Agenda item


To receive the above verbal update.


Ben Crampin, Flood Risk Manager, started off by highlighting that there had been significant rainfall at the start of 2023, from January to March. As a result, the number of drainage issues reported to the Borough had increased by three times compared to the same period in 2022. There was also an increase in reporting of property flooding, particularly in the south of Maidenhead and Ascot.


For the next financial year of 2023-24, a new Flood Risk Officer had recently been appointed and was in the process of collecting information to inform the Flood Team’s work. The Team also had a new lead contractor within VolkerHighways. Ben Crampin had working to train them and get them up to speed.


Ben Crampin also mentioned that he had been working on setting up the pipeline of projects for the year, namely the project timescales for the quick wins (short-term measures relating to the Datchet to Hythe End Flood Improvement Measures) and the Grant-in-Aid program, as well as a Highways Capital Programme to work out where money would be spent around borough to mitigate the impact of flooding. He added that he was working on a resilient data collection process to ensure an efficient collection of information on flood-affected areas.


Ben Crampin hen gave brief updates on short term DHEFIM measures:

·       Maintenance works and surveying had recently started on the Datchet Barrell Arch, particularly around Churchmead School. Further work would continue until traffic management permits were in place, which was predicted to be around late spring 2023.

·       Progress had been made on the Wraysbury Drain with some enforcement with downstream landowners that uncovered some pipework underneath some dumped material. The Flood Team were discussing with the Legal Team to discuss the next steps. Ben Crampin mentioned that he was reviewing previous surveys of the Wraysbury Drain with EA to understand the existing information on the watercourse, which would then help with the next steps. The Flood Team were waiting for a second quote for the works at Windsor Road bridge.

·       Modelling work on determining the suitability of the Penn Road Flap Valve project had been completed. However, JBA’s technical note indicated that the Flap Valve would not be effective to mitigate flood risk in Datchet. The next step, Ben Crampin explained, was to review JBA’s technical note and resolve this.

·       Other Flood Team priorities for 2023/24 included improving the comms works (namely improving the website and factsheets); improving processes, such as the Ordinary Watercourse Consent; build additional team resilience (such as recruitment and training); and continue to develop the Grant-in-Aid programme.


Ben Crampin concluded his update by displaying contact details for flood enquiries and emergencies.


The Chair requested for the presentation to be circulated amongst Flood Group members.


ACTION: Laurence Ellis to circulate Ben Crampin’s presentation to Flood Groups members.


Parish Councillor Louvaine Kneen asked what the best email address was to notify the Flood Team on any flooding issues. Ben Crampin replied that it would be, and that this was on the presentation slide.


Parish Councillor Mike Williams asked if would be possible to have a diagram or map on where the activities were taking place with regard to works related to the Wraysbury Drain. Ben Crampin replied that this was something that could be done. He said he could provide the map he shared during the last meeting by forwarding it to Laurence Ellis who would then share it to the Forum.


ACTION: Ben Crampin to forward a map of the projects related to the Wraysbury Drain taking place to Laurence Ellis who would then circulate this to Flood Group members.