Agenda item

All Saints Junior School Update on Progress

To receive an update on the school.


Clive Haines said that in January 2022 there had been a change of leadership at All Saints Junior School. Six weeks after the change of leadership, an Ofsted inspection took place and there were two areas the school was deemed inadequate, the quality of the education and the leadership. A statement of action was completed, particularly around early reading for children and that SEND children were not receiving adequate support. There was also an overreliance on RBWM from the school. The council had appointed an Executive Headteacher on an interim basis, who reported to a strategic board and the progress that had been made so far was pleasing.


Navroop Mehat, Interim Executive Headteacher at All Saints, said that with SEND children, they were now being well supported. Teachers could plan and scaffold up so that all children would achieve the same as their peers. SEND plans had been reviewed and sent to parents. The curriculum had seen improvements and was sequenced, teachers were now following this in their planning. Looking forward, there needed to be better links with local infant schools which had been done. The strategic board had been really helpful and had provided great support to staff. On early reading, there was a strong phonic programme in place which children took part in every day. Those that were struggling would gain extra support. Resources had been purchased by the school to help bridge the link between phonics and free reader. Children were now encouraged to read a book and then engage in a digital quiz to help aid their understanding. Navroop Mehat concluded by saying that the staff at the school had been excellent and All Saints Junior School was in a good place to move forward.


The Chairman asked how parents were updated on the progress being made to improve the school.


Navroop Mehat said that weekly newsletters were sent out, each one focused on a specific area. Parents were asked for feedback to make the newsletter and communication better. Staff were also visible in the playground at pick up and drop off times which also allowed parents to share their concerns with the school.


Councillor Baldwin asked for clarification, as he had heard both a strategic board and a steering board mentioned. He also asked if an intervention was required by the Department for Education.


Clive Haines confirmed it was the same thing, intervention was required as the governing body was deemed ineffective to hold the school to account.


Councillor Baldwin asked if the school would be able to return to a governor committee.


Clive Haines said that it would, a new board had been created by the Department for Education who were working with the council to improve the school. The school would go through the chosen academy trust, rather than a school controlled by the local authority.


Clive Haines concluded the update by informing Members that the Board had received a lot of positive parent feedback. The Board were happy with the progress that had been made and were hopeful that Ofsted would feel the same.


The Chairman said it was a priority to see progress and it was good to hear the positive steps that had been made. He suggested that this agenda item should be brought back to a future meeting of the Forum.