Agenda item

Overview and Scrutiny Co-Optees

To approve the appointment of the co-opted representatives to the Place and People Overview and Scrutiny Panel until May 2027.


The meeting considered the report recommending the appointment of co-opted representatives to the Place and People Overview and Scrutiny Panel.


Councillor Taylor, Chair of People Overview and Scrutiny Panel explained that the People Panel had the ability to appoint a number of individuals as co-opted members to give the Panel a wide range of viewpoints, knowledge and experience. The People Overview and Scrutiny Panel were seeking to appoint a representative from Church of England diocese, the Roman Catholic diocese, two parent Governor Representatives which one representing the primary phase and one to represent the secondary phase and finally one representative from the Regional Schools commissioner. She explained that the two religious representatives agreed to remain on the panel for a new term. All parent governors were contacted and made aware of the positions available and nominations were received. After discussing with both individuals interested in the primary parent government position one agreed to be representative the other was happy to be a substitute. Mark Jarvis had previously served on the Panel as a Parent Governor and had expressed an interest in remaining. He has a new role as the Chair of Trustees for the Pioneer Educational Trust, which includes RBWM schools such as Desborough College and Trevelyan Middle School, and therefore the Panel have recommended he was also appointed on the Panel as the Regional Schools Commission representative.


Councillor Martin, Chair of Place Overview and Scrutiny Panel explained that the Place Panel similarly were able to appoint two Parish Councillors with one representing the northern parishes and one representing the southern parishes. All Parish councils were made aware of the positions available and nominations were received. Two nominations were received from the southern parishes however one nomination was received after the deadline and therefore this nomination was recommended to be the substitute representative.


The report had been considered and recommended by both the People and Place Overview and Scrutiny Panels. Councillor Martin moved the recommendations as listed in the report and this was seconded by Councillor Taylor.


Councillor Hunt commented that the Council was very lucky to have people who wanted to volunteer and reflected that those that had volunteered before had been excellent.


On the proposition of Councillor Martin, Chair of Place Overview and Scrutiny Panel and seconded by Councillor Taylor it was


RESOLVED unanimously that


i)               the report be noted;


ii)             the appointment of the following representatives be made to the Place Overview and Scrutiny Panel until May 2027:

·       Louvaine Kneen as the Parish Councillor representing the Northern Parishes

·       Roly Latif and David Sanders (sub) as the Parish Councillors representing the Southern Parishes; and


iii)            the appointment of the following representatives be made to the People Overview and Scrutiny Panel until May 2027:

·       Tony Wilson as the Church of England diocese representative

·       Catherine Hobbs as the Roman Catholic diocese representative

·       Poornima Karunacadacharan and David Hicks (sub) as the primary parent governor representatives

·       Noel Wood as the secondary parent governor representative

·       Mark Jervis as an additional co-optee on the Panel.

Supporting documents: