Agenda item

Work Programme

To consider the Panel’s work programme for upcoming municipal year.


To include consideration of items scheduled on the Cabinet Forward Plan.


Councillor L Jones said that she had been trying to get the customer journey on to the Panel’s agenda for over a year. She had been told that there was a working group, once work had been done it would be shared with the Panel. However, Councillor L Jones was concerned that the Panel would not be involved and would just receive a final report. The peer review team were visiting the council again in October, it would be good for the Panel to see the report. Councillor L Jones said that she wanted the Tivoli contract to be considered, Corporate should consider the contractual obligations. Annual complaints and compliments would link in well with the performance monitoring reports.


The Chairman said that there was a significant amount of work ongoing around the ‘report it’ system. This should be a useful tool to understand if issues were being resolved. He said that he would contact the relevant officer with regard to the customer journey.


Adele Taylor said that she was happy to take the item away and bring an item as an update on the customer service and journey, she would speak to the relevant officers.


ACTION – Adele Taylor to confirm the customer journey item on the work programme and speak to relevant officers.


Nikki Craig said that RBWM was legally required to report the compliments and complaints for adult and children’s services, the council reported all complaints and compliments which had been received. The report did not include the ‘report it’ function. Nikki Craig said that she would discuss with the strategy team to see if current detail could be matched with the performance monitoring report.


ACTION – Nikki Craig to discuss with the strategy team to see if feedback from residents in the form of complaints and compliments could be incorporated into the performance monitoring report which would be considered by the Panel.


Emma Duncan said that an update on the action plan from the peer review was due at Cabinet in August. This could be brought to the next Panel meeting.


Councillor Price said that she would be meeting with officers this week to finalise the scrutiny scoping document on her suggested topic around equalities. She would circulate it to Panel Members shortly and it was hoped that it would be ready to come to the next meeting. On the transformation programme, she suggested that it would be good to look at this sooner rather than later as there had been some changes in the transformation team. On the Cabinet Forward Plan, there was an item on the Covid Relief Fund, Councillor Price asked if this was relevant for the Panel to consider.


Adele Taylor said that there were some potential changes to the transformation team, this would be brought forward at the appropriate time. On the Covid Relief Fund, the council had been given money for business rate relief, this was for businesses that had not had any other support. There was a strict criteria around the fund, therefore there was not much opportunity for scrutiny. Adele Taylor said that she was happy to discuss with Councillor Price outside of the meeting, if appropriate.

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