Agenda item

Actions Arising From Previous Minutes

To confirm the actions from the previous minutes.









Parish Councillor Louvaine Kneen to forward information to David Harding regarding the drain cover near the Jolly Gardener pub, namely the cover having Colt Telecoms written on it.


Parish Councillor Louvaine Kneen informed that she provided some photographs of the drain cover to Ben Crampin and David Harding in November 2023, stating that it did not have ‘Colt Telecoms’ labelled on it as previous thought. She speculated that there may have been some misunderstanding on which drain cover she was referring to that needed to be sealed as the drain in reference had ‘Thames Water’ labelled on it.


Parish Councillor Louvaine Kneen added that the issue was that sewage poured out of the drain when there was a high level of water.


Agreeing that there may have been a misunderstanding, David Harding suggested to arrange a joint site visit.Parish Councillor Louvaine Kneen agreed to the suggestion.



Thames Water to update Parish Councillor Ian Thompson on Thames Water’s response to the Datchet Common Brook.


David Harding believed that he had shared some details of a colleague from Thames Water who managed the reservoir to Parish Councillor Ian Thompson after the last meeting in October 2023. He believed that the next step was for Parish Councillor Ian Thompson to then contact this colleague.


Parish Councillor Ian Thompson informed that a meeting had taken place with the aforementioned colleague, James Townsend. From this meeting, the objective was for James Townsend to forward the proposals relevant to clearing the Datchet Common Brook and the discussion regarding the Flap Valve. However, he stated that he had not received any response in regard to his proposals.


David Harding said that he would chase this up with James Townsend, with the Chair recommending that Parish Councillor Ian Thompson chase this up as well.


When asked by the Chair on whether there would be any issue with him overseeing this, Ben Crampin replied that he could be brought in if it continued to fail as the Borough could help facilitate this. Ben Crampin also recommended that Parish Councillor Ian Thompson keep him posted regarding this.



A further update on weed clearance around Eton Wick in the next meeting agenda in January 2024.


Brianne Vally reported that Jeanette Wooster, the catchment co-ordinator for the area, had taken the lead in coordinating EA’s internal response. She stated that Jeanette Wooster attended a meeting in December 2023 which covered weed clearance on some fencing during closed fishing season. In addition, a Lower Thames Catchment Partnership meeting (which many EA officers were planning to attend) was scheduled on 29th February 2024 focusing on issues related to Eton Wick with a site visit by the EA alongside this.


Laura Regazzacci stated that the next focus would be the Lower Thames Catchment Partnership meeting. She informed that Eton Wicks Waterways Group (EWWG) had a meeting with the various landowners on 23rd January 2024 to plan the next season of weed clearance.


The Chair suggested to carry this action over to the next meeting.



A further meeting between EA officers, Laura Regazzacci and relevant Councillors on weed clearance and flooding issues at Eton Wick.



Ben Crampin to relay to Parish Councillor Ian Thompson on the funding for flood defences in the Borough in the last 4 years.


Ben Crampin had not had the chance to forward the information. He suggested that Parish Councillor Ian Thompson email him the next day to clarify what information he wanted in which he would then collate.



Ben Crampin to forward further updates to Parish Councillor Mandy Brar in regard to flooding issues in Burchetts Green Road and Cookham High Street. Meanwhile, Parish Councillor Mandy Brar would forward any updates on these issues to Ben Crampin.


Ben Crampin informed that this action was related to street drainage rather than necessarily to the recent flooding in January 2024. He had an on-site meeting with Councillors Brar and Howard before Christmas 2023 to discuss the issues and to inform them on where this was placed on the priority list of the Highway Drainage Capital spending. He added that he would keep them updated on any developments.


Councillor Howard confirmed that the meeting had taken place with the aforementioned issues being discussed. However, he requested for the issue surrounding Burchetts Green Road to be brought back with the added speculation that a collapsed drain was prohibiting the flow of water.


Ben Crampin confirmed that the issue at Burchetts Green Road was recorded on the priority list and believed that he understood the cause of the issue, though a response would take place once the spending capacity was available.


The Chair suggested to carry this action over to the next meeting in April 2024 as there could be more developments over the next few months. Councillor Howard agreed, stating that he had some items which he had in communication with Ben Crampin.


In regard to flooding at Cookham High Street, particularly a drain outside the Forge Motor Company, Parish CouncillorAnna-Louise Regan raised that the pavements were being redone around the turn of the financial year (circa. April/May 2024) and hoped that there was some sort of coordination whereby the area was visited at the same time.


Ben Crampin noted this and would ensure that it was coordinated, adding that Cookham High Street was an issue he had been investigating with VolkerHighways.



Ben Crampin to inform Claire Taylor on the flooding issues at Moore’s Lane, Eton Wick, and the section of the Roundmoor.


Ben Crampin and Claire Taylor were supposed to meet up in the previous week to discuss the issue, but this had been postponed due to the responsive work around the recent flooding across the Borough in early-January 2024.


Ben Crampin suggested to Claire Taylor to reschedule this meeting in the current week.



Ben Crampin and Parish Councillor Ian Thompson to arrange a conversation on the relevant flooding issues in Datchet.


While Ben Crampin and Parish Councillor Ian Thompson had met a few times to discuss some issues, Parish Councillor Ian Thompson conveyed that there were still some serious flooding issues in Datchet to discuss and that another meeting was required.


Ben Crampin suggested to message him to arrange a meeting.



Brianne Vally to forward any further updates on the installation of a new fence at Dorney Common and weed clearance around Roundmoor Ditch and Boveney stream to Councillor Devon Davies.


Brianne Vally informed that this discussion would be carried over in the Lower Thames Catchment Partnership meeting on 29th February 2024.


However, Councillor Devon Davies reported that a fence may no longer be necessary as the landowners at the meeting on 23rd January 2024 conveyed that they no longer wanted it.


The Chair suggested to carry this action over to the next meeting.



A meeting between EA officers, Ben Crampin and Datchet, Horton and Wraysbury Councillors on the Datchet to Hythe End Flood Improvement Measures


COMPLETED – A meeting was held on 16th November 2023.


Ben Crampin added that he did not attend this meeting due to being unwell at the time. Nevertheless, he confirmed a meeting occurred with James Thorpe (from RBWM), Brianne Vally and Stuart Mollard (both from the EA). The Chair confirmed that he himself and Councillors Larcombe and Grove alongside Councillor Coe were in attendance as well.


Brianne Vally added that Richard Hancock stood in for herself at this meeting due to being unavailable.



Brianne Vally to forward the contact details of the relevant officers for the River Thames Scheme to Councillors Larcombe and Ian Thompson.


COMPELTED – An email was sent on 27th October 2023 with the email address for the River Thames Scheme having recently changed:



Brianne Vally to forward the relevant details on the ownership and maintenance of bridges around the Jubilee River to Councillor Larcombe.


COMPLETED – An email was sent on 12th October 2023.


Councillor Coe to ask about the financial details concerning flood defence in the Borough.


COMPLETED – Councillor Coe reported that the situation had not changed to a large extent. The public figure of £10 million, which was promised by the previous RBWM administration after they pulled out of the River Thames Scheme, did not exist as a pot of money. It was a political pledge made by the previous administration which was reasserted by himself and Councillor Werner (Council Leader) at a Cabinet meeting.



Parish Councillor Mandy Brar to email her queries about Micro-Hydro scheme on the River Thames to Brianne Vally, who would then forward them to the relevant EA staff.


Brianne Vally shared some information in an email with Parish Councillor Mandy Brar on 7th November 2023, but did not receive a response on her specific enquiries.


Parish Councillor Mandy Brar said that she would pick this up again.



Parish Councillor Ian Thompson and David Harding to communicate with each other on the flooding issues in Datchet.


Parish Councillor Ian Thompson reported that this discussion had taken place with James Townsend (as previously mentioned); but raised that there were still serious issues with flooding defences in Datchet.


David Harding suggested that Parish Councillor Ian Thompson contact him to move this action point forward.


Parish Councillor Ian Thompson stated that he had already contacted David Harding and that the matter was moved to James Townsend, hence why he had a meeting with the latter rather than the former on the proposals to the flooding issues in Datchet. He then suggested that David Harding communicate with James Townsend to relay the information to him.



Councillor D. Davies to arrange a meeting with Thames Water and Eton Wick landowners and stakeholders in regard to the financial contribution to weed clearance.


Councillor D. Davies informed that Councillor Wilson had communicated with David Harding in regard to financial contributions from landowners. David Harding confirmed this update.


Laura Regazzacci believed that there would be further requests from landowners. She elaborated that actual cost of weed clearance along Roundmoor Ditch and Boveney stream was far greater than the suggested amount because it required two cuts: one in the early part of the year and another in early-September. At the moment, she explained, the EWWG, with the help of landowners, were searching for better quotations. After this was to be completed, the landowners would approach Thames Water.


From this, Laura Regazzacci believed that this action was incomplete.



David Harding to forward an answer on the Pipeline Project at Eton Wick to Laura Regazzacci.


David Harding believed that there was some communication between Brianne Vally and Richard Dean, followed by Brianne Vally informing that Thames Water were progressing a solution for Slough sewage treatment works that involved continuing to discharge at the current locations.


Laura Regazzacci informed that she had not heard anything about a new financial plan from Thames Water. She conveyed that she wanted to know if the case for installing a pipeline at Eton Wick was part of the programme, or whether it could be; and if so, in what context. She added that this pipeline project was nearly going to go ahead with much preparation, and that this project was a solution to the constant flooding in the summer. Being an issue high on EWWG’s agenda, Laura Regazzacci expected a constructive response.


When asked by the Chair on whether the pipeline project was an active project, David Harding replied that it was currently not part of the capital programme.



David Harding to circulate the next milestone of Thames Water’s business plan.


David Harding reported that there was no update on any local scheme. With the next milestone, an initial business plan was submitted with the response pending, though he confessed that he was unaware of what the next milestone was.


As suggested by the Chair, David Harding said he would search for the next milestone and potentially present this later on in the meeting during ‘Item 5 – Update from Thames Water’.



Ben Crampin to catch-up with Parish Councillor Ian Thompson on the contractors’ report on the Datchet Barrell Arch.


Ben Crampin had not forwarded this yet. He stated that he had been going through the details received by RBWM Flood Team and had been trying to get clarification on finalising the works before sending it through.


Ben Crampin suggested that he would bring the details he received so far to their meeting in the near future.



Emily Merritt to contact the clerks of Parish Councils in regard to the flood wardens.



Councillor Howard stated that he had not received anything on this and that Cookham’s flood warden was not involved in communication in regard to recent flooding. He then requested for the email to be resent.


Emily Merritt informed that she sent the email in November 2023 to all parish councils based on the emails in the system. She added that if any email addresses in the internal system were incorrect, then they would need to be updated.


Emily Merritt suggested that she could resend the email to all parish councils. Councillor Howard said it only needed to be resent to Cookham Parish Council rather than all parish councils, reiterating that the email was never seen at Cookham Parish Council.


The Chair suggested that this could be linked with Laurence Ellis reviewing the email list.


Parish Councillors Mandy Brar and Andrew Spillane conveyed that some changes had been made at their Parish Councils; and thus asserted the need to ensure the email list was updated. Parish Councillors Andrew Spillane then highlighted that the names in the flood plan needed to be updated.


When asked by the Chair on who would be responsible for this, Ben Crampin advised that it would be the Emergency Planning Team and suggested to Emily Merritt to share the Emergency Planning inbox, in which she shared in the Zoom inbox.



Brianne Vally to forward an update to Dick Scarff on NaFRA2 (National Flood Risk Assessment).


COMPLETED – Brianne Vally email was sent on 27th October 2023. She also offered to present more details at a subsequent meeting if people were still interested to find out more.


Ben Crampin to forward the map for the surface water drainage in Cookham to Dick Scarff.


COMPLETED – Ben Crampin had forwarded the map.


However, Dick Scarff requested for more information on surface water drainage in Cookham. Ben Crampin then suggested to pick this up after the meeting.



Ben Crampin to ensure that Councillor Larcombe was included in the county partnership meetings.


After reiterating the incorrect wording of the action, Councillor Larcombe explained that these were partnership meetings in which he represented Berkshire, North Hampshire and West Sussex. He added that these meetings had not taken place since May 2023.


Ben Crampin confirmed that these county partnership meetings had not been taking place for a while. Since the last Flood Group meeting in October 2023, he had been working to revitalise these meetings, elaborating that officers had an initial meeting before Christmas 2023 to get this restarted. He also had a meeting later in the week to discuss a potential terms of reference. From there, elected councillors would be brought together to finalise the agreement.


Ben Crampin added that he would ensure that Councillor Larcombe was included in this briefing and also have a meeting with him and Councillor Coe to get these meetings up and running.



Dick Scarff to forward the report on flood management at Battlemead Common to Ben Crampin, who would then investigate its status.


Dick Scarff had forwarded the report, adding that he was waiting for Ben Crampin and Jason Mills to respond.


Meeting presentations to be circulated to attendees after every Flood Group meeting.


COMPLETED – Meeting presentations had been circulated to Flood Group members and will continue to do so after every meeting.


Pre-meetings with the Chair, Vice-Chair and Flood Group officers to take place before each scheduled Flood Liaison Group meeting.


COMPLETED – A pre-meeting between the Flood Group Chair, Vice-Chair and officers had taken place on Tuesday 16th January 2024.


The Chair summarised that his main focus was to make Flood Liaison Group meetings more productive wherein it could feed into the Council, possibly through to the Place Overview and Scrutiny panel, as well as review the terms of reference.



(Parish Councillor Mandy Brar joined the meeting at 6:18pm)


ACTION: Laurence Ellis to review the terms of reference for Flood Liaison Group to investigate on how the meeting could be more effective, such as feeding into the Place Overview and Scrutiny panel.


Outstanding actions:


1.     David Harding to circulate the next milestone of Thames Water’s business plan.

2.     Ben Crampin to ensure that:

o   Councillors Larcombe and Coe were part of the briefings to revitalise the county partnership meetings.

o   Councillor Larcombe was included in the revitalised county partnership meetings.


Datchet Parish:

3.     David Harding and Parish Councillor Ian Thompson to chase up James Townsend on:

o   Thames Water’s response to the Datchet Common Brook and Flap Valve, with Parish Councillor Ian Thompson keeping Ben Crampin updated on the progress.

o   Flooding issues in Datchet being relayed to James Townsend.

4.     Ben Crampin to liaise with Parish Councillor Ian Thompson on:

o   The funding for flood defences in the Borough in the last 4 years.

o   The contractors’ report on the Datchet Barrell Arch.

o   Arranging a conversation on the relevant flooding issues in Datchet.


Bray Parish:

5.     Parish Councillor Louvaine Kneen and David Harding to arrange a joint site visit to the drain cover near the Jolly Gardener pub in Bray.


Eton Wick:

6.     Progress on weed clearance at Eton Wick, including:

o   Update on the Lower Thames Catchment Partnership meeting on 29th February 2024.

o   The fencing at Dorney Common, namely whether there was any preference for the installation of one from the landowners.

o   Further update on the financial contributions for weed clearance at Eton Wick from landowners.

7.     Ben Crampin to inform Claire Taylor on the flooding issues at Moore’s Lane, Eton Wick, and the section of the Roundmoor.

8.     David Harding to forward an answer on the Pipeline Project at Eton Wick to Laura Regazzacci.


Cookham Parish

9.     Flooding issues at Burchetts Green Road and Cookham High Street:

o   Ben Crampin to update on any developments at Burchetts Green Road and Cookham High Street, including a response to the drain at Burchetts Green.

o   A coordinated visit to Cookham High Street, in particular a drain outside the Forge Motor Company.

10.  Parish Councillor Mandy Brar to email her queries about the Micro-Hydro scheme on the River Thames to Brianne Vally, based on Brianne Vally’s previous email, who would then forward them to the relevant EA staff.

11.  Emily Merritt to resend the email to Cookham Parish Council on the flood wardens and update the names in the flood plan.

12.  Ben Crampin and Dick Scarff to liaise on further information regarding surface water drainage in Cookham.

13.  Ben Crampin and Jason Mills to investigate and respond to the report at Battlemead Common.

Supporting documents: