Agenda item

Children and Young People's Partnership Action Plan

The Plan was initially considered by the Board in July 2023, this item will provide an understanding of the accompanying action plan and how the priorities of the plan are monitored.


Reporting officer:

Pauline Peters - Senior Transformation Lead – Children and Young People at NHS Frimley


Pauline Peters, Senior Transformation Lead – Children and Young People at Frimley ICB, provided a presentation on the children and young people’s partnership action plan. She highlighted the exception reports in each priority area. For ‘be healthy’, there was one medical centre which was not achieving the target for immunisation take up. Support from Frimley ICB had been offered and there had been some increase and the centre was now at 85%. Access needed to be improved for mental health services for children in care and vulnerable care leavers. An application had been made for funding from the Better Care Fund which had been successful. For ‘be safe’, there were three streams currently rated green. ‘Be skilled’ had a couple of areas of exception reports which were around improving childhood development at two years old and providing high quality support mainstream provision for most children with SEND. On ‘financially secure’, exception reporting was based around improving outcomes for children leaving care. The final priority was ‘be heard’, all workstreams in this area were progressing well and there was no exception reporting.


The Chair thanked Pauline Peters for the presentation and the depth of the report.


Lin Ferguson, Executive Director of Children’s Services and Education, said that she chaired the children and young people’s strategic partnership and thanked Pauline Peters for her work on the children’s plan. The exception reporting helped to identify area where improvements were needed but the dashboard also showed areas of good progress. The SEND strategy was a partnership strategy and not just delivered by Achieving for Children.


Huw Thomas, Place based Clinical Lead for Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead, said that there could be further opportunities to feed into the ‘be heard’ workstream as the ICB children and young people’s board were interest in speaking to young people. On the immunisation target, he asked if there was any learning from the case of the GP which had been off target on immunisation rates.


Pauline Peters responded that learning and good practise could be provided and shared with the Board. There was a system wide youth board in place for the ‘be heard’ workstream but work had been prohibited due to internal restructuring in the ICB.


ACTION – Pauline Peters to share best practise and learning from the exception reporting on the immunisation rates target.


The Chair asked if this best practise was shared with other GP surgeries.


Pauline Peters confirmed that there was a monthly meeting where this could be shared.


Kevin McDaniel, Executive Director of Adult Services, Health and Communities, asked if there was shared learning which was also applicable to adult services, in regards to mental health.


Pauline Peters felt that shared learning would be useful around transition from children’s services to adult services. A transition pack had been produced which could be shared.


ACTION – Pauline Peters to share the Berkshire Healthcare Foundation Trust transition pack with the Board.


The Chair noted the reference to funding being received from the Better Care Fund but there had been a number of references across different workstreams.


Pauline Peters clarified that it was around access to services for children who had complex needs, the funding would allow the wellbeing team to increase in size and resource.


The Chair commented on the recognition of children who were neurodiverse but had not been diagnosed and it was good to see that this need had been considered. She asked what support the Health and Wellbeing Board could give.


Pauline Peters said that questions, suggestions and challenges from members of the Board were really useful.


Lin Ferguson added that the Board could help ensure there were seamless and integrated services.