Agenda item

Biodiversity Action Plan

To receive an update on the Biodiversity Paper from James Thorpe.


Jason Mills, Natural Environment Manager, explained that BAP had been approved by Council, though the farming HAPs (Habitat Action Plans) had not been adopted yet. He acknowledged that work and consultation with the farming community was required to further develop the final Farmland HAP. He believed the best way forward was to enact some consultation amongst farmers and suggested that he and other Natural Environment Officers visit the farms to gain an understanding of farming practices. From there, start a conversation on the best practice and methods, which would then be incorporated into the Farmland HAP. He believed that there had been some good practices amongst farms, based on his visits, but these were not being highlighted amongst residents and captured in the BAP.


Jason Mills then stated that he would present a Farmland HAP in six months which could then be reviewed and then be agreed.


Vice-Chair William Emmett commented that Nick Manderfield had organised an environmental competition recently, in which Councillors were invited to, and that Jason Mills should have gathered a substantial amount of information on farming projects to start formulating the Farmland HAP and questioned why he needed to visit the farms again. Jason Mills replied that the event was part of an environmental awards and, while visiting many farms during the day, it was more of a whistle-stop tour with only brief visits. While mindful of interfering with farmers’ busy schedules, Jason Mills wanted to gain a better idea of the day-to-day activities and what farms were doing to benefit the environment.


Vice-Chair William Emmett responded that farmers had signed up to a 5-year environmental improvement agreement, which had already produced positive benefits, and that farms took part in the National Farmland Bird Count. Therefore, he stated, there was already a lot of work to be seen.


Councillor Stimson suggested to invite Paul Sedgwick from the Crown Estate to Forum meetings as he handled rural affairs.


ACTION: Invite Paul Sedgwick from the Crown Estate to the next Rural Forum meeting.


Geoffrey Copas suggested that Jason Mills could create a list of the amount of acreage which were part of the environmental schemes so that they could be presented to the general public. He reiterated his criticism of the BAP, namely its size, and that it needed to be better presented to farmers. He compared this to the Chiltern report, where the Chiltern Management Board produced a document on what farmers were doing for biodiversity.


Reflecting on the comments received, Andrew Durrant, Executive Director of Place Services, suggested that the farm visits should have suggestive draft action areas beforehand so that the visits were planned and productive rather than going in with a blank slate. From this, he suggested, the farm visits would be about consolidating, refining and solidifying those actions further as well as pick up on any gaps.


ACTION: Officers to formulate draft actions in preparation for farm visits.


(Councillor Bhangra entered the meeting virtually at 17:50; Councillor Johnson entered the meeting at 17:52)


Nick Philp suggested that he and other famers could forward farming data, such as hectares for wild bird cover or wildflower margins that were part of the scheme or what farmers were doing voluntarily. He also suggested that he and Vice-Chair William Emmett could collate this data. Jason Mills agreed to the suggestion. He commented that this was about how to collate that data, analyse it, and then present it in a clear and understood manner.


ACTION: Vice-Chair William Emmett and Nick Philp to collate farming data and forward this to Jason Mills.


Geoffrey Copas requested an action whereby he would acquire a copy of the Chilterns document, which detailed what farmers were doing for biodiversity, and then every Forum member should receive a copy of this. He then suggested that RBWM should produce a similar report in one or two years to convey to the public on what farmers were doing for biodiversity.


ACTION: Geoffrey Copas to acquire a copy of the biodiversity document from the Chiltern Management Board, which would then be circulated to Rural Forum members.


Vice-Chair William Emmett asked what the target date to complete the Farmland HAP was. Jason Mills answered that he planned to present a draft in the next Forum meeting in November 2023.


ACTION: Jason Mills to present the draft Farmland HAP during the next Rural Forum meeting.


Paul Rinder suggested a questionnaire to be created for the farming membership on the Rural Forum which would convey how many members were part of the environment schemes and what kind of schemes they had on their farms. He added that this would create a starting point of knowledge.


ACTION: Officers to create a questionnaire where farmers can note whether they were part of any environment schemes or had any schemes on their farms.