Authority’s budget approval process.


The Deputy Chairman of Cabinet and Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, Children’s Services, Health, Mental Health, & Transformation informed that the documents set out the strategy and plans for children in the borough.  Our vision was to allow all children to have the best start possible in life and to live a safe life and the transition into adulthood.  The plans allowed for a skilled workforce, looked at best practice, developed business models, looked at transformation and value for money.  This builds on the successes already made.


The AFC Chief Operating and Finance Officer informed Cabinet that the AfC Joint Committee approved a five year Business Plan in December 2019.  This plan was the overarching strategy for AfC.  It described the organisation’s strategic priorities for the coming years and details non ‘business as usual’ planned activity.  The Plan was put together following extensive engagement with council colleagues, partners, staff and young people. 


The Business Plan and associated strategies had been updated to reflect the changing context in which AfC operates and also emerging priorities.  More detail had been included on the organisation's Environment Strategy given the increasing focus and prioritisation of this work. 


The draft Medium Term Financial Strategy was attached at appendix C.  The strategy sat alongside the Business Plan and was produced as part of the budget process.   


With regards to the budget AfC was fully engaged in Windsor and Maidenhead’s budget setting process each year and the proposals outlined, that related to Windsor and Maidenhead, mirror the proposals outlined for children's services in the Local Authority's own budget paper.  A net revenue operating budget of £168,696,985 was proposed for AfC in 2022/23, £42,863,385 was allocated for RBWM.


The Treasury Plan outlined how AFC is permitted to borrow and invest for cashflow purposes in the coming year.  


The Director for Children’s Services informed that as well as the work already mentioned it was important to note that the paper built on the partnership work with other organisations such as Schools, Adult Social Care, NHS etc. intervention work had been prioritised to help protect and help young people.


The Lead Member for Climate Action and Sustainability welcomed the report but asked if there were any plans to replace ‘Kickstart’ when it came to an end.  She was informed that AFC supported apprentices and ways into work, when recruiting they would also look if an apprentice was a viable option.  The council was also working to create opportunities. 


The Deputy Leader of the Council & Cabinet Member for Business, Corporate and Residents Services, Culture and Heritage, and Windsor said she was please to second the report and asked about the mental health of young people.  She was informed that the pandemic had put pressure on mental health services and on returning to school there had been an increase in absence.  Officers were working on support with additional resources in early help services and work would continue with schools. 


Resolved unanimously:  that Cabinet notes the report and:


i)       approves the AfC Business Plan including the Business Development Strategy and Medium Term Financial Strategy (appendix A,B,C)

ii)      approves the detailed AfC 2022/23 budget (appendix D)

iii)        approves the AfC Treasury Plan (appendix E)

Supporting documents: