Agenda item


The Forum is to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 31st May 2023 as a true and accurate record.



The Chair went through the actions from the last meeting:


ACTION: Alysse Strachan, Head of Neighbourhood Services, to provide a written response to explain who was responsible for clearing up litter along the motorway slip roads and forward a written response to the Forum.


COMPLETE – Alysse Strachan had forwarded a response to the Chair, in which she read out.


If the enquiry was in relation to the slip road coming from the M4 junction 6, this was not in the Borough, but within Slough. Alysse Strachan believed it was the responsibility of Highways England. All motorways and exit lanes from the motorways were the responsibility of Highways England


ACTION: Huw Jones, Traffic Safety Manager, to be asked to forward details regarding concerns on traffic flow relating to the Castle Hill Public Ream Project to residents.


COMPLETE – Huw Jones had forwarded a response to the Chair, in which she read out:


·       The High Street should not have increased traffic flow and all traffic currently had to use Castle Hill to get access to the Castle. There would be no access to St Albans Street as an alternative exit, and there were no plans for any restrictions for vehicles.

·       Thames Street may have slightly increased traffic flow as all traffic would need to use Castle Hill to access the Castle. Pedestrian flow may be higher at the crossing points as more residents and visitors take advantage of the car free area that was planned for Castle Hill. There were no plans for any restrictions for vehicles.

·       There was a plan to be close Castle Hill to general traffic between the hours of 9:30am–4:30pm each day. Access would only be permitted for vehicles going directly into the Castle itself. Access would be controlled by means of an attended gate. It was anticipated that pedestrian flow would be increased.

·       There would likely be a reduction in traffic flow at Park Street as the top (Castle) end would be blocked off to traffic. St Albans Street would therefore become a cul-de-sac with limited traffic movements. Traffic would no longer be able to travel from Castle Hill, down St Albans Street and into Park Street. There would be traffic access restrictions for St Albans Street. The pedestrian flow effect was uncertain as there was an expectation for visitors to remain in the pedestrianised areas of Castle Hill and Peascod Street. There were no plans for any restrictions for vehicles.


There was a general expectation for pedestrian traffic to increase in Castle Hill, as the area becomes car free for a large part of the business hours for the shops etc. Whether this permeates to the surrounding roads cannot be known at the present time, but it was not expected to increase significantly unless there was an increase in the number of visitors.


ACTION: Resident to email Andrew Durrant who would then forward information on project works around Goswell Hill.


The resident, Zoe Binnie, and Andrew Durrant were not present at the meeting to give an update regarding this action.

ACTION: Andy Knight to forward to Councillor Da Costa on the cost of the new taxiways at Heathrow.


COMPLETE – Councillor Da Costa confirmed receipt of the information.

ACTION: The Forum to investigate and change the name of Windsor Town Forum to ‘Windsor Forum’.

The Chair stated that this was still being investigated. She planned to have a motion put forward in a future Council meeting to change the Forum name.


ACTION: The Forum to investigate with Cabinet on the Forum’s delegated powers.


The Chair stated that this was being investigated with a review of the RBWM Constitution.

ACTION: Councillors members of the Forum to state their top three projects they would endorse to help economic growth in Windsor.

The resident, Sarah Walker, who asked the question at the last meeting was not present at the meeting. The Chair informed that this would be done after the refreshed Corporate Plan was approved, which would have the Council’s priorities.


The Chair planned to invite someone who was responsible for economic growth plan to a future Forum meeting.


ACTION: The Forum to investigate what budgets were available.

Laurence Ellis informed that he asked the Head of Finance on the budget, and he informed that there was no money leftover in the budget.


Councillor Da Costa believed that action would encompass grants from central government alongside the Borough budget. He requested to investigate whether there were grants available for the Forum to use.


ACTION: Vision for Windsor to be added to the next meeting agenda.


The item was not added to the current Town Forum agenda because officers advised that they did not know at the moment what the project’s priorities and future actions.


The Chair sought to add this item to the next meeting agenda in September 2023.



Outstanding actions:

·       ACTION: Resident to email Andrew Durrant who would then forward information on project works around Goswell Hill.

·       ACTION: Andrew Durrant to investigate opening the coach park to improve accessfrom Footbridge to The Arches.

·       ACTION: A motion to be forwarded at Full Council to change the name of Windsor Town Forum to ‘Windsor Forum’.

·       ACTION: Invite a relevant officer or Councillor to discuss the Council’s economic growth plan to a future Forum meeting.

·       ACTION: Investigate whether there were grants available for the Forum to use.

·       ACTION: Vision for Windsor to be added to the next meeting agenda.


Councillor W. Da Costa commented that the minutes of the previous meeting had missed out his question to Andrew Durrant on opening access from the railway bridge, through the coach park, to the Arches, and that Andrew Durrant would investigate whether this could be funded from Welcome to Windsor Fund.


Councillor Tisi, Vice-Chair, stated that there was a typo where the minutes had stated “suggestive” rather than “suggested”.


AGREED UNANIMOUSLY: That the minutes of the meetings held on 31st May 2023 were a true and accurate record providing the amendments were made.

Supporting documents: