Agenda item

Update on St Cloud Way

To receive an update on the progress of the former Magnet Leisure Centre site.


Ian Brazier-Dubber, Managing Director of RBWM Property Company, gave an update on progress at the St Cloud Way site. The sale of the site had been completed towards the end of September 2022, with Countryside Properties commencing the demolition of the old Magnet Leisure Centre. Phase 1 of the project would contain 351 residential units, 87 of which were affordable. Demolition of the main structure was planned to be completed by the end of the month and work would then commence on the ground in early February. This would continue until August 2023, when a new basement and groundworks would be completed. Affordable housing on the site would be managed by Abri, the organisation currently managed about 24,000 homes. Countryside had been providing RBWM with monthly updates through the project board. More people would be working on the site going into the summer as the project developed. Phase 1 at the site was planned to be completed in spring of 2025.


Councillor Del Campo noted that there would be affordable housing, she asked if the tenure mix had been confirmed.


She was informed that of the 87 affordable units, 33 were for affordable rent and 57 would be at a range of shared ownership. Councillor Del Campo then asked if there was any social rent, to which Ian Brazier-Dubber confirmed there was not.


Councillor Del Campo asked about the crossing which would be created to replace the footbridge, which had now been removed.


Ian Brazier-Dubber confirmed that a crossing would be part of the work, this had been funded from S106 contributions. This was planned to be completed in early spring.


Councillor G Jones asked about parking arrangements around the site.


Ian Brazier-Dubber said that the doctors surgery and pharmacy had parking permits to allow residents to park on the ten pin bowling site. There were 20 spaces that had been provided for patients just north of the doctors surgery. This was a distance of about 20 metres.


Councillor G Jones asked what would happen once the ten pin bowling site had been removed.


Ian Brazier-Dubber explained that this would be subject to future arrangements as Countryside brought forward plans for this area of the site.


Councillor G Jones commented that the parking situation was a concern, for both residents at the new St Cloud Way site and those who were using the doctors surgery.


Councillor Singh asked why the new surface level crossing had not been installed before the footbridge had been removed.


Ian Brazier-Dubber said that the crossing was being funded from money raised through S106 contributions, which was attached to the planning consent for the site. Now that the funding had come through, the council could start work on implementing the crossing at the site.


Councillor Singh asked if the council had received the S106 contribution for the site from the developer. He commented that for the majority of developments, S106 funding was received on commencement of the project. He said that there had been funding for the extension of the balcony on the library, again this was due to S106 money.


Ian Brazier-Dubber was unable to confirm or comment on either point at the meeting but he was happy to check with the planning team after the meeting.


ACTION – Ian Brazier-Dubber to confirm with the planning team whether S106 funding had been received from Countryside and on plans to extend the balcony at the library.


Councillor Singh asked about the development of the Ivy Leaf club site.


Ian Brazier-Dubber said that Countryside had been focused on the St Cloud Way and ten pin bowling site at the moment, there were no detailed plans currently for the Ivy Leaf club.


Councillor Singh highlighted that there were a number of people on the housing waiting list and there were a number of sites in Maidenhead which had been allocated in the Borough Local Plan for housing.


Ian Brazier-Dubber explained that even though RBWM owned the land where the Ivy Leaf club was, it was up to Countryside to bring detailed plans forward.


Councillor Singh asked if there was any concern about an oversupply of flats over the next few years, taking into account some of the developments which were in progress.


Ian Brazier-Dubber said that the market was demand led, Maidenhead was regenerating and there was plenty of capacity.


Councillor Singh asked about a community asset review on Holmanleaze, he asked if there was any update.


Ian Brazier-Dubber said that some work was done in 2021 which considered the assets in the area, the asset review was currently paused.


Councillor Taylor noted that the affordable housing at the York Road development was run by Housing Solutions, she asked why the affordable housing at St Cloud Way would be run by Abri, who were mainly focused on Windsor.


Ian Brazier-Dubber clarified that Countryside went out to the market to competitively tender bids from housing associations. Abri had provided Countryside with the best value bid.


Councillor Taylor asked if the crossing which would be installed would be the same type as the crossing which was a little further west along the A4, connecting to Kidwells Park. She had been made aware of children running across the crossing without using the traffic lights correctly to stop traffic.


Ian Brazier-Dubber said the plan was for the traffic lights to be pedestrian controlled, with links to the cycle route which would form part of the development. He was happy to confirm the exact details with Councillor Taylor after the meeting.


ACTION – Ian Brazier-Dubber to confirm the details of the crossing over the A4 at the St Cloud Way site.


Councillor Taylor asked about access off the site, would the site traffic be entering and leaving the site through Cookham Road or would other entrance points be added to the site.


Ian Brazier-Dubber said that once the first phase of the site had been developed, there would be access roads on to Kennet Road and Holmanleaze.


Councillor G Jones asked if there had been any update following the result on the Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) from the planning inspector.


Ian Brazier-Dubber said that the planning inspector had decided not to grant the CPO at the current point in time, the Property Company were currently considering what the result meant before they decided what the next step was.


Councillor Singh had noted that one of the concerns the planning inspector had raised was the lack of engagement with Smokey Joes. He asked if RBWM had made contact with any of the objectors to the CPO since the hearing result.


Ian Brazier-Dubber confirmed that there had not been any contact, the result had recently been received and the Property Company needed to consider the situation.