Agenda item


To receive a verbal update on the ongoing regeneration of Maidenhead town centre from Ian Brazier-Dubber, Managing Director of RBWM Property Company.


Ian Brazier-Dubber, Managing Director of RBWM Property Company, introduced himself and outlined the role of RBWM Property Company which was to manage elements of regeneration across the borough.A particular focus had been placed on delivering the two joint ventures of Countryside Homes, which had planning consent for the redevelopment of the Magnet Leisure Centre, and CALA Homes which would be looking at potential development of the golf course. 


The Borough Local Plan was formally adopted in February which set out the fixed policies which would be used to assess development within the area and how these developments would be brought forward in the coming years. 


Planning consent had been formally granted mid-June 2022 for development of the site of Magnet Leisure Centre on St Cloud’s Way which would include 343 residential homes, 87 of which would be affordable homes for rent. 10% of these homes had been designed for fully accessible requirements in line with policy. Development would be commencing towards the end of July 2022 to clear the site, with the first home being completed in Autumn 2024. 


With regards to the Nicholson centre, a compulsory purchase order (CPO) was being undertaken to ensure the whole site could be brought together as one development. This would lead to a public inquiry held by a planning inspector appointed by Michael Gove from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, which was scheduled for October 2022 


The borough’s interest in the site included the properties on Broadway, including the Nicholson Centre car park and Siena Court. The rest of the site was owned by Areli Investments with a view to beginning development on the site in summer 2023. There was ongoing work to understand how accessibility issues to the high street were sustained once the Shopmobility site was moved to West Street car park. 


A supplementary planning document (SPD) would be published for consultation in the summer which would set the framework for the development of Maidenhead Golf Course on Shoppenhanger’s Road. Ian Brazier-Dubber welcomed comments on the SPD with regards to accessibility.  


The Chairman asked about the number of parking spaces for patients and staff for the two GP surgeries, chemist and two dentist sites on St Cloud’s Way. 


Ian Brazier-Dubber responded that there were 20 parking spaces to the north of the Cedar Trees Surgery which was allocated to patients and staff. 


The Chairman responded that these spaces were totally allocated to doctors and staff, with members of the public having to park in a public car park. 


Ian Brazier-Dubber stated that as part of the ongoing development, temporary parking would remain at the bowling site to provide 50 spaces.  


The Chairman asked if the 20 parking spaces would remain solely for the use of doctors and staff since the 50 parking spaces were only temporary. 


Ian Brazier-Dubber responded that currently, people were able to park for an hour for free, but other solutions were being looked at. 


The Chair also asked for any news of relocation of the Post Office.  


Ian Brazier-Dubber stated that conversations had been ongoing with relevant parties to the Post Office but no solution had yet been reached.  


Peter Haley asked for clarification on Shopmobility and if work would start on the Nicholson car park in summer 2023. Peter Haley also asked if the timings had been looked at to ensure that Shopmobility would be continually accessible as its location would be changing and requested a meeting with Ian Brazier-Dubber to discuss the West Street development.  


Ian Brazier-Dubber confirmed that this was the intended start date for development if previous events occurred as planned. Ian Brazier-Dubber also confirmed that this was the case. The new car park would be built first to ensure that this facility was available to shoppers. 


ACTION: Ian-Brazier Dubber to meet with Peter Haley to discuss developments on West Street. 


Peter Haley asked if facilities with running water and waste facilities would be available as part of the temporary facility. 


Ian Brazier-Dubber confirmed that this would be looked into. 


Councillor Carole Da Costa confirmed that the 20 parking spaces at the doctors surgery were solely for the use of staff and expressed concern over the new temporary parking arrangements for those with mobility issues. Councillor Carole Da Costa asked for unrestricted disabled parking closer to the surgery. 


Ian Brazier-Dubber thanked Councillor Carole Da Costa for her comments and confirmed that this would be investigated to ensure spaces were used appropriately.  


Dominic Manley expressed disappointment that the building work at the Nicholson Centre had been pushed back and asked whether a two-year build programme would be feasible. 


Ian Brazier-Dubber stated that two years would be a tight delivery programme,but this period should be long enough to deliver the main parts of the site. 


Councillor Stimson asked to be involved in the discussions surrounding West Street and expressed concern about the Post Office and Shopmobility. 


ACTION: Ian Brazier-Dubber to invite Councillor Stimson to discussions with Peter Haleyon West Street. 


Councillor Coppinger assured residents that the Post Office was critical and explained that Robyn Bunyan, Maidenhead Town Manager, and Steph James, Service Lead for Economic Growth, were working on solutions. Additionally, Councillor Coppinger assured residents that conversations were ongoing around provisions of healthcare in Maidenhead to ensure the right provisions were in place for residents. 


The Vice-Chairman thanked Ian Brazier-Dubber for the update on developments in Maidenhead and asked whether blue-badge spaces would be moved closer to the town centre. 


Ian Brazier-Dubber stated that there was a set of standards that needed to be adhered to with regards to accessible parking arrangements and confirmed that these would be considered. 


Councillor Singh thanked Ian Brazier-Dubber for his update and stated that residents were concerned about parking arrangements in the future with regards to the doctors surgery. Councillor Singh asked why an agreement had not yet been reached with the doctors surgery surrounding parking arrangements and why a CPOwas being used in this instance. 


Councillor Singh stated that in 2019, he was informed that a health hub would be created on Reform Road and queried why no extra doctors’ facilities had been created in Maidenhead to cope with the increase in housing. 


Ian Brazier-Dubber stated with regards to a potential health hub on Reform Road, extensive discussions with partners were ongoing and the logistics of funding and structure were being looked at. 


Ian Brazier-Dubber clarified that the sites that were being regenerated were not purchased through a CPO but were undertaken through appropriation, which was approved by Cabinet in November 2018, to change the use of the land from commercial to housing. 


Peter Haley asked for information regarding the use St Mark’s Hospital in relation to a potential health hub. 


Ian Brazier-Dubber stated that he was seeking information from the NHS estates and was awaiting a response.  


The Chairman thanked Ian Brazier-Dubber for his time.