Agenda item

Regional School Commissioner

To receive a short presentation on Academy school performance.


The Panel were informed that the Regional School Commissioner had given his apologies as he had to priorities other areas that required more improvement.  That said he had been given a seat on this Panel as it was important that he retained focus on our schools.


The Panel were shown two slides that showed the performance of primary and secondary academies.


With regards to primaries performance was as follows:


·         Datchet St Marys – Requires Improvement.

·         Knowl Hill – Good

·         Lowbrook – Outstanding

·         St Francia – Outstanding

·         St Lukes – Good

·         St Marys – Good

·         St Peters (Middle) – Inadequate

·         White Waltham – Outstanding

·         Burchets Green – Outstanding

·         Eton Porny – Requires Improvement



The Panel were informed that with regards to St Peters Middle the judgeent was when it was a maintained school and had not been judged as an acadamy.  There was a strong leadership appointment joining the school.


With regards to secondary acadamies perf romance was noted as:


·         Alttwood – Requires Improvement.

·         Charters – Outstanding.

·         Cox Green – Good.

·         Desborough – Good

·         Furze Platt – Requires Improvement.

·         Newlands – Good.

·         Windsor Boys – Requires Improvement.

·         Windsor Girls – Outstanding.


The Panel were informed that the LEA continued to collaberate with the acadamy schools apart from Altwood who although the LEA continued to have concerns they were not responsive to offers of help.  If the Commisioner had attended one of the questions to be asked would have been how he planned to imrove outcomes at Altwood.


The Chairman questioned the staffing levels of the Commissioner and schools covred and was informed that he was responsible for about 800 schools in the South East, North Londaon and parts of the Midlands.  The Commissioner had eight / nine staff whose role was not school improvement but to challenge trusts that they have improvement plans in place.   The LEA had offered Altwood officer support.


Cllr Bicknell reported that even if the Commissioner agreed that Altwood was not achieving then all they would do was to go back to the trsutees and therefore it was difficult for the LEA to effect change.  Cllr Jones raised concern that even though the Commissioners were responsible for Acadamies the public still looked towards the Council when things were not improvong.

Mr Louden reported that if acadimisation went ahead then there needed to be focus given to primary schools; especialy their financies.  It was disapointing that the Commissioner had not attended to answer questions.


Cllr E Willson mentioned that if the Commissioner had attended he would have asked questions about financing acadamy conversion.  Schools were given £25k toward aiding conversion but the LEA also incured costs on areas such as legal fees and consultation costs.  He raised concern about the amout of money needed for conversion that should be going towards childrens education.


Cllr E Willson asked if officers could ask the Commissioner how many schools received the School Improvement Grant and how many could benefit form the grant.  The Chairman also aksed for him to say what his department would be doing about improving Altwood and what dialouge there had been with the school. 


With regards to future acadimisation Mrs Brown mentioned that there was a need to talk about accountability and that there was little evidence that MAT’s were succesfull.


Cllr Hollingsworth informed that he had discussed Altwoods situation with two previous governors who had informed him that they had resigned as governors at the school as they could not force improvement. 


(Cllr McWilliams joined the meeting)


The Managing Director informed the Panel that there may resourse to help conversion to acadamies but this would not cover the whole cost.  It was noted that the land could be transferred to the DFE rather then the trust.  The LEA would be making strong representation that accadamies must provide sufficient spaces for children to be provided with a high quality education.  The DFE would have to look at the mixed quality of MAT’s and the LEA would continue to offer challenge to poor performance.  Offciers were looking at MATs and other opportunities for secondary schools to offer joint working with primary trusts.  The Panel would have an oportunity to discuss the white paper when appropriate.