Agenda item

Any other business

To discuss any other items of business.


The Chair spoke of how Sharon Bunce brought up a question about individuals with learning disabilities not being represented in the latest electoral registration campaigns. The Chair noted that this was something Channel 4 News had picked up on and ran a short film which was very good. The Chair noted that Sharon Bunce was asking what RBWM does to reach out to these individuals. The Chair also noted that Victoria Holt, Community Development Manager, said she would share this with different groups and suggested that Ellen McManus-Fry could liaise on this.


Ellen McManus-Fry wished to raise two additional matters for discussion. Firstly, a consultation had been launched by Achieving for Children regarding new provisions for children with special educational needs. This consultation, open until April 26th, focused on proposals for new facilities and could be accessed on the council website or through AfC's website. Secondly, a resident raised concerns about signage related to blue badge holders in Vicus Way, particularly regarding exemptions from parking fees. In response, new signage had been installed in the car park, but concerns remained about its clarity, prompting discussion at the Forum to gather opinions.


Ellen McManus-Fry showed the Forum the new sign, which was positioned on the pedestrian ramp exiting the car park near the Ringo sign. Its purpose was to clarify that blue badge holders parking in the car park were exempt from paying via the Ringo app. Concerns were raised about the length of the wording and clarity regarding the exemption for all blue badge holders, not just those issued by RBWM. Feedback from Forum members was sought to assess whether the signage was sufficient or required further clarification.


Lisa Hughes noted that the new sign differed in appearance from other signs indicating free parking for blue badge holders and raised concerns about its placement, as well as the readability of the font. Lisa Hughes suggested that the sign may not be easily readable and offered to provide a picture from another location with clearer signage for comparison. Ellen McManus-Fry said she would look at the sign herself and check back with parking colleagues.


Dominic Manley mentioned that about a year ago, the group gathered in Windsor for the launch of the Access Able Guide for Windsor. At that time, it was planned that the Maidenhead guide would be completed in 2023 and requested to receive an update on the progress of this guide at the next meeting.


Peter Haley suggested that having a sign near each parking payment machine may be more effective at Vicus Way carpark. He explained this would ensure that drivers are informed about the exemption from parking fees before reaching the exit point and emphasised that placing signage at the payment machines could be more proactive in communicating the information to drivers. Ellen McManus-Fry confirmed she would take the feedback to parking colleagues.


Councillor Price raised concerns about the Forum's effectiveness in translating discussions into actionable outcomes to improve accessibility and inclusion for people with disabilities. Councillor Price continued that despite efforts to enhance the Forum's operations, such as requesting advance papers and introducing relevant topics, progress had been limited. Councillor Price suggested a revaluation of the Forum's structure and approach to better serve residents and promote equality.


Peter Haley expressed frustration with the recurring nature of discussions in the Forum and the lack of tangible progress. He raised concerns about the absence of paperwork and limited follow-up on proposed actions, noting that behind the committed participants are thousands of individuals relying on them to advocate for their causes. Peter Haley emphasised the feeling of being ignored rather than receiving outright rejection as particularly frustrating and expressed a desire for constructive feedback and collaborative action to address these issues effectively.


Dominic Manley pointed out that in the past, the forum had the attention of the CEO of the RBWM Property Company, who used to attend meetings and provide updates in person. Dominic Manley argued that it illustrated how their inability to engage with key individuals was impeding progress. Dominic Manley also mentioned Neil Walter, Parking and Enforcement Manager, used to attend regularly.


Lisa Hughes said that despite efforts to improve engagement by holding additional meetings and requesting written reports, they had faced challenges in involving senior officers. Instead, they often interacted with junior or mid-tier officers who may lack the authority to drive change. Lisa Hughes noted they had scheduled a meeting next week to discuss parking with councillors and officers as there was still room for improvement. Lisa Hughes asked if anyone believed they could contribute more effectively to engagement than the Chair and themselves, they would welcome their input.


Peter Haley built on Lisa Hughes’ remarks, saying he liked to add that the officers he had spoken to outside of the forum demonstrated integrity and goodwill. However, they lacked the influence to drive change. Despite assurances of follow-up and constant questioning, there was a sense of silence in the response. Peter Haley reflected on the minutes of the last meeting and was incredulous at how much was missed, particularly upon reviewing the meeting again on YouTube.


Dominic Manley wanted to acknowledge the tremendous amount of work both the Chair and Lisa Hughes did and was not directing any criticism toward them. He also noted that the presence of the Councillor Werner at the last meeting in December seemed promising and asked if was feasible to attempt to directly engage with top members for a discussion and to explain frustrations.


The Chair said that whilst good intentions and meetings were valuable, what truly needed were decisions and that they would do their best to push for action and see what progress could be made. Dominic Manley said It seemed there was positive interest from Councillor Werner in receiving feedback and if he could then share it from the top down, alleviating the need for the forum to push upward from the bottom.


Ellen McManus-Fry said she appreciated the feedback regarding the agenda and the need to push certain issues forward. They had begun scheduling meetings earlier to set the agenda, allowing more time for preparation. Ellen McManus-Fry said obtaining written reports ahead of time remained a priority and was optimistic about seeing improvement on the next agenda. Additionally, Ellen McManus-Fry noted that Councillor Reynolds had recently taken on responsibilities for equality matters, and she planned to have regular meetings with him to discuss the Forum's concerns. Noting it could be a valuable mechanism for enhancing engagement and decision-making within the Forum.


The Chair emphasised the crucial role of the Forum, which had been active for many years. The topics discussed were fundamental and carried significant importance, as they advocated for inclusion for people with disabilities in the borough. The Chair said it was imperative that they made their voices heard and drive decisions on these vital matters, which had been ongoing for months and must strive to find answers to their recurring questions during each meeting.


Peter Haley shared a quick update that he had attended a recent cabinet meeting focused on the budget and was allotted three minutes to speak and said whilst the councillors were sympathetic, he didn't receive responses to his questions, leaving him no further forward. Despite assurances from Councillor Werner that they were heard, there had not been any action taken yet. 


Councillor Price believed suggestion of a meeting with Councillor Werner was excellent. However, would strongly recommend requesting a joint meeting with the chief executive as well. This would encompass both the political and officer sides, ultimately aiming for a discussion at the highest level.


The Chair closed the meeting, noting that they would be unable to attend the next meeting in June, and that Lisa Hughes would be chairing the meeting.