Agenda item

The Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy (JHWS) - Working on our priority areas 2016-2020 (15 minutes)

To receive the above presentation from Catherine Mullins.


·         Approval of Strategy

·         Approval of Communications Plan



Catherine Mullins gave a presentation on the refresh of the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2016-2020 and provided legislative background to the strategy highlighting the need for it to be produced in partnership between Clinical Commissioning Groups and local authorities.


The Board were informed that the first strategy was introduced in October 2013 and ran until March 2016.  The strategy had been based on extensive consultation and some of the key achievements shown in the presentation were supporting 866 people to stop smoking, reducing falls in the elderly by over 10% and that there had been 1,137 interventions to prevent homelessness.


For the refresh it had to be seen in a changing policy context and the impact of the local and national spending review.   There was a focus on the integration of health and social care to help meet the changing demographics and need whist providing savings with reduced funding.


The Board were informed that whilst undertaking the refresh evidence had shown that there had been no significant change in need in the area and thus the current themes were still relevant.  Any additional requirements found in the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment were reflected in the refreshed strategy and there had been extra focus given to empowering residents.


The presentation highlighted the strategies framework that contained the three themes from the previous strategy but with changes to the priorities.  The themes and priorities had been developed with residents and to enable the strategy to help focus resources on better outcomes.  The strategy showed the commitments being made to residents and also the contribution they could make.


The communication plan for the strategy and the Board were also shown, this included highlighting some of the key messages about self care and how to access the right services.  There was a need to focus and take advantage of social media to get the message across and if agreed there would be a special section in ‘Around the Royal Borough’ informing of the work being undertaken by the Board and the Strategy.  There were also other opportunities for partners to take advantage of national and local campaigns and the use of local newsletters such as those produced by housing associations.  


The Chairman asked if the Board if the approved the refresh and during discussion the following points were raised:


·         It was felt that the some of the language used for resident’s responsibilities was too passive and it was agreed to make it more active.

·         It was important to put into peoples’ minds what the actions meant for them; looking after your own health and public participation.

·         It was agreed to add a link between the CCG and RBWM websites and to look at utilising digital media for example using a short video explaining what the strategy was about.

·         It was agreed to try and take the Boards meeting into the public domain by holding meetings in a variety of locations such as schools, colleagues or community halls.  A variety of stalls, publicity boards could be used and invite groups such as students to participate.

·         It was agreed to see if there would be any interest from students in producing a ‘young persons’ version of the strategy.

Resolved unanimously:  that the Board:

·         Approved the refreshed Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy subject to the changes approved at this meeting.

·         Approved the outlined communication strategy and approved the development of a calendar of events.

·         Agreed to use the strategy to drive the business of the Board with regular updates and focus being given at meetings on an individual theme / priority.


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