Agenda item

Demand for School Places


Cabinet considered the projections of demand for school places within the borough, the requirements for a new primary school in South East Maidenhead and the measures required to manage capacity in Windsor first schools.


Councillor Carroll, Cabinet Member for Children's Services, Education, Health, Mental Health, & Transformation moved the proposals. He explained that the recommendations would help the borough achieve its corporate objective of ‘Thriving Communities’ by making it easier for children and young people to achieve their ambitions and fulfil their potential. The report sets out the latest projections of demand for school places in the Royal Borough and analysis of demand for school places by each tier of schooling. The projections continued to suggest that a new primary school may be needed in South East Maidenhead by September 2025, but further mainstream school places were not likely to be needed anywhere else in that period. In Windsor, the level of surplus places at Reception looked set to increase and action may be required to temporarily reduce capacity. Appendix A of the report summarised the progress on the expansion programme with the project to expand Windsor Girls School underway. Medium term projections were reported annually to the Department for Education taking into account new demographics and change of preferable choice. There was a level of uncertainty in those projections and it was important to consider confidence in schools.


The proposals were seconded by Councillor Johnson, Leader of the Council.


Kevin McDaniel, Executive Director of People Services explained that funding for schools directly related to the numbers on roll in order to fund management of the estate, employ staff  and improve provision, however a fall in numbers made this even more challenging. It was noted some immediate actions were required as propose din the report but this was a longer term issue for the borough to consider.


Gavin Henderson, CEO of the Windsor Learning Partnership Academy Trust attended in person to address the meeting. He thanked the Council for their support expanding Windsor Girls School and advised that the Department for Education had recently approved the Published Admission Number for the school. He wanted to speak to the meeting regarding the growing pupil number problem as this was already affecting operational viability for some First schools. He explained that a 5% reduction on numbers would see a financial difficulty but the projects were three of four times that. He considered that there was a serious risk management issue if no school wished to adjust their Publish Admission Number. He asked the Council to consider some mid and long term solutions to help strengthen the financial viability of schools. He advised that the Windsor Learning Partnership believed the three tier system was increasing the issues as it increased the work required for transitions and Special Education Needs. He asked the Council to consider the changing pupil numbers as an opportunity to look at restructuring and improving the system in the borough by working with all school leaders and consulting the Windsor community.


The Executive Director of People Services agreed that the idea of getting education establishments together to co-design a plan for the future was a positive way forward and Councillor Carroll announced he would be happy to sponsor that proposal.


Councillor Rayner thanked Mr Henderson for attending and appreciate challenged being faced by education providers. She reflected that 97% of borough’s school were good to outstanding and report showed progress. She also thanked all schools in the borough for the series of outstanding events during the Platinum Jubilee.


In response to Councillor Haseler’s query the Executive Director of People Services confirmed that the report took into account the development being undertaken as well as that projected through the Local Plan.


In response to Councillor Price’s concerns that significant disruption could potentially affect the borough’s children in a move from a three to two tier system, the Executive Director of People Services agreed that any planned transition would put the children at the centre. He acknowledged that it would be a challenge as children were in the education system for 14 years.


Councillor Tisi echoed the comments that any consultation would need to be handled carefully and ensure that the right questions were asked so that it was clear that the initial consultation was about potential ideas.


Councillor Carroll concluded by thanking officers, teachers and support staff for the work they have done during the year, recognising it had been a challenging year in education due to a number of factors.




i)               the report be noted;


ii)             the delegation of authority be confirmed to the Executive Director of People Services, in consultation with the Deputy Chairman of Cabinet, Children’s Services, Education, Health, Mental Health and Transformation, to start the free school competition process for a new primary school at Chiltern Road, having regard for the target of 5% surplus places, both locally and across Maidenhead as a whole; and


iii)            requests that measures be taken to reduce the likelihood of excessive surplus places in Windsor first schools.

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