Agenda item

Work Programme

To review the work programme for the remainder of the municipal year and consider the scoping documents on domestic abuse and air pollution.


Becky Oates, Democratic Services Officer and Clerk to the Panel explained that a scoping document on air pollution had been produced by Councillors Sharpe and Davies who sat on the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Panel. The scoping document had been referred to the People Overview and Scrutiny Panel as it sat under the directorate of People Services. The document required approval from the Panel, with members able to make any amendments to the document as they saw fit.

Kevin McDaniel stated that there was an additional scoping document on domestic abuse which also needed approval from the Panel. Kevin McDaniel had sought advice on the air pollution scoping document as the topic cut across both the People and Place Panels. The Panel may be well served to set up a task and finish group to explore this issue rather than bring it just to the People Panel. This would enable members from other panels to be involved in the work, rather than leaving this issue to only be explored by the People Panel.

The Chairman stated that this sounded like a good idea.

Councillor Davies, member of the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Panel, agreed that this was an excellent suggestion. This was an important topic which had been referred to each Overview and Scrutiny Panel, so would be a good starting point.

Councillor Del Campo commented that it seemed there were two parts to this paper, with the ongoing monitoring of air quality most likely not relevant to a task and finish group. Councillor Del Campo stated that she didn’t wish to lose regular updates as part of this task and finish group.

Kevin McDaniel agreed and stated that one of the measures that might want to be put in the scope of the task and finish group would be to agree what that regular monitoring looks like in order to satisfy the needs of all panels.

Councillor Sharpe agreed that it was an issue that would be best served by regular updates to the Panel in order to understand the progress that was being made.

Councillor Del asked what the next steps would be as the next meeting would be in January 2023 with Christmas in between.

The Chairman commented that the work would likely begin after Christmas due to time constraints.

Becky Oates stated that in its current form, the air quality scoping document would mean officers attending the next January meeting to discuss how this would move forward. However, with a task and finish group being established, this attendance would not occur.

Kevin McDaniel stated that changing the scoping document to include a task and finish group would mean that work would be able to begin.

Councillor Tisi agreed with Kevin McDaniel’s point.

Councillor Carole Da Costa asked if all members of the Panel were required to be part of a task and finish group or whether it was a smaller group of members and officers.

The Chairman asked how the choice would be made with regards to who would want to participate.

Becky Oates confirmed that it would be up to members and anyone who wanted to get involved from the People Panel was welcome.

Kevin McDaniel explained that it would be a working group, with those members who volunteered driving the scrutiny.

ACTION: The scoping document on air quality to be agreed, with the addition of a task and finish group.

Becky Oates explained that there was a further scoping document on domestic abuse which also needed the agreement of the Panel in order for work to begin. The document was informed by the Domestic Abuse Strategy which was agreed by Cabinet in September 2022, and suggested the establishment of a task and finish group to speak with victims of domestic abuse.

Councillor Del Campo, who drafted the document, stated that she felt very strongly on this issue. She felt the paper presented to Cabinet was a really good paper, with the fact that it was so good making it worth scrutinising in order to ensure that the council delivered on it and to ensure that the experiences of residents in the borough match what was proposed in this document.

An additional aspect of this scoping document was looking at the Equalities Impact Assessment (EQIA), which was good at identifying issues that people with protected characteristics might face. This needed to be linked back to the main body of the document in order to evidence the statement that services were available to all who were victims of domestic abuse.

Councillor Del Campo stated that she hoped lots of members would get involved as it was an important issue that impacted on so much work that the council did.

Councillor Tisi agreed that it was a really good idea, and asked what kind of steps would need to be taken in terms of safeguarding and confidentiality with regards to meetings.

Lin Ferguson stated that she chaired the domestic abuse executive groups and expressed her appreciation for Councillor Del Campo for the idea of this scoping document and task and finish group. The topic of EQIAs would be discussed at the next domestic abuse executive group.

Lin Ferguson confirmed that any task and finish groups which met with victims of domestic abuse would be closed groups, with the people involved having volunteered to discuss their experiences. All participants would agree to confidentiality within the room, and members involved would be asked to be mindful of the kinds of questions that would be asked. If the committee were happy to proceed, work could begin.

ACTION: That the scoping document in its current form be agreed.

The Chairman thanked all for their attendance and closed the meeting.


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