Agenda item

Additional Library - Options Appraisal


Members considered an options appraisal for the delivery of additional library services in the borough.


The Principal Member explained that the report requested the addition of a budget to the capital programme of up to £35,000 to fund feasibility studies into at least two of the options. The council had two manifesto commitments for libraries: to open a new library and to support a library for Sunningdale. Sunningdale was visited by the mobile library but it was a very busy stop and therefore needed a more permanent library. Some consultation had already been undertaken in preparation of the paper. Members noted that Furze Platt Senior Academy had supplied two feasibility studies for a library to be provided at the school.


The Principal Member suggested that two further feasibility studies would be needed in Holyport and Sunningdale. In Holyport a couple of potential sites had been identified. Consultation had taken place with ward councillors and the parish council but she wished to update that consultation. In Sunningdale a preferred site had been identified close to the where the mobile library stopped; however another option had recently come to light. The Lead Member for Ascot & the Sunnings explained that a bank was closing down on Chobham Road in the heart of the village. The premises had two shop fronts so had sufficient space. Given the options, the Principal Member proposed to re-consult.


The Lead Member for Adult Services and Health commented that the potential site near the school in Holyport was in the centre of the village near the shops, doctors and Post Office. The alternative was a further away from the centre of the village and therefore more people would drive. There was congestion at the school in the morning and afternoon but Councillor Coppinger was of the view that extra traffic would only be an issue for 5% of the time so was not significant. A further benefit to the school location would be that the school would no longer need to be closed during elections.


The Lead Member for Ascot and the Sunnings commented that the preferred location for Sunningdale was near a recreation centre and playing field. The second site would result in a loss of car park spaces which could be a problem. The new town centre location was an exciting opportunity.


The Lead Member for Transformation and Performance commented that libraries were the bastion of civilisation. Libraries were evolving amenities; the council was seeking innovative uses to maintain their relevance to modern users.




i)             Approves a capital budget of up to £35k to conduct at least two feasibility studies into two of the three options for the provision of a new library in the Royal Borough.

ii)            Delegates authority to the Principal Member for Culture and Communities and the Strategic Director of Operations and Customer Services to appoint an appropriate consultant to carry out the feasibility studies.

iii)           Requires a report on the feasibility studies to be made to its meeting in July 2016.

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