Agenda item

RBWM Engagement Framework

To receive information from Ellen McManus-Fry, Equalities and Community Engagement Officer on the new RBWM Engagement Framework being developed.


Ellen McManus-Fry the Equalities and Community Engagement Officer, presented to the forum a presentation on the RBWM Engagement Framework.


Aim of the Engagement Framework.

1.         Improve confidence and skills in engagement/consultation across the council.

2.         Greater coordination of resources and activities across the council.

3.         Better, more efficient use of internal resources and insights.


 Ellen McManus-Fry stated that the aim of the framework was to maximise the use of resources across the council and its services. Also, to improve coordination across the council between different teams.


How has the Framework been developed?


1.         Lead by Equalities and Engagement officer in collaboration with Jesal Dhokia (Transformation and Communities), David Wiles (Communication) and Becky Hatch.

2.         Additional input from other colleagues in the Engagement Officer group meetings and from Cllr Moriarty, Consultation Champion, Consultation Champion.

3.         Other resources including Local Government Association engagement guide, ‘New Conversations 2.0’; Kirklees Council ‘Involve’ toolkits.


Ellen McManus-Fry said that the framework was aimed at standardising between different departments in the council, but to also help produce better quality work across the council.


Engagement Framework


1.         Covers basic concepts, principles of good engagement and examples of best practise, including RBWM case studies.

2.         Engagement Toolkit

1.         Step by Step guide through designing and undertaking engagement activity.

2.         Intended to be used for range of contexts and engagement purposes.

3.         Uses questions as prompts, not prescriptive.


Ellen McManus-Fry case study used from previous engagement activity so that the council can learn from previous experience how to better engage with its residents. The framework is designed to allow people to think more creatively about how to engage with residents, while also providing a step-by-step guide. Framework is intended to be as flexible as possible for different departments across the council.


Consultation Guidance


1.         To Improve consistency of public consultations

2.         To ensure that public consultations are only done when they are most appropriate form of engagement.

3.         Standardize the demographic questions used in surveys.

4.         Strengthen the guidance and advice around analysing and publicly reporting on consultation feedback.


Ellen McManus-Fry stated that the consultation guidance was primarily for assessing when public consultations where appropriate, as well as to further standardise the consultations.


Ellen McManus-Fry further stated that public consultation will take place in the first week of October, centred around the council’s corporate plan. To properly access where residents’ priorities are in relation to the plan.

Chair approved of the engagement framework, felt it added value and weight to the public consultations.

Sharon Carrigan emphasised co-production as the most important part of the engagement framework, Ellen McManus-Fry concurred while emphasising engagement with community.


Peter Haley questioned whether there would be external validation over the framework. Ellen McManus-Fry said process were in place internally to help with oversite. Peter Haley disagreed, worrying about the lack of external oversight.


Councillor Price welcomed the framework, wondered if funding could become available from an outside body. That residents do not suggest the funds are used for unrealistic plans. Ellen McManus-Fry agreed, assured Price that measures were being taken to inform residents of what was achievable. Ellen McManus-Fry circled back to Peter Haleys comments, stating that outside overview was provided by other local authorities.



Councillor Catherine Del Campo welcomed the Framework, looked forward to working with the forum further increasing oversight.


Supporting documents: