Agenda item

Early Adoption of Fees & Charges

Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Finance


To note the report and agree:


i)              To increase fees and charges detailed at Appendix A, from 1st January 2024. This includes a wide range of fees and charges, but excludes parking.


ii)             To go out to public consultation on the proposed parking fees and charges set out at Appendix B, for 21 days, ahead of proposed implementation of revised fees and charges from February 2024.


iii)           Agrees that the Executive Director of Place Services in consultation with the Leader, Cabinet Member for Finance and Cabinet member for Highways and Transport, will approve revised parking fees and charges, following the end of the consultation period and analysis of the feedback; and implement these after the mandatory 28-day notice period.


AGREED: That Cabinet noted the report and:

i)               To increase fees and charges detailed at Appendix A, from 1 January 2024. This included a wide range of fees and charges but excluded parking.

ii)             To go out to public consultation on the proposed parking fees and charges set out at Appendix B, for 21 days, ahead of proposed implementation of revised fees and charges from February 2024.

iii)            Agreed that the Executive Director of Place Services in consultation with the Leader of the Council, Cabinet Member for Finance and Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport, will approve revised parking fees and charges, following the end of the consultation period and analysis of the feedback; and implement these after the mandatory 28-day notice period.

iv)            That the headings of ‘Fixed Penalty Notice for fly tipping’ and ‘Fixed Penalty Notice for failing to produce documentation for the transfer of waste’ be removed from Appendix A, with the further remaining headings under ‘Environmental Protection’ to be reviewed, with an updated version to be published within the consultation.

v)             That the headings ‘Fixed Penalty Notice for Littering’, ‘Fixed Penalty Notice for Graffiti (New Fee)’ and ‘Civil Penalty of Littering for Vehicle (New Fee)’ under ‘Community safety / anti-social behaviour’ be removed from Appendix A and included elsewhere within the report.


Councillor Jones said that an action plan to address the financial situation of the Council had been agreed by Cabinet and subsequently at Council. One of the actions was to maximise income through fees and charges. The report before Cabinet asked to approve the rise in fees & charges as of January 2024. This would generate an additional £411,000. The shortfall of around £7 million needed to be addressed.


Councillor Jones then compared the band D Council tax amount between the borough and Bracknell Forest as being £353. The difference with Reading was £652. The Cabinet did not wish to take this course of action, but they believed that it was of the upmost importance to address the growing debt and the overspend that had been discussed previously within the meeting.


Lastly, Councillor Jones then outlined the recommendations that had been put forward to Cabinet to decide upon.


Councillor Hill said that the current Cabinet were victims of the previous administration’s handling of the Council’s finances. He secondly noted that the policy of national government was also hampering the Cabinet’s ability to manage their finances efficiently.


Councillor Reynolds said that it was very important to remember why the current administration had to take the action before them. He said that the previous administrations can kicking down the road approach was the reason for this.


Councillor Price asked for clarity on the process of the budget when it came to Councillors from the wider Council. Councillor Jones confirmed that the budget would be going to Overview & Scrutiny as usual and made a point to say that the paper before Cabinet was considered an urgent item due to the serious financial situation of the Council, hence why it had been brought forward from the main budget for consideration now. 


Councillor Price then raised a point about charges and fines for persons who were to break the law for things such as littering. Alysse Strachan, Assistant Director for Neighbourhood Services, responded by saying that central government outlined the maximum amount that can be fined, which had been discussed with the Council’s environmental enforcement contractor. The original recommendation being to not put it up to the maximum amount. The aim of the Council was to change persons behaviour and ensure that they do not commit the same offence again. The borough also received a very good repayment rate.


Councillor Price then asked about community groups and charity groups when it came to the use of parks. Councillor Reynolds said that it was vital to ensure that nobody was discouraged from using the borough’s parks. When groups filled in the form to apply to run an event in a park, there would be a discretionary section when if applied, it would suggest that persons were unable to apply to hold the event in the park, due to the cost of doing so. This was to be avoided at all costs, with the discretionary element being utilised by officers as and when forms came in, he added that officers were also getting in touch with regular known groups who make use of the parks.


Councillor Jones then requested two amendments to the recommendations that were before Cabinet. These were as followed:

i)               That the headings of ‘Fixed Penalty Notice for fly tipping’ and ‘Fixed Penalty Notice for failing to produce documentation for the transfer of waste’ be removed from Appendix A, with the further remaining headings under ‘Environmental Protection’ to be reviewed, with an updated version to be published within the consultation.

ii)              That the headings ‘Fixed Penalty Notice for Littering’, ‘Fixed Penalty Notice for Graffiti (New Fee)’ and ‘Civil Penalty of Littering for Vehicle (New Fee)’ under ‘Community safety / anti-social behaviour’ be removed from Appendix A and included elsewhere within the report.


Alysse Strachan, Assistant Director of Neighbourhood Services, said in relation to fixed penalty notices, that these were not necessarily used for financial gain, but rather to act as a deterrent for people to stop doing certain things such as littering. The maximum amount that could be used, was being pursued for this reason.



AGREED: That Cabinet noted the report and:

i)               To increase fees and charges detailed at Appendix A, from 1 January 2024. This included a wide range of fees and charges but excluded parking.

ii)             To go out to public consultation on the proposed parking fees and charges set out at Appendix B, for 21 days, ahead of proposed implementation of revised fees and charges from February 2024.

iii)            Agreed that the Executive Director of Place Services in consultation with the Leader of the Council, Cabinet Member for Finance and Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport, will approve revised parking fees and charges, following the end of the consultation period and analysis of the feedback; and implement these after the mandatory 28-day notice period.

iv)            That the headings of ‘Fixed Penalty Notice for fly tipping’ and ‘Fixed Penalty Notice for failing to produce documentation for the transfer of waste’ be removed from Appendix A, with the further remaining headings under ‘Environmental Protection’ to be reviewed, with an updated version to be published within the consultation.

v)             That the headings ‘Fixed Penalty Notice for Littering’, ‘Fixed Penalty Notice for Graffiti (New Fee)’ and ‘Civil Penalty of Littering for Vehicle (New Fee)’ under ‘Community safety / anti-social behaviour’ be removed from Appendix A and included elsewhere within the report.

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