Agenda item


To receive the above verbal update.


Ben Crampin presented an overview of the recent work of the RBWM Flood Team from April to July 2023, mostly focusing on flooding investigations. He reported that there was a larger caseload compared to 2022: 238 cases April-July 2023 compared to 68 cases in April-July 2022. The issues included:

·       Recurring highway flooding,

·       Surface water flooding in urban areas affecting property,

·       Flooding to infrastructure such as underpasses.


RBWM Flood Team had been working with VolkerHighways to resolve some of these issues.


Ben Crampin then explained the flooding investigation process. He mentioned that when he came into post, he sought to improve the Team’s knowledge of the impact of flooding in the Borough to reduce re-investigation of similar issues and therefore improve efficiency. Ben Crampin encouraged residents to report flooding issues so that it would be catalogued.


The flood investigation process occurred as followed:

·       Flood issue reported and received;

·       Issue catalogued into the Case Management System;

·       Desk study to understand the basic information on local flood risk;

·       Site visit arranged (if necessary) to gather local views and information non flooding issues;

·       Record information of flooding during the site visit;

·       Further investigation (if necessary), such land registry information or additional information from other authorities;

·       Write a report summarising the affects, causes, identify the relevant risk management authority (e.g., RBWM, EA), and recommendations;

·       Recommendations forwarded to the relevant risk management authority,

·       Investigation completed.


Ben Crampin added that the Borough could not always make risk management authorities follow the recommendations unless it had enforcement powers to do so.


From the reports and investigations on flooding issues, Ben Crampin stated, data would get collected to determine methods to mitigate flooding. Data being collected included property flood data, which covered internal (i.e., habitable space in home properties, commercial property) and external flooding (i.e., garages, gardens, driveways). This data would be used to help identify areas to take forward flood schemes, such as obtaining Grant-in-Aid funding or Council funding for a projected. Ben Crampin stated that the data was sensitive and only shared with partners rather than, for example, insurance companies.


Data had also been collected on stretches of watercourse where enforcement action was being taken. In addition, information was being recorded on new Watercourse Consents.


Ben Crampin then gave an overview of recent projects from RBWM. Maintenance work had recently started around Datchet Barrell Arch, a culvert running through the village, to remove silt and conduct a CCTV survey. He added that residents and Datchet Parish Council had been notified of this. The works would continue until 16th August 2023, though heavy rainfalls could affect the timings of work. Once works were completed, it would be expected that landowners (e.g., RBWM, Highways Authority) would take forward any future maintenance as their responsibility, including any defects found through the CCTV survey.


Another project was the Penn Road Flap Valve, part of the Datchet to Hythe End Flood Improvement Measures (DHEFIM). Some modelling work had been completed to determine the suitability of a flap valve and whether there was any flood mitigation benefit to this structure being installed. It was concluded that there would be no benefit to installing a flap valve immediately in decreasing flood risks and that there would be some increases in local risks before the flap valve would be effective. Therefore, this project was not an immediate priority, though there would be continuous discussions with EA on the project.


Regarding the Wraysbury Drain, Ben Crampin informed that there was little update to this project due to the recent high number of flood cases which required investigations, highways drainage works and changes to personnel within legal department. However, he mentioned that he had some discussions with Councillor Coe, the Lead (Cabinet) Member for Environmental Services.


Another project focused on highways which was being prioritised to ensure money was being spent in the correct places as well as identify high-priority issues, highlighted from Flood Team or VolkerHighways investigations. These issues would then be prioritised and allocated between RBWM and VolkerHighways. Ben Crampin reiterated that it was important for flooding issues to be reported so that they were catalogued.


Other minor works included improving the RBWM flooding website, including more webpages; improving processes, such as how to apply for Ordinary Watercourse Consent; and build additional team resilience as well as recruit new members.


To conclude, Ben Crampin gave contact information on specific flood-related issues:

·       Threat to life – call 999.

·       Flooding to the highway, call RBWM Highways – 01628 683800.

·        Sewers and foul water, call Thames Water - 0800 316 9800.

·        Main river watercourse, call the Environment Agency - 0345 988 1188.

·       Non-urgent enquiries but flood related:


Parish Councillor Mandy Brar (Cookham PC) raised that there was some potentially collapsed drainage in Burchetts Green Road, close to the roundabout near Berkshire College of Agriculture (BCA), which then led to some flooding. She asked for this to be investigated. Ben Crampin replied that he was aware of this and offered to take this away and forward an update on this.


Parish Councillor Mandy Brar then raised that she and some residents had reported a flooding issue in Cookham High Street whereby sandbags had to be used in front of shops and residential properties were affected.


ACTION: Ben Crampin to forward an update to Parish Councillor Mandy Brar regarding flooding issues in Burchetts Green Road and Cookham High Street.


Parish Councillor Mandy Brar then asked Brianne Vally on whether the Temple Bridge (near Hurley) would be opened after repairs. The Chair suggested that Brianne Vally answer this question outside of the meeting.


ACTION: Brianne Vally to inform Parish Councillor Mandy Brar on whether the Temple Bridge (near Hurley) would be reopened after repairs.


Parish Councillor Louvaine Kneen (Bray PC) thanked Ben Crampin for his recent works around Manor Grove and politely requested for the final work to be completed. Ben Crampin replied that he had highlighted this to VolkerHighways and that this had been added to the priority list of flooding issues.


Claire Taylor, Eton Wick Waterways Group (EWWG), asked a couple of questions. Firstly, she asked Ben Crampin to check whether road surface flooding near LA Jaks barbershop between Bell Lane and Moore's Lane in Eton Wick had been reported. Secondly, she then asked if a section of the Roundmoor was recorded by RBWM.


Ben Crampin replied that he could update Claire Taylor offline regarding the flooding issue around Moore’s Lane. Regarding the section of the Roundmoor, Ben Crampin stated that he was not personally aware of this. Therefore, he suggested to discuss this outside of the meeting.


ACTION: Ben Crampin to inform Claire Taylor on the flooding issues at Moore’s Lane, Eton Wick, and the section of the Roundmoor.


Parish Councillor Ian Thompson (Datchet PC) raised a couple of issues. Firstly, he highlighted that the retained water level in the Recreation Ground ditch in Datchet was at winter levels, in contrast to being usually dry during the summer period. He speculated that this was due to an issue with the Datchet Common Brook and suggested that this needed to be investigated. He added that this increased the groundwater level and therefore increased chances of flooding, pointing out that current water levels in the summer could mean flooding in winter. He added that Thames Water was supposed to come back to him regarding the Common Brook, to which they had not and that they only forwarded him the indication of costs to clear the Datchet Common Brook (around £120,000-£150,000). He requested some action regarding this.


Parish Councillor Ian Thompson’s second point was related to the flap valve at Penn Road. In spite of a statement from the Borough of suggestions for the water to flow from the Recreation Ground ditch to the Datchet Common Brook, this could not happen because the Common Brook was on higher ground than on the Recreation Ground ditch. He suggested that the modelling was incorrect and that it needed to be investigated again. He suggested that Thames Water, EA and the Borough investigate and then resolve the issue.


Ben Crampin responded that he would investigate on how the modelling was conducted and then come back to Parish Councillor Ian Thompson on this. Ben Crampin offered to go through the information regarding the water flows at the Datchet Common Brook.


ACTION: Ben Crampin to investigate the modelling regarding the Penn Road Flap Valve and Datchet Common Brook water flows, and then report back to Parish Councillor Ian Thompson.


ACTION: Thames Water to update Parish Councillor Ian Thompson on Thames Water’s response to the Datchet Common Brook.


The Chair requested that decisions and actions should be made with the relevant individuals being included and engaged, and that this could be done in background meetings.


Emily Merritt gave a brief update from Emergency Planning. She stated that an audit for flood wardens would be circulated in the near future to check if they contained the correct details and that they consented to these details being held by the Borough. The annual meeting of flood wardens would be held at around November 2023, which would include updates from the Met Office, EA and the Borough for the winter period.


Emily Merritt informed that the Adverse Weather and Associated Flood plans was retained by the Borough as part of the Civil Contingencies Act. An exercise would be held in October 2023 to test the draft Adverse Weather Plans and make any amendments if required. The plan would then be circulated to the Flood Liaison Group.