Agenda item


To receive a presentation on Home Energy Grants from Hayley George, Energy Projects Manager.


Hayley George, Energy Projects Manager, gave a presentation to the forum on home energy grants offered by the borough. To give context to the presentation, Hayley George explained that a climate emergency was declared by the borough in 2019, which led to the Environment and Climate Strategy being adopted in December 2020. Within the borough, 29% of emissions were from heating homes using fossil fuels. Rising energy prices meant that fuel poverty would likely rise, with data from Ofgem suggesting that the number of households in fuel poverty in the UK could double to 12 million by October 2022. 


6.4% of the borough’s population were in fuel poverty, and Hayley George emphasised that despite the borough being within the lowest 10 areas for fuel poverty we should not dismiss the importance of supporting vulnerable residents. 


With regards to grants, the borough had applied to the Sustainable Warmth scheme run by central government which awarded £1.3m to be spent on energy efficient upgrades by the end of the scheme deadline in March 2023. These upgrades included projects such as wall, floor and roof insulation, window upgrades and solar panels.


In order to be eligible for the scheme, residents must be private homeowners or privately renting. Household income must be below £30,000 and/or the resident must be in receipt of benefits, and the property must be difficult to keep warm, with an EPC rating of D-F 


Hayley George highlighted the Flexible Home Improvement Loan which was overseen by Dawn Howse in the Adults, Health and Commission Directorate. The scheme was available to residents over the age of 60 and could be used to support the purchase of repair works and home improvement.   


Hayley George welcomed efforts to spread the word of both schemes. 


The Chairman asked about schemes available for residents living in housing association properties.  


Hayley George clarified that the council does not own any social housing stock but highlighted the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund (SHDF). Hayley George had been attending Abri’s meetings to discuss their applications to this fund. 


Lisa Hughes thanked Hayley George for the presentation and asked about data collection for people who were renting and applied to these schemes. 


Hayley George thanked Lisa Hughes for the question and stated that she would discuss this with Warmworks as the borough’s scheme partner to see how data was being measured on landlords’ commitments to paying one-third of the measure install costs. 


ACTION: Hayley George to discuss data collection with Warmworks. 


Councillor Stimson thanked Hayley George for the presentation and stated that the borough worked with housing associations to raise awareness of schemes. Councillor Stimson stated that sustainability tips were available on RBWM Together and emphasised that this would be a key issue in the winter.  


Councillor Price highlighted the work of Draught Busters, a voluntary organisation who worked on reducing draughts in residents’ homes. Councillor Price also drew attention to the Household Support Grant which went towards helping people with the cost of energy bills and was administered by the Baby Bank and the West Windsor Hub within the borough. 


Councillor Singh thanked Hayley George for the presentation and stated that his ward of St. Mary’s was one of the most deprived in the borough. Councillor Singh emphasised the need to reach out to people who wouldn’t necessarily know where to look for information regarding home energy grants. 


Hayley George thanked Councillor Singh for his comments and stated that this was being looked at. Hayley George confirmed that a group of staff members throughout the council has been formed to increase the awareness of these schemes and to encouraged staff on the ground, such as resident liaison officers, to identify those who are at risk of fuel poverty. Focus groups had been dropping leaflets to households, but the borough was looking at ways to increase its outreach. 


Councillor Brar asked how these schemes would be publicised to residents who didn’t have computers and whether any leaflets were able to be distributed to residents. 


Hayley George re-emphasised her explanation that leaflets had been shared with staff members across the council and the sharing of communications was on-going and ever-expanding. Hayley emphasised that new ideas and connections were always welcome. Leaflets and communications provided by the scheme partner had been shared along with the Communications team.  


ACTION: Hayley George to share leaflets from Greater South East Energy Hub with Councillors. 


Councillor Carole Da Costa stated that she believed that residents living in housing association on pre-paid energy meters would benefit the most from these schemes as they were among the most vulnerable residents. 


Hayley George agreed with Councillor Carole Da Costa’s comments and stated that the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund was available to residents of social housing. 


The Chairman thanked Hayley George for the presentation.