Agenda item

Operations and Customer Services Business Plan

To consider the report.


Simon Fletcher, Strategic Director of Operations and Customer Services, introduced the report that provided a refreshed 2015/16 - 2018/19 Operations and Customer

Services Directorate Business Plan, setting out the purpose, structure and cost

of services within the directorate and the key improvement outputs agreed with

Lead Members for each service area over the next three years.  The report also provided outturn performance for 2015/16.


The Panel were informed that there have been a number of changes to the Directorate during 2015/16 and these were reflected in the refreshed Business Plan.

As part of the Senior Leadership Restructure which took place in January 2016, the name of the Directorate changed from Operations to Operations & Customer Services. This restructure also saw the Libraries, Arts and Heritage Service move to our Directorate.  Contracts and Commissioning and Business Transformation had been removed as distinct services and this resulted in a reduction of heads of service from 8 to 5.


Section 2.4 of the report showed how the Directorate continuously

reviewed their performance against targets and used this information to set challenging targets to drive performance.  The report provided examples of these stretched targets.


Cllr Smith reported that it was a well written document that was easy to read.  It was good to see the customer focus and challenging targets being set.


Cllr Wilson said he would like to see all Directorates producing similar reports and asked if officers were aware of their responsibilities in meeting the objectives in the plan.  The Panel were informed that the Plan was communicated to officers and there were named officers with responsibilities for meeting the targets / outcomes.  Manifesto commitments had also been incorporated. 


Cllr Smith reported that Members had the responsibility to promote and challenge the Plan as the services came into direct contact with our residents. 


Cllr Rankin mentioned that with regards to KO2 Deliver a cost neutral mechanism for issuing Penalty Charge he would not like to see over zealous charges to meet a target.  The Panel were informed that you could not set a target for penalty charges but we could look at the cost per transaction.  One year ago the cost of issuing PCN was £50, the challenge was to increase public awareness to decrease the need to issue notices as well as decreasing the cost of issuing notices.


Cllr E Wilson reported that Members received complaints about dog fouling and there needed to be Member challenge when producing such reports to help identify issues that were important to our residents.


Cllr Carrol questioned if the digital transaction targets were realistic given the low base and was informed that if we got the processes for the right services then it was expected to see an increased uptake. It was agreed that it would be challenging.


Cllr Smith said that on page 11 paragraph 3.2 the word ‘out’ should be removed from ‘continue to drive out efficiencies’ and that the structure chart on page 13 should ready the Leader and other elected Members.  Cllr Smith also mentioned that whilst looking at sickness levels the report mentions the importance of our staff but there is little mention of staff within the report.


With regards to sickness levels Cllr E Wilson felt that the report should show the number of incidents of sickness and the number of long term sickness levels.  The Panel were informed that long term sickness had increased and offciers were looking at reducing sickness levels.


Cllr Smith asked if KO8 10% reduction in the cost of waste collection and

Disposal was achievable and was informed that this would be achieved by increasing recycling and driving down costs.


Cllr E Wilson asked if it was true that the Council offered a free garden waste collection on a Saturday and was informed that this was a legacy that was not promoted, about 3,000 residents used the service at a cost of about £50k per year.


The Panel considered corporate complaints and although it was important to reduce the level of complaints it was equally valuable as a way of learning how we were doing.  It was expected that there would be an increase in complaints as we made it easier to complain and if there were common issues arising from multiple complaints. 


Cllr Smith questioned if the highway satisfaction output could be achieved given the budget pressure from the Stafferton Link road and was informed that this would be a challenging target due to a back log of work, however the budget remained the same as the Stafferton pressure was being funded from other budget streams.


Cllr E Wilson questioned why only 700 children had been targeted for road safety education and was informed that there was limited resources and thus the right age groups were being targeted.


Cllr E Wilson also mentioned that with the review of local parking schemes being undertaken better use of local Members should be considered and that local ward Members should be contacted at the start of the process.


Resolved unanimously: That the Audit and Performance Panel reviewed and noted the objectives and in particular Key Outputs of the refreshed 2015/16 – 2018/19 Operations Directorate .Business Plan and noted Q4 perfromance.

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