Agenda item

Maidenhead Town Manager Update

To receive an update from the Maidenhead Town Manager.


Robyn Bunyan, Maidenhead Town Manager, said that she had circulated her report as part of the agenda which covered October and November 2022. The Christmas free bus travel offer had been positively received by residents and there had been a promising increase in bus usage as a result. This included the busiest day of November, which was Saturday 26th, as this was also the Christmas light switch on event. Considering data from across the whole of 2022, over 6 million people had visited the town centre which was up 22% on 2021. The week in the lead up to Christmas saw over 116,000 visitors to the high street, this was up 17% compared to the same period the previous year. On vacancy rates, there were 297 units available and 248 were being used. This left 49 units which was 16% of all units, this was 2% higher than the national average but this did not take into account units which were unused but were coming into let. There was interest in the town centre from office occupiers, if these were taken up there would be a positive increase in footfall.


Robyn Bunyan considered car parking usage across Maidenhead in December. There were 75,000 spaces used and Stafferton Way car park had a 215% increase compared to December last year. Work was still on track to launch the Maidenhead Town Team, with the first meeting anticipated for mid-March. The Lunar new year celebrations, celebrating the year of the rabbit, would be returning at the end of the month. The parade would be held on 28th January while there would be some free craft activities on 21st January. The pancake race would also be returning on Shrove Tuesday.


The Chairman asked about the closure of the Nicholsons Shopping Centre car park.


Robyn Bunyan explained that the car park had been closed on new years eve due to health and safety concerns. The car park was fully closed and would remain so until contractors had made a further assessment of the work required. This would continue for several weeks until next steps had been planned.


Councillor Taylor raised concerns about elderly residents and those with health issues that faced being forced to park further outside the town centre and would be a significant inconvenience. She suggested that contingency plans should be considered, for example a shuttle bus service from other car parks.


Robyn Bunyan agreed with the comments made by Councillor Taylor, vulnerable residents needed to be considered. There was suitable capacity at other car parks in the town centre, she would be doing a walk round of car parks to gain a better understanding of the situation.


Councillor Taylor commented on the look of the high street and that improvements had been proposed. One idea was for businesses to sponsor flower boxes, she asked if this suggestion was still being explored.


Robyn Bunyan said that visual improvements were something that she always considered, work was being done with Good Gym over the next few works to clear and tidy up certain areas. A piece of work was ongoing currently which looked at shop front policies to encourage a similar look and appeal on all shop fronts.


The Chairman asked about businesses at the Nicholsons car park which had been affected by the closure.


Robyn Bunyan confirmed that Food Share had maintained access and had not been impacted by the closure. Shopmobility would be moving their services into the shopping centre, opposite the old Argos store. There was no onsite parking provision at the site, however, an entrance to the centre could be used as a drop off point and there were disabled bays on the street.


Councillor Del Campo highlighted concerns that Shopmobility was now more difficult to access than previously, she asked if residents were largely dependent on being dropped off if they were unable to use the car parks.


Robyn Bunyan said that she was eager to speak to Peter Haley at People to Places to understand the situation and how it was working for clients.


Councillor Del Campo asked what the plan was for retailers who were currently located in the Nicholsons Shopping Centre and would like to remain in Maidenhead in the long term.


Robyn Bunyan said that she wanted to continue the good mix of national retailers and independent traders. She urged all businesses to get involved with ‘My Royal Borough’ which was run by the economic growth team, this would allow opportunities to be promoted along with training and networking events to be run. Relationships could then be maintained between the council and retailers.


Councillor Del Campo continued by asking if all retailers in the shopping centre could be relocated into external vacant units once the redevelopment process had started.


Robyn Bunyan explained that a lot of units were run by private landlords, the team at the council and at the Nicholsons Shopping Centre would be involved in helping retailers to find new units if required.


Councillor G Jones asked if there were any plans for St Marys walk, he felt the area was looking tired.


Robyn Bunyan said that the properties had been cleaned up a couple of months ago. One of the units on the walk was to let. Sierra House was a redevelopment site but she was not aware of anything being proposed at the current time.


Councillor Stimson said that the ‘secret kitchen’ sign needed to be removed from the vacant unit in St Marys walk.


Robyn Bunyan said that she was happy to explore this if Councillor Stimson was able to send her the details.


Councillor G Jones commented that the vacancy rate figure was distorted due to the ongoing development of the town centre.


Robyn Bunyan explained that the figure increased and decreased over the course of the year, changing as lets were agreed and units were created.


Councillor Singh highlighted the good initiative of providing residents the opportunity to use the bus for free. When the Braywick Leisure Centre had been through the planning process, it had been mentioned that there would be a free shuttle bus service for residents from the town centre. He asked if this plan was still going to happen.


Robyn Bunyan had not heard about the initiative, she would be happy to report back on this.


ACTION – Robyn Bunyan to report back to Councillor Singh on the proposed free shuttle bus service to Braywick Leisure Centre.


Councillor Singh said that businesses and residents he had spoken to about the closure of the Nicholsons car park were frustrated.


Robyn Bunyan reiterated that the car park was currently closed to the public and was being assessed. There was suitable capacity at other car parks and on street parking, this was a change for residents usage but it was an unprecedented situation. There was appropriate fencing around the car park and the site was secure.


Councillor Singh had noted that not many residents were using the new car park on Vicus Way, he asked why the usage had been low.


Robyn Bunyan explained that the car park would be more popular with office workers and those using the train station. It was anticipated that usage would increase later in the year.


The Chairman said that long term contracts would be moved from the Sainsbury’s car park to Vicus Way in due course.


Councillor Singh said that this could be over 30 minutes walk for commuters to walk from Vicus Way to the other side of the town centre. He asked why commuters would choose to park at Vicus Way over the Stafferton Way car park.


Robyn Bunyan advised that Neil Walter and the parking would be able to provide further information on the points raised by Councillor Singh.


The Chairman suggested that Neil Walter could be invited to attend the next Maidenhead Town Forum meeting.


Councillor Singh asked if RBWM owned the units which were located on King Street.


Robyn Bunyan did not know the answer to this question.

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