Agenda item

Approval of the Cookham Village Conservation Area Appraisal


Cabinet considered approval of the Cookham Village Conservation Area Appraisal (CAA).


Councillor Haseler, Cabinet Member for Highways, Transport, Planning and Parking, explained that the CAA described the important features and characteristics of the area and would be used in determining planning applications. It was part of a long-term project to review all existing CAAs in the borough and complete ones for new areas.


A CAA identified specific buildings of architectural or historical interest, defined the Conservation Area boundary, increased public awareness of the need for preservation, and provided a framework to inform planning decisions.


The Cookham Village CAA included a five-year management plan which summarised the actions the council would take to ensure the area was preserved or enhanced. A public consultation had been undertaken to inform the CAA, including letters to all properties in the area and public meetings. There had been strong local support for the CAA. Once adopted, the CAA would replace the previous 2002 appraisal. Councillor Clark, ward councillor, had written to Councillor Haseler to say he was delighted with the updated CAA and residents had been grateful for the opportunity to help shape the document through the consultation process.


As Councillor Haseler was in attendance virtually, the proposal was recommended by Councillor Johnson. Councillor Coppinger seconded the proposal.


Councillor Rayner stated that she fully supported the proposal. The borough had an incredible wealth of heritage and culture, and anything done to preserve and enhance it should be applauded.


Councillor Hilton commented it was an excellent document that would protect the area. There were a few more areas in the borough that could benefit from Conservation Area status.


Councillor Stimson commented that she supported the proposal. As work was undertaken to retrofit old buildings to make them more comfortable to live in, the CAA would ensure the heritage and appearance of the area was preserved.


Councillor Coppinger commented that two areas in his ward had benefited from Conservation Area status. He was delighted the area covered in Cookham was being expanded.


Councillor Brar commented that she was very pleased with the proposal. Cookham was a unique place. She had been disappointed that the Railway Cottages on Station Road and High Road were not included and asked if there was any opportunity for them to be added at a later stage.


It was confirmed that there was a five-year review period foe the CAA therefore other areas could be included in future.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Cabinet notes the report and:


i)           Agrees the revised conservation area appraisal document and notes the change of name of the conservation area from the Cookham High Street Conservation Area to the Cookham Village Conservation Area.


ii)          Agrees the revised boundary of the conservation area to encompass the additional areas identified as part of the boundary review and their publication in the London Gazette and one local paper as required under Section 70 (5) and (8) of the Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act 1990.


iii)        Agrees that all addresses in the extensions to the conservation area will be notified by letter advising of the new boundary and the changes that this will mean for residents and owners.


iv)        Notes that once designated, Historic England and the Historic Environment Record (HERS), administered by Berkshire Archaeology, will be advised of the changes. The Council’s GIS will be updated, and the appraisal document will be made available on the Council’s web site.


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