Agenda item

Resident Scrutiny Topic Suggestion - River Thames Scheme and Flood Relief in Wraysbury

To consider the report.


Prior to the discussions on this item, the Chairman adjourned the meeting for a 5-minute comfort break at 21.00. The meeting resumed at 21.05. Councillors Baldwin, Luxton and Walters along with Parish Councillors McDonald and Lenton left the meeting at this time and took no further part in it.


The panel considered the resident scrutiny topic report on the River Thames scheme and flood relief in Wraysbury.


Chris Joyce provided a brief introduction to the report and stated that the River Thames scheme had been discussed many times during meetings in RBWM and encouraged the panel to focus more on developing a scope on the Datchet to Hythe End Flood Improvement Plan and challenge the process of both the borough and the Environment Agency.


Councillor Davey said that there needed to be some work within that area and that if any works occurred, then Councillor Larcombe be included on them due to flooding being fundamental to him and residents within his ward of Datchet, Horton and Wraysbury.


Ben Crampin, Flood Risk Manager, said that the Datchet to Hythe End Flood Improvement Plan was currently with the Environment Agency and was going through their programme network. The first stage of this was for the plan to go through the strategic outline case. This had been and will be shared through various channels such as through the Flood Liaison Group. Following March 2023, engagement would then start with Ward Councillors at some point after the Local Elections in May 2023. Public consultation would also then occur.


Chris Joyce said that Ben had done a lot of good work such as delivering short term improvements, which would hopefully alleviate the flood risk within the borough.


Councillor Singh asked for further detail on the quick wins that had been discussed.


Ben Crampin said that there were currently 3 projects that were underway. One regarded the Wraysbury Drain and its risks, which Councillor Larcombe was heavily involved in. The 2nd was the Datchet Barrel Arch, which the borough were working closely with the Parish Council. The third was a project to identify the feasibility of installing a flat valve to alleviate the flood risk towards Datchet. These were ongoing investigations.


Councillor Singh expressed concern over the £50 million that had been commissioned by the borough in the past. He wished for reports to come before the panel to show what was being done to protect residents and their possessions from flooding. He expressed concern over the political issues that may be caused by this.


Chris Joyce said that this was the reason for the recommendation that had been put forward within the report, so that the panel could really add some value to the scheme.


Councillor Hunt asked if the £10 million was going to just be for short term improvements. Chris Joyce said it was not and that it was for the whole programme including both short term and long-term things.


Councillor Brar said that £50 million was originally committed and questioned why it was now only committing £10 million? She also asked if this scheme would be extended to other parts of the borough. Chris Joyce said that the £50 million commitment pre-dated his time at the Council, and it had also been discussed many times at borough meetings, so he would not discuss it now. The scheme was a capital programme, but it did not prevent the borough from bringing forward other flood alleviating projects across the whole borough.


Councillor Davey said that discussing the scheme before May 2023 would not be beneficial due to it potentially becoming a political discussion. He asked for it to be discussed post May 2023.


Chris Joyce asked if it was worth the panel nominating a panel member to lead on creating the scoping document in conjunction with officers. Councillor Singh asked for clarity. Oran Norris-Browne offered this after discussing with the Chairman and he stated that this was to be discussed in the work programme section offline.


Councillor Hunt asked for clarity around the wording of the recommendation made by officers. Chris Joyce provided this and all members understood.


Councillor Davey, Councillor Singh and Councillor Hunt nominated Councillor Bowden to lead on the recommendation. He accepted this.


ACTION: Councillor Bowden to complete scoping document on the Datchet to Hythe End Flood Improvement Programme.


AGREED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Place Overview & Scrutiny Panel notes the report and develops the scope for an alternative future item to scrutinise the Datchet to Hythe End Flood Improvement Programme being developed by the Environment Agency and the Council.


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